Install Classified Ads

If you have purchased the Classified Ads system then you will be able to find within the main zip.

Extract that file on your local and follow the following steps:

1. Copy files to a web server

Upload to your web server's root (public_html) and extract it there. If you are installing it on subdomain then do extract it in your subdomain's root folder.

2. Setup Default DB

  1. Open PHPMyAdmin on your server and do a login.
  2. Click on the Databases tab.
  3. Create a new database and specify a Database name of your choice and Click Create button.
  4. Now on the left, select the database (classified_ads) OR the one that you have created.
  5. Click Import in the top menu
  6. Under Import, choose the default sql file from dist/database/classified_ads.sql and click button Go.

3. Setup environment .env file

Database Setup

Open .env file from your server's root folder.

Setup Default DB

You need to change the following information into your environment (.env) file.

- APP_NAME="My App Name" - APP_URL="" - DB_HOST="DB Host" - DB_PORT="3306" // as per your DB - DB_DATABASE="your db name" - DB_USERNAME="your db username" - DB_PASSWORD="your db user's password"

Email Setup

You will also need to set up mail configuration and update the following variables. You can use the below video for the reference on how to setup email configuration for cPanel servers.

- MAIL_DRIVER=smtp - MAIL_HOST="email host" - MAIL_PORT="587 or 465" - MAIL_USERNAME="mail username" - MAIL_PASSWORD="mail password" - MAIL_ENCRYPTION="ssl or tls" - MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS="user's email address" - MAIL_FROM_NAME="Your App Name"

AWS Setup (Optional)

If you want to store your files to direct your s3 bucket then you have to use following .env variables. You need to change FILESYSTEM_DRIVER and MEDIA_DISK value to s3 when you are using AWS file storage.


Or you can use your choice of storage driver to store your media assets if you want. All of your attachments will be placed into that.

Stripe Setup

Set Stripe configuration it is using while IPD payments. Here is some links by using it you will get an idea about how to generate stripe API keys.

Paypal Setup

Set PayPal configuration it is using while IPD payments. Here is some links by using it you will get an idea about how to generate PayPal API keys.

Google Login Setup

Set the Google social login. Here are some links by using it you will get an idea about how to generate Google API keys.

Note: {APP_URL} should be replaced by your domain. e.g

4. Login Credentials

You can log in as admin/user using below credentials.

Admin Credentials:

Email / Password : / 123456

User Credentials:

Email / Password : / 123456