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InfyVCard Super Admin Panel


The powerful super admin dashboard provides an overview of the following metrics:

  • Total Active Users: Displays the count of currently active users.
  • Total Active VCards: Shows the number of active vCards.
  • Total Deactivated Users: Indicates the number of users who have been deactivated.
  • Total Deactivated VCards: Displays the count of deactivated vCards.

Additionally, the dashboard includes various charts and records:

  • Plans by Users Chart: Illustrates the distribution of users across different plans.
  • Total Income Generated: Shows the total revenue generated over specific dates.
  • Recent Users Registration Records: Provides recent registration data segmented by day, week, and month.


Manage the admins by creating, updating, and deleting them. Admin users have full access controls.


Manage users by creating, updating, and deleting them. Admin can also log in (Impersonate) directly to a user's account and change the user's status to inactive if any suspicious activity is reported.

VCards Templates

View all default vCard templates here. Currently, there are over 30 attractive vCard templates offered, each tailored for specific professional roles such as Developer, Corporate CEOs/CXOs, Lawyer, Doctor, Chief, Teacher, and more.


View all the vCards users have created. Admins can view and copy the preview URL for each vCard and view the actual preview.

Additionally, admins can verify vCards, showing a verification mark behind each user profile.

NFC Cards

Write NFC cards easily. Admins can also monitor and manage existing orders related to NFC cards.

Subscription Plans

Create and manage various subscription plans tailored to organizational needs. Customize each plan by specifying pricing, currency, selecting vCard templates, and including additional features available for vCards.

User Subscriptions

Manage users' subscriptions, edit existing subscription end dates, and view subscription details.

Cash Payments

Manage manual cash payments for user subscriptions, including approval and rejection. Display the user name and plan details.


In the Affiliate Users section, view a list of affiliates by username and see the value of the affiliate amount earned by each user. The Affiliation Transactions section displays a list of transactions, allowing administrators to approve or reject transaction statuses.


View a list of transactions where users have withdrawn their affiliation amounts.


You can see different kind of currencies here that is pre-populated already.

Countries / States / Cities

Add and manage countries, states, and cities within the system. Introduce new countries, define states within those countries, and further add cities within the defined states, providing a structured and hierarchical approach to geographical data management.


Enable or disable languages in the Language Section. When a language is disabled, it will not appear in the VCard.

Coupon Codes

Create coupon codes for your users. Users can enter a coupon code to receive a discount when purchasing a plan.

Send Email

Send emails with subject and description to users who have filled out the contact form or to custom email addresses.

Front CMS

Customize various aspects of the front-end experience through the CMS. Manage the banner image for a dynamic and visually engaging presentation. Update social media links, integrate additional custom scripts, and adjust the site’s title and subtitle. These features ensure the front-end remains current and aligned with the organization's branding and functional needs.

  • Email Subscribers: Lists all subscribers who have signed up for the newsletter.
  • About Us: Update the image, title, and description of the About Us page.
  • Features: Modify the title, description, and image of the features displayed on the homepage.
  • Testimonials: Manage testimonials, including creating, editing, viewing, and deleting them.
  • FAQs: Manage FAQs, including creating, editing, viewing, and deleting them. These FAQs are displayed on the FAQs page.
  • Enquiries: View all enquiries submitted through the contact us form and delete any enquiry if necessary.
  • Theme Configuration: Select which of the two available themes will be displayed on the frontend.
  • Banner: Configure the homepage banner, including enabling or disabling it.
  • Mobile App Download URL: Add the download URL for the mobile app, which will be displayed in the footer.


Configure essential settings for the application. Update the logo, favicon, application name, and other fundamental elements.

  • Homepage Settings: Update the logo, favicon, Dashboard Logo, and other settings.
  • Terms & Conditions: Add a Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy.
  • Google Configuration: Add SEO configuration and Google Analytics.

Payment Configuration

Configure the payment settings for your account using the following options: Stripe, PayPal, RazorPay, FlutterWave, PayStack, PhonePe. Additionally, you can add a Manual Payment Guide.

Impersonate Users

Admin have the capability to log in directly to user accounts. This feature allows admin to monitor user interactions and ensure proper account management.

Dark Mode Theme

The Dark Mode Theme provides an alternative aesthetic to the default light theme. It is specifically designed to reduce eye strain in low-light environments, enhancing user comfort and readability.