Link Tracker Upgrade Guide

Before starting upgrade we recommend to backup your files and export your current database.


Before starting upgrade we recommend to back up your all files and export your current database.

so in case if anything goes wrong, you can restore the previous version.

  1. Backup your whole folder
  2. Backup & Export your database via phpymadmin

Backup Sensitive Files and Folders

Backup the following folders and files.

  1. File - .env
  2. Folder - public/uploads/

Replace the latest code

  1. Delete all your existing code (you can also rename the current folder or move all content to some other folder, if possible)
  2. Upload the latest to the server
  3. Extract the zip
  4. Put old .env file back
  5. Put resources/lang/ and public/uploads folder back (or you can merge)
  6. Edit .env and change UPGRADE_MODE=true
  7. Run a database upgrade script https://{YOUR_URL}/upgrade/database
  8. Edit .env and change UPGRADE_MODE=false
  9. Verify that latest version is visible in footer

Check everything is working fine.

Post Upgrade Steps

  1. Add newly added languages keys (if you have added a new languages)
  2. Apply/Replace any custom changes that you made to the code.

Hope your upgrade went well and working fine. If you are facing any problem with the upgrade, feel to contact our support at

Old Upgrade Guide

Before starting upgrade we recommenced to backup your files and export your current database.

NOTE : Always take backup of .env file while replacing the files.

Pre-Upgrade Steps

Steps required before you get started with upgrade.

  • Backup your current version files and Database
  • If you have manually changed any of the files then take a backup of them. After replacing files of newer version, you will need to replace them again and make possible changes.