Install InfyHMS-SaaS Mobile Application


The infyHMS app is a patient and doctor side app for both Android and iOS platforms, giving developers direct integration functionality. This HMS app is useful for both patients and doctors.


  • Developer in Flutter(3.3.9) + GetX + Route Management
  • Supported Device : Android and iOS
  • Code Structured : Folder Structured
  • Assign App logo
  • Upload and Download file
  • Some assets are included
  • Pull to refresh functionality implement
  • Easy to customize
  • Documentation included

Patients Specifications:

  • Patient can Schedule Appointments
  • Patient can Schedule Live Consultations
  • Patient can Check Prescriptions
  • Patient can see their hospital admissions details
  • Patient can Upload Documents
  • Patient can see his hospital cases

Doctors Specifications:

  • Doctor can manage Bed assign and see Bed status
  • Doctor can see List of Appointments
  • Doctor can Schedule Live Consultations
  • Doctor can see List of Prescriptions
  • Doctor can see Reports
  • Doctor can Upload Documents
  • Doctor can see his hospital cases

Welcome screens

Welcome screen

Auth screen

Auth screen

Appointment screen

Appointment screen

Document screen

Document screen

Live Consultations screen

Live Consultations screen

Prescription screen

Prescription screen

Bed Management screen

Bed Management screen

Bed Status screen

Bed Status screen

Reports screen

Reports screen

Getting started

After you download you can get in you can see Documentation and you can extract all files in folder this,How to open project InfyHMS flutter app in your pc or laptop :

  1. You can extract file rar and get infyHMS App template
  2. If you not yet install Flutter plugin for Android studio: Install from here if you done install flutter skip this step
  3. Open Android Studio or Visual Studio
  4. Open infyHMS App by using one of below methods:
getting started screen 1


getting started screen 2

How to Clean Code

After you open this flutter template file: if your code messy like this :


You can follow these tips in android studio for windows user to change the code to clean

  1. CTRL + a (after that)

  2. CTRL + Shift + -

Code Clean

I hope that can help you

if your code messy like this :


You can follow these tips for visual studio to change the code to clean

Fold folds the innermost uncollapsed region at the cursor:

  1. Ctrl + Shift + [ on Windows and Linux

  2. ⌥ + ⌘ + [ on macOS

Unfold unfolds the collapsed region at the cursor:

  1. Ctrl + Shift + ] on Windows and Linux

  2. ⌥ + ⌘ + ] on macOS

Fold All folds all regions in the editor:

  1. Ctrl + K, Ctrl + 0 (zero) on Windows and Linux

  2. ⌘ + K, ⌘ + 0 (zero) on macOS

Unfold All unfolds all regions in the editor:

  1. Ctrl + K, Ctrl + J on Windows and Linux

  2. ⌘ + K, ⌘ + J on macOS


Config your AndroidManifest.xml file.


Config your info.plist file.

To ensure proper functionality of deep links, follow these steps:

  • Ensure the host name in AndroidManifest.xml matches the CFBundleURLName in Info.plist for iOS. deeplink-web

  • Verify that the domain name (i.e: "") used in your web code (at "app/Http/Controllers/API/AuthAPIController.php") is consistent with these values.

  • If changes are made to the Android host name, ensure to update it across all relevant files and configurations.

Code Structured

In folder InfyHMS template you can see some folder flutter project, dont worry about all sub folder project in flutter, if you can see folder lib it is place for code .dart in flutter project, in folder lib have eight folder :


Code Structure

Image for list item folder

Screen folder use for storage file to save data a list

  • HomeScreen folder to place part of the home screen design.

  • Bed assign screen should display bed assign for patient

  • Bed Status screen shows bed status.

  • Live Consultations screen display live meeting

  • Reports screen display all reports if patient

  • Schedule screen display of doctors time



image for assets item folder

  • Image folder for saving all images

  • Font folder for saving all fonts



image puspec.yaml this theme

Pub packages that are shared with others also need to provide some other information so users can discover them. Every package needs a name. It's how other packages refer to yours, and how it appears to the world, should you publish it. In puspec.yaml you can write your location image after you adding to apps, and you can custom font from external apps dont worry it is very easy to use custom font.

App Build Process

To build your Flutter application for both Android and iOS platforms, follow these steps:

  1. Android

    1. Generate an Android APK: Run the following command in your terminal: flutter build apk

      This command compiles your Flutter app's source code into an APK file for Android.

    1. Locate the Android APK: Once the build process is complete, you can find the generated APK file in the build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/ directory of your Flutter project.

    2. Test the Android APK: Before distributing your Android app, it's essential to test it thoroughly. Install the APK on an Android device or emulator to ensure that all features are functioning correctly.

  2. iOS

    1. Generate an iOS build: Run the following command in your terminal: flutter build ios

      This command compiles your Flutter app's source code into an iOS build.

    1. Locate the iOS build: Once the build process is complete, you can find the generated iOS build in the build/ios/ directory of your Flutter project.

    2. Test the iOS build: Before distributing your iOS app, it's essential to test it thoroughly. Install the app on an iOS device or simulator to ensure that all features are functioning correctly.

    3. Prepare for distribution: To distribute your iOS app, you need to sign it with a valid Apple Developer account and create the necessary provisioning profiles. Follow the instructions in the Flutter documentation for detailed guidance on code signing and distribution.

If you prefer visual guidance, you can watch this tutorial video:

Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this InfyHMS-SaaS App. As I said at the beginning, I'd be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this code. If you have a more general question to may email

InfyOm Technologies