InfyVCards-SaaS Local Setup

InfyVCards-SaaS comes with all possible customization options like Application Name etc, but if you want to make some modifications in the code then you need to set it up on your local machine, make changes, build it, test it and then push to the server.

Please follow below guide for further installation steps.

You can setup InfyVCards-SaaS into your local by using both zip files, but we recommend to use dist file so you have to perform minimal steps.

Here are some steps to setup InfyVCards-SaaS into your local environment :

1. Install xampp/wamp (if you don't have it).

2. Create folder InfyVCards-SaaS

  • if you are using wamp then create InfyVCards-SaaS folder under you_path_to_wamp/www/
  • if you are using xamp then create InfyVCards-SaaS folder under you_path_to_xamp/htdocs/

3. Unzip dist/src zip to InfyVCards-SaaS folder

4. Point the domain to the uploaded folder

You need to create virtual host first to setup InfyVCards-SaaS. You can find steps here to create virtual host.

  • You can find steps here to create virtual host on XAMPP.
  • You can find steps here to create virtual host on WAMP.

Point your domain or subdomain to the InfyVCards-SaaS folder.

Please note that, InfyVCards-SaaS must be installed on a primary domain or subdomain. Installing on a sub-folder will not work, for example: (Invalid) localhost/InfyVCards-Saas (Invalid) if you are putting it in sub folder or root website) (Valid) (Valid) InfyVcard-saas.test (Valid)

Open the link to the domain in the browser (Example:

5. Final Steps

Please follow Next Steps from here to setup the project