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InfyInvoices Admin Panel


The user panel dashboard includes various widgets to provide a comprehensive overview of key metrics related to the invoicing system. The available widgets display critical information such as the total number of clients, total amount invoiced, total amount paid, total amount due, total number of products, total number of invoices, the number of paid invoices, and the number of unpaid invoices.

Additionally, the dashboard features several charts for detailed analysis, including an income overview chart that visualizes income over time, a payment overview chart that provides an overview of payment statuses, and an invoices overview chart that summarizes the status and amounts of invoices.


This panel, a admin can create additional admins who can access the same panel using their email addresses. It also provides options to edit and delete admin accounts, ensuring smooth and controlled administrative operations.


The client module within the user panel saves all client information, including their associated invoice counts. This module provides features to edit and delete client details, ensuring efficient management of client data and their corresponding invoices.


The category module within the user panel allows users to save, edit, and delete categories. Each category includes their associated product counts, enabling efficient organization and management of products. This module ensures that users can easily maintain and update product categories as needed.


The taxes module for invoices allows users to manage default taxes, including their values. This module provides features to edit and delete tax details, ensuring accurate and up-to-date tax information. Users can also set a default tax for any new invoices, streamlining the invoicing process and ensuring consistency.


The products module allows users to manage products, including their categories and prices. This module provides features to edit and delete product details, ensuring efficient organization and management of the product inventory. Users can categorize products and set their prices, facilitating accurate and streamlined product management.


The quote module allows users to generate invoices without taxes. It includes fields for quote date, due date, and amount of quote, enabling users to manage and track quotes efficiently. Users can also generate a URL for the quote, making it easy to share or reference.

Additionally, the module provides an option to convert the quote to an invoice, allowing users to include taxes and finalize the billing process. This functionality streamlines the transition from quotes to invoices, ensuring that all necessary details are accurately captured.


The invoices module provides comprehensive management of invoices with detailed client information. Each invoice includes client details, invoice date, due date, and amount, ensuring clarity and accuracy in billing. The module also tracks transactions and the status of the invoice, providing a complete overview of invoice management.

Users have options to download invoices, set them as recurring, and send invoices via WhatsApp. The share invoice option facilitates easy distribution and communication, enhancing the efficiency of invoice handling and client interaction.

Payment QR Codes

The payment QR code module allows users to manage payment QR codes efficiently. Users can add a payment QR code and set it as the default QR code for generated invoices. This module also provides edit and delete functions, enabling users to update or remove QR codes as needed, ensuring accurate and convenient payment processing.


The transactions module stores all transactions related to invoices and quotes from clients. Each transaction includes details such as payment method, payment date, payment status, and amount. This module ensures comprehensive tracking and management of financial transactions, providing users with a complete overview of payment activities.


The payments module allows users to add payments manually for invoices if the client has not paid from their side. This functionality ensures that users can accurately record and manage payments, maintaining up-to-date financial records and facilitating effective invoice management.

Invoice Templates

The invoices templates module offers multiple types of templates with various color options. Users can set a default template for generating invoices and view sample templates on the screen. This functionality ensures that invoices can be customized to match branding and preferences, while also allowing for easy previewing of template designs.


The Settings module is divided into four sub-modules: General Settings, Currencies, Payment Gateways, and Invoice Settings.

In the General Settings sub-module, users can configure key application details such as the app name, company name, company phone, address, app logo, GST number, and fax number.

The Currencies sub-module manages all currencies, displaying their codes and icons. It also includes edit and delete options for efficient currency management.

The Payment Gateways sub-module handles the credentials for payment gateway systems, ensuring secure and effective payment processing.

The Invoice Settings sub-module allows users to configure prefixes, suffixes, and product descriptions for invoices, facilitating customization and consistency in invoice documentation.