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InfyCal Admin Panel


In the dashboard, you can see the total number of users, scheduled events, and active events.


The Admin Module enables the creation, updating, and deletion of admin users, as well as verify email from listing.


The User Module allows for the creation, updating, and deletion of user accounts, with email verification available directly from the listing view. It also includes impersonation features to access the user panel.

Personal Experiences

The Personal Experience Module facilitates the creation, updating, and deletion of personal experience records. This module enhances the onboarding process for user by integrating personal experiences into their profiles.


Effortlessly manage inquiries in the Enquiries Module, simplifying tracking and categorizing messages for smoother communication and elevated client satisfaction.


Users can subscribe to your system via the landing page and you will get the lists of subscribers from here.

Subscription Plans

In this module, create and manage different plans for users registering into the system by defining plan names, prices, currencies, and necessary features for each plan.

Cash Payments

Efficiently handle user cash payments through the Cash Payments module, facilitating swift tracking, approval, or rejection of payments for seamless financial transactions and streamlined account management.


In this module You can manage all scheduled event transactions and subscription transactions with ease using our intuitive module. Stay organized and in control of your product's financial activities with streamlined access to schedule transactions and subscription management functionalities.

Front CMS

The Front CMS enables customization of the front-end experience, allowing administrators to manage the banner image, title, and other elements.


You can add main service titles, subtitles, and images to be displayed on the landing page.

Front Brands

This section enables administrators to upload and manage front brand logos, which are shown on the landing page.

Front Testimonials

This section allows administrators to manage testimonials, which include statements from past customers detailing how the product or service has benefited them.


In this section, administrators can create, edit, view, and delete FAQs, which provide answers to common questions. These FAQs are displayed on the dedicated FAQs page, offering helpful information and support.

Main Reasons

This module allows for the management of reasons for choosing the service, which highlighting key points.

About Us

You can update the image, title, and description of the About Us page in this section.


Here you are able to manage the application settings, like application name, email, phone, Currencies and other information. Also, you can enabled or disabled the payment gateways like Stripe, Paypal, Paystack and RazorPay.


You can manage currency using this section. You can select your preferred currency in the settings section. The chosen currency will then be reflected in all price displays throughout the system.