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InfyHMS-SaaS Admin Panel


The dashboard displays the total sums of invoices, bills, advance payments, and payments. It provides real-time counts of number of doctors, patients, and nurses. It also includes updates on notices, inquiries, and upcoming appointments.


The Users Module enables management of user accounts across all roles: hospital admin, accountant, nurse, receptionist, lab technician, and pharmacist. It supports adding, updating, and deleting profiles.


In the Admin Module, you can manage admin accounts by creating, updating, and deleting profiles. You can handle admin statuses directly from the listings and use filters to sort data. Additionally, admins can access the hospital panel for further management and oversight.


In the Accountant Module, you can create, update, and delete accountant profiles. You can also manage their statuses directly from the listings, apply filters based on status, and easily retrieve data according to your criteria.


In the Nurse Module, you can create, update, and delete nurse profiles. Manage their statuses from the listings, apply status filters, and retrieve data based on your criteria. Additionally, you have the option to download the list of nurses as an Excel file.


In the Receptionists Module, you can create, update, and delete receptionist profiles. Manage their statuses from the listings, use filters to sort data, and download the list of receptionists as an Excel file.

Lab Technicians

In the Lab Technicians Module, you can create, update, and delete lab technician profiles. Manage their statuses directly from the listings, use filters to sort data, and retrieve data as needed. You can also download the list of lab technicians as an Excel file.


In the Pharmacists Module, you can create, update, and delete pharmacist profiles. Manage user statuses directly from the listings, apply filters, and retrieve data as needed. You can also download the list of pharmacists as an Excel file.


The Appointments Module helps you and your receptionists manage patient appointments easily.


The Appointment Module enables the creation and management of appointments, including changing appointment statuses from a listing. Appointments can be filtered by date and status, and a calendar view provides easy visualization and scheduling.

Appointment Transaction

In Appointment Transaction Module displays payment transactions related to booking appointments. It provides an overview of all payments made during the appointment booking process.


The Billing Module streamlines financial management with various features.


In the Account Module, you and your accountants can manage different account types, such as Credit and Debit Accounts. This feature streamlines the process of generating bills, invoices, and processing payments.

Employee Payrolls

In the Employee Payrolls module, you and your accountants manage salary payments, check payment statuses, and review payroll details. Payrolls can be marked as paid or unpaid, and all staff can view their own payroll information.


The Invoices Module allows for easy creation and management of digital invoices. You and your accountants can select patients, set date, apply discounts, and generate invoices. Invoice details can be viewed and printed as PDFs.


In the Payments module, you and your accountants can manage all patient payments, track received payments and outstanding dues, and export detailed payment reports to Excel.

Payment Reports

The Payments Reports module offers a detailed overview of patient payments and includes the ability to export all payment reports in Excel format.

Advanced Payments

This module manage advanced payments for patient hospitalizations, initiate the advance payment process before the patient's admission. The amount paid in advance will be deducted from the total due amount upon processing.


In this module, you, your accountants, and your receptionists can manage patient billing with ease. Select the patient and admission ID to auto-fill details such as name, insurance info, and dates. Extra items can be added as needed, and final copies can be generated and exported as PDFs.

Manual Billing Payments

The Manual Billing Payments module lets you view manual payment requests, including patient details and amounts. You can also approve or deny these payment requests directly within the module.

Bed Management

The Bed Management module enables you and your nurses to efficiently categorize bed types, manage bed details, assign beds to patients, and check bed availability with color-coded status indicators.

Bed Types

Efficiently categorize and manage different bed types to enhance organization and clarity. Also create and customize bed types to meet your specific requirements.


Add and manage various beds, including details such as bed type, charge, and other related information. By default, all beds are marked as available, and once a bed is assigned to a patient, its status automatically changes to unavailable.

Bed Assigns

Easily assign beds to patients, ensuring they receive the right care. Simply select the patient and bed from the system, and the bed will automatically be marked as unavailable to avoid double bookings.

Bed Status

Check bed availability in wards. Assigned beds are marked in red, and available beds are marked in green. Click on an available bed to assign it to a patient, and hover over a bed to see assignment details.

Blood Bank

In this module, you and your lab technician can efficiently manage blood stock, donors, donations, and blood issues.

Blood Banks

In the Blood Bank module, efficiently manage blood stock, track blood groups, and monitor available blood bags. Donated blood bags are added to the remaining stock.

Blood Donors

In the Blood Donors module, manage the list of blood donors, including details such as name, donation date, blood group, and gender.

Blood Donations

In this module, record and manage donor details and the number of blood bags contributed. These donations are added to the blood bank stock and can be exported as Excel files.

Blood Issues

In the Blood Issue module, handle blood issues by issuing blood to patients through a simple selection process. All blood issue data can be exported as Excel files.


The Document Module manages various document types and allows users to store, view, and download documents. Patients can access only their own documents.

Document Types

The Document Type feature enables efficient management of various document types designed for purposes such as verification, certification, and more.


In this section, all documents can be stored and managed, allowing users to reuse them for various purposes. You have access to view all documents, while patient can only access their own documents. Additionally, you have the option to download any attached files.


The Doctor Module manages doctor profiles, schedules, departments, holidays, and breaks. It allows for creating, updating, and deleting profiles, organizing by specialization.


In this module, you and your receptionists can manage all hospital doctors. Create, update, and delete doctor profiles, manage statuses directly from the listings, and export all doctor data to Excel. Other roles can view the list of doctors.

Doctor Departments

The Doctor Departments module allows you to create and manage different departments based on doctors specializations and expertise. When adding a doctor, you can assign them to the relevant department.


The Schedules section is essential for patients, providing information on when doctors are available for check-ups or treatment appointments. It also allows you to manage doctor schedules.

Doctor Holidays

In the Doctor Holidays Module, you can add holidays for doctors. The system checks for existing appointments before allowing the holiday to be added.


The Breaks module helps you efficiently manage doctor breaks and downtime. You can set specific break times, improving workflow organization and staff coordination.


Doctors primarily use this section to enter prescription details for specific patients following their study. However, you also have the option to create and manage patient prescriptions on behalf of the doctor when needed. You can also view prescription details and print them as a PDF.


The Diagnosis Module allows you, your receptionists, and lab technicians to manage patient diagnostic information efficiently.


In the Diagnosis module, view the diagnosis reports created for OPD patients, including details such as the report type, OPD number, and associated documents.

Diagnosis Categories

The Diagnosis Categories module enables creation and management of various diagnosis categories used in patient diagnostic tests.

Diagnosis Tests

This module enables the creation and management of patient diagnosis tests, including specifying test names and categories. Custom properties can be added for each diagnosis, and patient diagnosis reports can be exported in PDF format.


Manage user inquiries with ease using the Enquiries Module. This module streamlines the process of tracking and categorizing messages, enhancing communication efficiency and improving client satisfaction.


The Finance Module lets you and your accountant handle incomes and expenses. It manages details such as amounts, dates, and attachments, and allows exporting reports as Excel files.


Manage income sources and amounts, specify receipt date, and attach relevant document. You can export income reports as Excel files and download attached files.


Manage expense sources and amounts, specify receipt date, and attach relevant document. You can export expense reports as Excel files and download attached files.

Front Office

The Front Office Module enables you and your receptionists to efficiently handle, track, and manage all front office operations.

Call Logs

In this module, manage and track call details, specifying if they are incoming or outgoing. Enter call specifics and export the call log list to Excel for analysis or record-keeping.


The Visitors module allows monitoring and management of hospital visit records. It records details such as the visitor's name, the purpose of their visit, and the date. It also provides the functionality to export the list of records to Excel.

Postal Receive

In this module, manage and track postal receiving records, including couriers and senders. Add attachments and specify receipt dates for each postal entry. Export the entire list of postal receipts to Excel.

Postal Dispatch

In the Postal Dispatching module, track postal dispatch records, including couriers and recipients. Add attachments, specify dispatch dates, and manage records. Export the list of postal dispatch records to Excel.

Front CMS

The Front CMS Module provides tools to customize and manage the hospital's landing page presence. you and your receptionists to efficiently manage this module.


Customize the hospital landing page's front-end experience. Manage and update key elements such as the banner image, title, and additional components of the landing page.

Front CMS Services

Customize and manage hospital services that are displayed on the hospital's landing page, enhancing the front-end experience.

Notice Boards

The Notice Boards module is used to share important information or announcements with everyone in the hospital environment. You can manage and create these notices efficiently. Everyone in the hospital can view these notices.


The Testimonials module allows for managing statements from past customers detailing how the hospital's services have benefited them. Both you and your receptionists can handle these testimonials to enhance the hospital's credibility.

Hospital Charges

The Hospital Charges Module helps you and your receptionists manage and track all hospital charges efficiently.

Charge Categories

In this module, manage and track different charge categories within a hospital, providing a streamlined system for handling various types of charges effectively.


In this module, specify different charge amounts for each category and assign unique codes to each charge.

Doctor OPD Charges

In this module, different types of charges can be added for a specific doctor. When an OPD patient is created, the corresponding doctor's charges are automatically applied.


The IPD/OPD Module streamlines the management of both in-patient (IPD) and out-patient (OPD) services, facilitating comprehensive patient care and administrative processes

IPD - Patient In

The IPD (In-Patient) module helps you, your receptionists, and your nurses manage IPD patients by handling admission details, tracking bed reservations, and providing an overview of patient IPD details.


In the Diagnosis module, patient diagnosis details are managed effectively, with options to add information such as report type, report date, and attach relevant documents when adding a new report.

Consultant Instruction

In the Consultant Instruction module, manage patient consultant details effectively and add extra instructions as needed.


The Charges module enables adding patient charges categorized by type. It automatically calculates the total sum of all charges when generating the bill.


The Prescriptions module enables creating and managing detailed patient prescriptions, including notes and specifying required medicines and dosages. It also provides the option to view prescription details and print them as a PDF.


This section allows for the addition and management of patient timelines, providing recommendations for treatments best suited for the patient. The visibility of each timeline entry can be controlled, determining whether it is visible to the patient or not.


The Payments module facilitates the addition of payments, whether made via Cash, Cheque, or online platforms like Stripe, RazorPay, Paystack, PhonePe, and FlutterWave. All payments are reflected in the final bill, ensuring accurate billing and financial tracking.


The Bill module provides a comprehensive view of all charges and allows for the addition of discounts, taxes, and other charges. It displays the total amount, amount paid, and amount unpaid. This module also facilitates patient discharge and final bill generation.

OPD - Patient Out

The OPD (Out-Patient) module helps you, your receptionists, and your nurses manage patient records, track visits, and provide an overview of OPD patient details.


The Revisit module helps track patient revisit details, including the specific times and dates patients visited the hospital. It allows for the effective management of these records to maintain accurate visit histories.


In the Diagnosis module, manage patient diagnosis details by adding information such as report type, report date, and attaching relevant documents for each report.


This section allows for the addition and management of patient timelines, providing recommendations for treatments best suited for the patient. The visibility of each timeline entry can be controlled, determining whether it is visible to the patient or not.


The Prescriptions module enables creating and managing detailed patient prescriptions, including notes and specifying required medicines and dosages. It also provides the option to view prescription details and print them as a PDF.


The Inventory Module is designed to streamline inventory management.

Item Categories

In this module, you can create and manage item categories, including examples like Cotton packs, Equipment, and more.


In this module, inventory items are added and manage based on their type and unit, such as kilograms or quantity.

Item Stocks

In the Items Stock module, you can manage item purchases by adding them to the system with their quantities. The stock levels automatically update as items are acquired and decrease when items are issued.

Issued Items

In this module, you can issue items by specifying the item name and the quantity being issued. The quantity issued will be deducted from the actual available quantity.

Live Consultations

The Live Consultations Module facilitates remote consultations and meetings using Zoom.

Live Consultations

In this module, you can create and manage remote consultations. Both participants can start and join video calls using Zoom or Google Meet. Patients can also view their scheduled consultations and join the meetings as needed.

Live Meetings

This module is available to all users except patients. It allows you to create and manage meetings, start Zoom video calls, and view scheduled meetings. When creating a meeting, selected staff members can see the meeting details and join as needed.


The Medicines Module helps you, your pharmacist, and your lab technician manage and track all aspects of medication within the hospital.

Medicine Categories

The Medicine Categories module allows the creation and management of medicine categories, which can be used to categorize medicines during their creation. Medicine categories can be managed based on specific needs or usage.

Medicine Brands

In the Medicine Brands module, manage medicine brands according to needs or usage. The module also includes an option to export the complete list of medicine brands to Excel for further analysis or record-keeping.


In this module, manage all medicines and monitor their inventory stock. The system provides detailed information about each medicine, including its name and available quantity. The module also allows exporting all medicine data as an Excel file for further analysis or record-keeping.

Purchase Medicine

In this module, streamline buying medications and managing transactions. Browse, select, and order medicines with options for online payments (Stripe, Razorpay, PayPal, Paystack, PhonePe, FlutterWave) or cash/cheque. Export purchase data as an Excel file.

Used Medicine

The Used Medicine module tracks medication usage and details about where each medicine is used, ensuring organized and effective management of medications.

Medicine Bills

This module handles medical billing, generates accurate bills, and tracks payments. It supports online payments (Stripe, Razorpay, PayPal, Paystack, PhonePe, FlutterWave) and cash or cheque options, streamlining billing and enhancing efficiency.


The Patients Module streamlines patient management, including record creation, case handling, and admissions. You and your receptionists can efficiently handle patient-related tasks within this module.


The Patients Module enables the creation and management of patient records. It provides a detailed patient profile where you can view case details, appointments, bills, and related history.


The Patient Case module streamlines case management with a user-friendly interface, ensuring safe and effective care. It supports all aspects of case management and allows for exporting case data to Excel. Case Handlers can use this module to manage patient cases effectively.

Case Handlers

In the Case Handler module, users with the designated Case Handler role have the authority to manage and oversee patient cases. This includes entering all relevant patient case details into the system.

Patient Admissions

The Patient Admission module simplifies managing admissions with options to add patient details, admission dates, and insurance information. It also allows exporting data to Excel. Case handlers can use this module for efficient admissions management.

Patient Smart Card Templates

The Patient Smart Card Templates module allows for easy creation and customization of patient cards, displaying key details such as photo, name, and email. It provides flexibility in designing card content and ensures secure, user-friendly management of patient information.

Generate Patient Smart Cards

The Generate Patient Smart Cards module simplifies creating and customizing patient cards, displaying key details and QR codes for quick record access. It also allows downloading cards as PDFs.


The Pathology Module helps you and your receptionists efficiently manage and oversee all aspects of pathology services within the healthcare facility.

Pathology Categories

This module manages various pathology categories used in tests, allowing for the addition of distinct categories to ensure organized and efficient management of test types.

Pathology Unit

The Pathology Units module efficiently manages different types of pathology units used in tests, supporting the addition of various units for organized and effective management.

Pathology Parameter

The Pathology Parameter module facilitates the management of pathology parameters, allowing for the easy addition, updating, and deletion of parameters relevant to pathology testing.

Pathology Tests

The Pathology Test module manages patient tests by recording details such as test name, category, and charges. Your pharmacist and lab technician can handle these manage efficiently.


The Reports Module supports the management and documentation of various essential medical records within a healthcare facility. You and your receptionists can effectively handle and oversee these reports.

Birth Reports

This module facilitates the addition of birth records, including key details such as patient information, attending doctor, and date of birth. These records serve as proof of birth and can be used for official hospital birth certificates.

Death Reports

The Death Reports module consolidates all necessary information related to death records. Hospitals utilize this module to manage and review death reports, as it provides a comprehensive repository of all relevant data and documentation.

Investigation Reports

The Patient Investigation Reports module helps manage and review detailed test and procedure reports. It organizes and provides easy access to these essential documents for accurate test.

Operation Reports

An Operation Report module allows for the documentation of surgical details directly in a patient's medical record. This report is prepared immediately after a surgical procedure and is then transcribed into the patient's record for accurate and comprehensive documentation.


The Radiology Module supports the efficient management of radiology services within a healthcare facility. You and your receptionists can handle and oversee radiology categories and tests effectively.

Radiology Categories

The Radiology Categories module allows for the management of different types of radiology categories used in tests. It enables the addition and organization of distinct categories, ensuring efficient handling and categorization of radiology tests within the system.

Radiology Tests

The Radiology Test module records patient radiology tests by capturing details like test name, category, and charges. This ensures precise and efficient management of test information. Your pharmacist and lab technician can also manage these tasks effectively.


The Services Module simplifies managing hospital services, including insurance, service packages, and ambulances. You and your receptionists can efficiently oversee these functions, ensuring smooth operations.


This module efficiently manages third-party insurances in collaboration with affiliated insurers. It allows for the selection of the relevant insurance provider during patient admission, streamlining the claims process for future transactions.


This module allows for managing multiple services in bulk by creating and configuring various service packages. Each package can include a mix of different services, streamlining service management.


Manage various hospital services, such as Ambulance and Home Visit options, efficiently. Create and configure these services, and assign them to specific packages. Your accountant can also oversee service-related billing and financial tracking.


This module manages ambulance vehicle records by capturing details such as the vehicle model, driver’s name, and vehicle number. It ensures accurate and accessible information, with the option to export data to Excel. Your Case Handler can also manage these records.

Ambulance Calls

This section lists ambulances and the patients they have transported. When an ambulance is assigned to a patient, it is marked as unavailable. All data can be exported to Excel. Your Case Handlers can also manage and review this information efficiently.


The SMS/Email Module facilitates communication with users through both SMS and email. You, your receptionists, and your case handler can manage this module.


The SMS feature lets you send messages to multiple users by selecting a department and choosing specific users. Ensure your Twilio account is set up for delivery. Your pharmacist, your accountant and lab technician can also use this feature.


The Mail module allows for easy email communication with users. Enter the recipient's email address, specify the subject, compose your message, and send it directly.


The Settings Module helps manage key application and hospital settings to ensure smooth operations.


Here you can manage key application details such as the application name, hospital email, phone number, address, logo, and social media information. This module allows you to update and maintain all essential settings for your application.

Hospital Schedules

This module allows you to manage hospital schedules by setting the opening and closing times for each day. You can also specify which days the hospital is closed.

In the Sidebar Setting module, you have the ability to activate or deactivate the sidebar menu. This feature allows you to manage the visibility of the sidebar menu according to your needs.

Payment Gateway

In the Payment Gateway module, you can easily enable or disable various payment gateways, such as Stripe, PayPal, Paystack, RazorPay, PhonePe, and FlutterWave. Additionally, you have the flexibility to use payment methods for users who choose to pay their bills.


You can manage currency using this section. You can select your preferred currency in the settings section. The chosen currency will then be reflected in all price displays throughout the hospital system.

Custom Fields

The Custom Field module allows for the creation of personalized fields within the Appointment, Patient, OPD, and IPD modules. You can select the type of field required and configure it to display within the chosen module, providing flexibility to tailor the data entry to specific needs.


In this module, you can view the lists of transactions conducted by hospital users, including those made through various payment methods such as cash, Stripe, PayPal, Paystack, RazorPay, PhonePe, and FlutterWave. Detailed information about each transaction is accessible here.


The Vaccinations Module helps manage patient vaccination details and vaccination data effectively.

Vaccinated Patients

In the Vaccinated Patients module, you can manage details of vaccinated patients. This includes adding and overseeing patient information such as the patient's name, vaccine name, serial number, dose, and the date the dose was given.


In the Vaccinated Patients module, you can efficiently manage vaccinations. This includes the ability to add and manage details such as the vaccine name, manufacturer, and brand name.