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Restaurant Panel


The Dashboard provides an overview of key metrics including total customers, total orders, and status breakdowns (processing, ready for delivery, delivered, returned, and cancelled). It also displays order counts for received and delivered orders today. Additionally, the Dashboard features a sales chart, and highlights top customers, latest orders, and popular items.


View a comprehensive list of all customers. Easily access and manage customer information in one centralized location.


The Cuisines feature allows you to view, create, edit, update, and delete cuisines. Manage your cuisine data efficiently with these comprehensive tools.


The Orders feature enables you to view a list of orders and filter them by status. Easily manage and track order statuses with these filtering options.


The Transactions feature displays a comprehensive list of payment methods, including COD, Stripe, PayPal, and Razorpay, for efficient transaction management.


The Reservations feature allows you to manage reservation-related tasks, including viewing the list of reservation unavailabilities, and creating, editing, updating, and deleting reservations. Additionally, you can manage booking and table lists, with options to create, edit, update, and delete entries as needed.


The Attributes feature allows you to manage units, including creating, editing, updating, and deleting. It also encompasses lists for ingredients, cooking references and sizes, providing functionalities for creating, editing, updating, and deleting these lists.

Add Ons

The Add Ons feature, users can manage Add On Categories and Add On Items. This includes the ability to create, edit, update, and delete both categories and items, streamlining the customization of additional features.


The Items feature, you can view, create, edit, update, and delete individual items. Additionally, you can manage item categories by listing, creating, editing, updating, and deleting them as needed.

The Menu feature allows you to view the list of menu types and perform various actions such as creating, editing, updating, and deleting menu items. This feature provides a comprehensive interface for managing menu configurations efficiently.

Order Type

Order Types feature allow you to manage and update delivery and pickup settings. You can adjust delivery status, rate, and estimation, as well as modify pickup status, estimation, and instructions.

Payment Gateways

Manage payment gateways by viewing and configuring Stripe, PayPal, and Razorpay options. This section allows you to handle both public and secret key credentials for each gateway.

Front CMS

Front CMS allows you to manage various sections of your website efficiently. You can update the hero section, home page details (including sections like Our Story, Our Menu, About Us, Our Mission, and Testimonials), and manage reservation and offers lists. It also supports creating, editing, updating, and deleting content as needed.

Email Subscribers

The Email Subscribers feature displays a list of user email addresses that have subscribed to your service. This allows you to view and manage your subscriber base efficiently.

Coupon Codes

Manage your coupon codes with ease using the available options. You can view, create, edit, update, and delete coupon codes as needed to efficiently handle promotions and discounts.


In the Settings feature, you can update the terms and conditions and privacy policy for your site. This area allows you to manage and modify these legal documents as needed.

Manage Subscriptions

The Manage Subscriptions feature allows you to view a list of available plans and upgrade to specific plan-related features. From here, you can easily select and modify your subscription to access enhanced features.