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InfyBetting Local Setup

Betting platform is complete solution for sports betting, where people can guess the answers of match results and win the betting.

People can see list of upcoming and running matches, and they can also filter matches by categories. Later customers can see their placed besting into their respective login panels and if they won related money will be added to their wallet. if they lose the bet then money will not be refunded.

When you are planning to just test it on your local without any code modification, then you can use file.

Based on the file you are using, you can either follow the Technical Guide or Non-Technical Guide. But before that, you will need to complete the following steps.

Web Server Requirement

To run project on a local, you need a web server. We recommend to have a WAMP, XAMP or MAMP.

Extract Code

Extract a code from file to the following path based on web server you have.

  • For WAMP - create a folder called betting-platform under your_path_to_wamp/www/
  • For XAMP - create a folder called betting-platform under your_path_to_xamp/htdocs/
  • For MAMP - create a folder called betting-platform under your_path_to_mamp/htdocs/

Create a Virtual Host

You need to create virtual host first to setup BettingPlatform. You can find steps here to create virtual host. While creating a Virtual host read our Domain Pointing Guide here.

  • You can find steps here to create virtual host on XAMPP.
  • You can find steps here to create virtual host on WAMP.

Open the link to the domain in the browser (Example:

Project Setup

Please follow Project Setup Steps for further setup of the project.