
  • InfyVcards-SaaS is Multi user Digital Business Card builder system, which allow many users to create their business digital card with lot's of information and they can share it with their customers.

Super Admin Section :-

Go to the website URL : https://yourdomain/login or
Enter the following credentials:

Login screen

Super Admin Panel consists 16 modules listed below :

Plan Section:

Go to the "Plans" module and click click top to the right button “New Plan”.


Note: The default plan does not show on the home page.

Open the “New Plan” Page and follow this field details and name.

  • Name of the plan, its frequency (duration of the plan), multiple currencies (USD, EOR, INR, etc.), price of the plan, cost of how many VCards the user can create in this plan, trial day and how much storage the user can use in this plan is (its storage is in MB).
  • Work of frequency and trial days: When the user purchases a plan and payment successfully that time works frequency, otherwise the trial days will be used.

New plan form

  • After that select how many Vcard templates the user wants to use for this plan.

New patient

  • After that select features for VCard.

New case

User Section:

  • Go to Sell “User”.
  • It will show a list of all users.
  • If you want to login the user then clicking on “IMPERSONATE” button will login that user is the new features


NFC Section:

  • Go to Sell “NFC Cards” >> “Add NFC Card”
  • If you are using an NFC card for the first time and you don't know then click on the "How It Works?" button and follow its guidelines.


  • After that, you click "Add NFC Card" and add the NFC Card name, price, description and image of the NFC Card and then your NFC Card will be created which the card user can use and purchase.


  • Go to Sell “NFC Cards” >> “NFC Card Orders” section
  • In the NFC Card Orders section, the user will be shown a list of purchases in which NFC Card Status and Payment Status will be displayed.

“NFC Card Orders

  • After that go to “vCard Templates”.
  • The vCard Templates section contains a list of static vCard Templates created.

Doctor break

  • Then you click on vcard1.

New appointment

  • Then you will see a template of vcard1.

appointment transaction

Cash Payment Section:

  • In the cash payment section, you will be shown a list of users who have manually purchased the plan and in the status row, you can also approve and reject their payment.


Subscribed Plans Section:

  • In the subscribed plans section you can see the list of plans purchased by the user and the name of the purchased plan and the duration of the user's plan such as start date and end date.


Affiliations Section:

  • Go to “Affiliations” >> “Affiliate User”.
  • In the Affiliate Users section, there is a list of affiliates by username and the value of the affiliate amount earned by that user.


  • Go to “Affiliations” >> “Affiliation Transaction”.
  • Affiliation Transactions section shows the list of transactions and can approve and reject statuses of transactions.


Withdraw Section:

  • Go to “Withdrawals” >> “Withdraw Transaction”.
  • Shows the list of transactions for which the user has withdrawn the affiliation amount.


Currencies Section:

  • Go to “Currencies”.
  • VCard has a list of all the Currencies supported (like all the Currencies are supported).


Countries Section:

  • Go to “Countries” >> “Countries”.
  • The countries section has a list of all countries.
  • And if you want to add Go to “Countries” >> “Countries” >> click “New Country”.


  • If you want to add another country and it is not in the list, then you can save and add it by entering the name of the country, shortcode and phone code.


  • Go to “Countries” >> “States”.
  • And if you want to add Go to “Countries” >> “States” >> click “New State”.


  • If you want to add another state and it is not in the list, then you can add it by selecting the name of the state and which country it is in.


  • Go to “Countries” >> “Cities”.
  • And if you want to add Go to “Countries” >> “Cities” >> click “New City”.


  • If you want to add another city and it is not on the list, then you can add it by selecting the name of the city and the state in which it is located.


Coupon Codes Section:

  • Go to “Coupon Codes”.
  • In the Coupon Codes section, there is a section for the user to add a coupon code in which when the user uses the Coupon Code while purchasing the plan, he gets the discount as much as the Coupon Code.


  • Go to “Coupon Codes” >> click “Add Coupon Code”.
  • After clicking on Add Coupon Code button, select Coupon Name, Coupon Type, Coupon Discount, Expiry date of Coupon Code, Coupon Usage Limit and then select its Status like On or Off.


Send Mail Section:

  • Go to “Send Mail”.
  • In the Send Mail section, there is a section for you to send mail to me and any other mail that you have subscribed to in the VCard.


Front CMS Section:

  • Go to “Front CMS” >> “Front CMS”.
  • You can add or change Banner Image, Title, Sub Text and Extra Scripts in Front CMS.


  • The change will be done on the dashboard (main page) in the image below.

front-cms 1

  • Go to “Front CMS” >> “Subscribers”.
  • In the Subscribers section, the list of users who have the Subscribe function in the VCard will be shown.


  • Go to “Front CMS” >> “Features”.
  • Features Section You can edit the Features in your way.


  • The changes function in the Features section will be seen in the dashboard (main page) like the image below.


  • Go to “Front CMS” >> “About Us”.
  • In the About Us section, you can change the image, title and description in your way.


  • The dashboard (main page) will have the changes function in the About Us section as shown in the below image.


  • Go to “Front CMS” >> “Testimonials”.
  • In the Testimonials section you can add the Testimonial name, description and its image in your way.


  • The dashboard (main page) will have the changes function in the Testimonials section as shown in the below image.


  • Go to “Front CMS” >> “FAQ”.
  • You can add your own totals and descriptions in the FAQ section.


  • The dashboard (main page) that will contain the changes function in the FAQ section will be seen in the image below.

faq 1

  • Go to “Front CMS” >> “Inquiries”.
  • In the Inquiries section, the list of Inquiries that the user has placed in the dashboard (main page) is shown.


  • Go to “Front CMS” >> “Theme Configuration”.
  • In Theme Configuration, you can use 2 themes which can be seen on the Change Dashboard (Main Page).


  • Go to “Front CMS” >> “Banner”.
  • In the Banner section, you can customize it and choose whether to show it or not.


  • The dashboard (main page) will have the function of changes in the banner section as shown in the image below.


  • Go to “Front CMS” >> “App Download URL”.
  • You can add your app link in the App Download URL.


  • The dashboard (main page) will have the function of changes in the App Download URL section as shown in the image below.


Settings Section:

  • Go to “Settings” >> “General”.
  • In the General section, you can change the settings in your own way, such as the name of the app, email and address, etc.


  • Go to “Settings” >> “Terms & Conditions”.
  • You can add your terms and conditions in the terms and conditions section.


  • Go to “Settings” >> “Google Configuration”.
  • You can add your SEO in the google configuration section.


  • Go to “Settings” >> “Payment Configuration”.
  • You can add your Strip, Paypal, Razorpay, Paystack, Flutterwave, Phonpe and Maully to the payment configuration section.


  • Go to “Settings” >> “HomePage Setting”.
  • In the home page setting section you can change your way and its changes will be found in the dashboard (main page) and some other things for the user.


User Panel:-

Go to the website URL : https://yourdomain/login or
Enter the following credentials:

Login screen

User Panel consists 9 modules listed below :

  1. Vcards: You can create your VCard in VCards section and its list is shown.
  2. Inquiries: A list of Inquiries coming from VCards is shown.
  3. Appointments: A list of appointments coming from VCards is shown.
  4. Product Orders: VCards shows a list of the products you have put up for sale and the orders received.
  5. Virtual background: In the Virtual Background section you can create your own virtual card.
  6. Affiliation: In the Affiliations section you will find a link of Affiliation from which you can create a new user under you so that you can see the list of Affiliation amount.
  7. My NFC Cards: In My NFC Cards section you can create your NFC cards from the cards added by super admin and place orders.
  8. Storage: In the Storage section, the user will show the amount of storage that has been used and a list of where the storage has been used.
  9. Settings: In the Settings section you can add your payment credentials and the PWA image.

User dashboard screen

Here, manage super admin profiles efficiently. Super admin can update their profiles, change passwords, and even switch language preferences seamlessly. When finished, they can log out securely, ensuring smooth navigation and personalized experiences.


The user can purchase the plan from here and can manage the plan from there


Vcards Section:

  • Go to “Vcards”.
  • Click the button “New Vcard”.
  • Fill in these details then click the “Save” button.


  • Then Fill in these details then click the “Save” button.


  • Then select the template you like and click on the “Save” button.


  • Then click on the “Back” button and come to the page with the list of cards.


  • Then click on the PREVIEW URL and you will see your VCard.


Inquiries Section:

  • Go to “Inquiries”.
  • In the Inquiries section, the list of those who filled and send the Inquiries form is shown in the VCard you have created.


Appointments Section:

  • Go to “Appointments”.
  • In the appointments section, the list of appointments booked in the VCard you have created is shown and you can approve their payment.


Products Orders Section:

  • Go to “Products Orders”.
  • In the Products Orders section, the VCard you have created shows the list of orders for the products you have put up for sale and you can approve their payment.


Virtual Backgrounds Section:

  • Go to “Virtual Backgrounds”.
  • In the Virtual Backgrounds section, you can create your Virtual Card in it.
  • First select your favourite card.


  • Then fill in the details of this form, but if you see that a VCard has been created for it, then you select that card in the VCard Name in this form and save it, then the virtual card will be downloaded to you.


Affiliations Section:

  • Go to “Affiliations”.
  • In the affiliate section, you can get the affiliate amount by sending an invitation link or link to other users, but for that, when the affiliate user first register and purchases a plan, you will get the affiliate amount and also super admin "FIX AMOUNT OR PERCENTAGE" Value will be available from selected.


My NFC Orders Section:

  • Go to “My NFC Orders”.
  • In the NFC section, you can create your own NFC card, but Super Admin can create it from the NFC card that is the main selling point.


  • And if you don't know how an NFC card works, "How It works?" Click on the button.


  • Then you create NFC card and click on "Order NFC" button if you want to order.


  • Then click on the NFC card you like.

Login screen

  • Then if you want to create more than 1 NFC card, do so and click on “Buy Now” button.


  • Then fill the details of NFC card form but VCard should be created for it and also in payment option you can select and create in your own way.

buy now nfc card details

Storage Section:

  • Go to “Storage”.
  • In the Storage section, the details of the amount of storage used by the user for the image will be shown and the details of the space used by the user will also be shown, but it is based on how much storage has been used in the plan.


Settings Section:

  • Go to "Settings".
  • In the Settings section, you can set your payment credentials, set the PWA image so that when you download the card, you will download the icon of this image, do the currency sales in your own way, set how many times to show the Subscription Model (In seconds) (Subscription Model which will be shown in VCard) and team format is also an option.


  • Click this button if you want to sign out.
