InfySupport Third Party Setup

Setup Pusher Configuration

Go to pusher website and do sign up and if you have an account you can login.

  1. After Login you will get below screen.


  1. Click on “Manage” button. After clicking this button you get below screen.


  1. Click on “Create app” button. After clicking this button you get below screen.


  1. Now give your app name, select your cluster, select “JQuery” from front-end tech, “laravel” from back-end tech and click on “Create app” button. As shown in below image.


  1. After creating app yow will redirect to below screen. After that click on “App settings” menu as pointed in below screen.


  1. After clicking on “App Settings” you will redirect to below screen. From there turn on “Enable client events” toggle switch.


  1. Now click on “App Keys” menu and you will get below screen.


  1. Now add this values in you env file.

    - PUSHER_APP_ID - Your pusher app id - PUSHER_APP_KEY - Your pusher app key - PUSHER_APP_SECRET - Your pusher app secret - PUSHER_APP_CLUSTER - Your pusher app cluster

Setup Google Login

You just need google client id, secret and redirect URL for google auth login.

You can find steps here or you can watch video at here

NOTE: DO not forget that Authorized Redirect URI should be e.g : YOUR_DOMAIN/login/google/callback, you just need to replace YOUR_DOMAIN by your domain name.

Now you have Client ID, Client Secret and Redirect URI so replace its value into appropriate .env variable.

Google social login env variables are following :


Note: {APP_URL} should be replaced by your domain. e.g

Setup Facebook Login

You just need facebook app id, app secret and redirect URL for facebook auth login.

You can find steps here

NOTE: DO not forget that Authorized Redirect URI should be e.g : YOUR_DOMAIN/login/facebook/callback, you just need to replace YOUR_DOMAIN by your domain name.

Now you have App ID, App Secret and Redirect URI so replace its value into appropriate .env variable.

Facebook login env variables are following :


Note: {APP_URL} should be replaced by your domain. e.g