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InfyHMS-SaaS Mobile Application

Super Admin Feature


The Dashboard screen provides the Super Admin with a comprehensive overview of key metrics and analytics related to hospital management. The screen includes the following features:

  • Total Number of Hospitals: Displays the total count of hospitals registered within the system. This metric provides a quick overview of the scope and reach of the platform.
  • Total Revenue: Shows the total revenue generated from all hospitals. This figure includes income from various services and subscriptions, offering a snapshot of financial performance.
  • Income Chart with Filter Functionality: A visual representation of the income over time. The chart includes filter functionality, allowing the Super Admin to view income data for specific time periods. This feature helps in analyzing trends and identifying patterns in revenue generation.
  • Total Number of Active and Expired Hospital Plans: Displays the total number of active and expired hospital plans. This section helps in monitoring the status of hospital subscriptions and identifying any that need renewal or attention.


The Hospital module provides the Super Admin with comprehensive tools to manage hospitals within the system. The key features of this module include:

  • Add New Hospital: The Super Admin can add new hospitals to the platform by providing relevant details such as the hospital's name, address, contact information, and other essential data.
  • Edit Hospital Details: The Super Admin can edit the details of existing hospitals. This includes updating information like contact details, services offered, and other critical attributes.
  • Delete Hospital: The Super Admin has the ability to delete hospitals from the system when necessary. This ensures that the list of hospitals remains current and accurate.
  • Sort Hospital List: Hospitals can be sorted based on their status (active or deactivated). This functionality allows the Super Admin to easily filter and view hospitals according to their operational status.
  • View Hospital Details: The Super Admin can access a detailed view of each hospital's information. This includes comprehensive details such as the hospital's profile, services provided, subscription status, and other relevant data.


The Transaction module provides the Super Admin with a comprehensive view of all financial transactions made through the platform. The key features of this module include:

  • List of All Transactions: The Super Admin can view a complete list of all transactions, including payments and other financial activities. This list provides a clear overview of the monetary interactions within the system.
  • Sort by Payment Method: The transactions can be sorted based on the payment method used, such as Paytm, PayPal, or Stripe. This sorting functionality allows the Super Admin to filter transactions by the preferred payment gateway, making it easier to manage and analyze the data.
  • View Transaction Details: The Super Admin can access detailed information about each specific transaction. This includes details such as transaction ID, date, amount, payment method, payer and recipient information, and any additional notes or metadata associated with the transaction.


The Subscriptions module enables the Super Admin to manage and oversee subscription plans purchased by hospitals. Key functionalities of this module include:

  • List of Hospitals with Subscriptions: The Super Admin can view a comprehensive list of hospitals that have purchased subscription plans. This list includes both active and deactivated subscriptions.
  • Sort by Subscription Status: The Super Admin can sort the list of hospitals based on the status of their subscriptions—active or deactivated. This sorting functionality helps in quickly identifying hospitals with active subscriptions and those whose subscriptions have expired or been deactivated.
  • View Subscription Details: The Super Admin can access detailed information about each hospital's purchased subscription plan. This includes details such as the plan type, purchase date, expiration date, SMS limit, and other relevant data.
  • Edit Plan Expiry Date: The Super Admin has the authority to modify the expiration date and SMS limit of a hospital's subscription plan. This feature allows for flexibility in extending or shortening the subscription period based on specific agreements or circumstances.


The Settings module provides the Super Admin with the ability to customize and configure various aspects of the app. The key features of this module include:

  • Change App Name: The Super Admin can update the app's name. This feature allows for flexibility in branding and can be useful for rebranding or clarifying the app's purpose.
  • Update App Icon: The Super Admin can change the app's icon, enabling the app's visual representation to be updated in line with design changes or branding requirements.
  • Language Settings: The Super Admin can select the default language to cater to different user preferences.
  • Currency Settings: The Super Admin can set the default currency for transactions within the app. This ensures that all financial transactions and displays are consistent with the chosen currency, facilitating accurate financial reporting and user understanding.
  • Country Code: The Super Admin can define the default country code for standardizing phone number formats.

Admin Feature


The Dashboard module provides the admin with a detailed overview of essential metrics and operational data. Key features of this module include:

  • Invoice Amount: Displays the total amount of invoices generated. This helps track financial performance and billing activity.
  • Bill Amount: Shows the total amount billed to patients. This helps in monitoring billing accuracy and revenue.
  • Payment Amount: Provides the total amount collected from various payments. This includes payments for services rendered and other charges.
  • Advance Payment Amount: Indicates the total amount received from advance payments made by patients. This is important for financial planning and cash flow management.
  • Doctors: Shows the total count of doctors working in the hospital. This helps in assessing staffing levels and planning.
  • Patients: Displays the total number of patients currently admitted. This helps in understanding patient load and hospital utilization.
  • Nurses: Provides the total number of nurses on staff. This information aids in staffing management and resource allocation.
  • Available Beds: Shows the number of beds currently available for new patients. This metric is crucial for managing hospital capacity and patient admissions.
  • Upcoming Appointments: Lists all scheduled future appointments. This feature helps in managing patient schedules and ensuring efficient use of time and resources.


The Appointments module allows the admin to manage and oversee all patient appointments efficiently. Key features of this module include:

  • List of All Appointments: Provides a comprehensive list of all scheduled appointments, categorized by their status.
  • Sort by Status: Includes sorting functionality to view appointments based on their status—Pending, Completed, or Canceled. This helps in quickly finding and managing appointments according to their current state.
  • Cancel and Confirm Appointments: The admin has the ability to cancel or confirm appointments. This feature allows for efficient schedule management and ensures that the appointment records are up-to-date.


The Patients module enables the admin to manage and review patient information efficiently. Key features of this module include:

  • List of All Patients: Displays a comprehensive list of all patients registered in the system.
  • Sort by Status: Includes functionality to sort patients based on their status—Active or Deactivated. This helps the admin quickly locate and manage patient records according to their current status.
  • View Patient Details: Provides the ability to view detailed information about each patient.


The Doctors module enables the admin to manage and review doctor information efficiently. Key features of this module include:

  • List of All Doctors: Displays a comprehensive list of all doctors registered in the system.
  • Sort by Status: Includes functionality to sort doctors based on their status—Active or Deactivated. This helps the admin quickly locate and manage doctor records according to their current status.
  • View Doctor Details: Provides the ability to view detailed information about each doctor.

Bed Management

The Bed Management module allows the admin to manage and monitor the availability of hospital beds. Key features of this module include:

  • List of All Bed Status: Displays a comprehensive list of all available bed statuses categorized by type, such as ICU, VIP Ward, General Ward Female.
  • Assign Bed to Patient: Provides functionality to assign a bed to any patient. This feature helps in efficiently managing patient placements based on their needs and the available bed types.
  • View Assigned Bed Details: Allows the admin to view details of beds that have been assigned to patients. This includes information such as the patient’s name, bed category, and assignment date.


The Settings module allows the admin to configure key aspects of the app and organizational details. Key features of this module include:

  • Change App Name: Update the name of the app to reflect branding changes or updates.
  • Change Company Name: Modify the company name associated with the app, useful for rebranding or organizational changes.
  • Update App Logo: Change the app’s logo to align with the company’s visual identity or brand updates.
  • Update Phone Number: Change the contact phone number displayed within the app for customer support or inquiries.
  • Update Hospital Email: Modify the hospital’s email address used for communications and notifications within the app.

Doctor Feature

Appointment Management

The Appointment Management module allows doctors to efficiently handle their scheduled appointments. Key features of this module include:

  • List of All Appointments: Displays a comprehensive list of all appointments scheduled with the doctor.
  • Sort by Status: Includes sorting functionality to view appointments based on their status—Completed, Pending, or Canceled. This helps doctors quickly access and manage appointments according to their current state.
  • Confirm and Cancel Appointments: Provides the ability for doctors to confirm or cancel specific appointments. This feature allows doctors to update appointment statuses as needed and manage their schedule effectively.

Bed Management

The Bed Management module provides doctors with tools to manage hospital bed assignments and availability. Key features include:

  • View List of Beds: Displays a comprehensive list of all beds in the hospital, with the ability to sort by status—Active or Deactivated. This helps doctors quickly find available beds.
  • Edit Bed Assignments: Allows doctors to edit existing bed assignments, including reassigning beds or updating patient information.
  • Add New Bed Assignments: Doctors can assign new beds to patients, ensuring that bed allocations are up-to-date and accurate.
  • View Bed Categories: Categorizes beds by type, such as ICU, VIP Ward, and General Ward Female, allowing doctors to manage bed assignments based on patient needs and bed type.
  • View Assigned Bed Details: Provides detailed information about each assigned bed, including patient details and assignment dates.


The Doctors module provides doctors with information about their colleagues within the hospital. Key features include:

  • View List of Doctors: Displays a comprehensive list of all doctors associated with the hospital. This list includes doctors from various departments and specialties.
  • View Doctor Details: Provides detailed information about each doctor, including their designation, qualifications, contact information, and any other relevant details.


The Schedules module allows doctors to efficiently manage their availability and appointment times. Key features include:

  • Day-Wise Scheduling: Doctors can set their availability on a day-by-day basis, ensuring that patients can only book appointments during designated times.
  • Set Time Limit per Patient: Allows doctors to define a specific time duration for each patient appointment. This helps in managing their time effectively and ensuring that appointments are spaced appropriately.


The Documents module allows doctors to manage their uploaded documents. Key features include:

  • View List of Documents: Displays a comprehensive list of all documents that the doctors have uploaded to the app.
  • Add New Document: Enables doctors to upload new documents to the app, such as medical records or personal files.
  • Edit Document: Provides the ability to modify existing documents, including updating details or replacing files.
  • Delete Document: Allows doctors to remove documents from their list when they are no longer needed.
  • Download Document: Offers the option to download any document for offline access or personal records.


The Prescriptions module allows doctors to manage and review their medication information. Key features include:

  • View List of Prescriptions: Displays a comprehensive list of all prescriptions issued by the doctors. This helps doctors keep track of their prescribed medications.
  • View Prescription Details: Provides detailed information for each specific prescription, including the problem, test, advice, and any additional notes from the healthcare provider.
  • Download Prescription as PDF: Allows doctors to download a PDF version of their prescription details for personal records or to share with pharmacists.
  • Delete Prescription: Allows doctors to remove prescriptions from their list when they are no longer needed.

Diagnosis Tests

The Diagnosis Tests module provides doctors with access to their diagnostic information. Key features include:

  • View List of All Diagnoses: Displays a comprehensive list of all diagnostic tests and results associated with the doctors. This allows doctors to easily review their medical tests.
  • View Test Details: Enables doctors to access detailed information for each diagnostic test, including test results and any additional relevant information.
  • Download Test Report as PDF: Allows doctors to download a PDF version of their diagnostic test reports for their records or further review.

Notice Boards

The Notice Boards module allows doctors to stay informed about important updates and announcements. Key features include:

  • View List of Notices: Displays a comprehensive list of all notices available to the doctors. This list includes various updates, announcements, and important information.
  • Read Notice Details: Provides the ability to view detailed information about each specific notice. Doctors can read the full content and understand the context and relevance of each announcement.

Live Consultations

The Live Consultations module allows doctors to manage and participate in their scheduled live consultations. Key features include:

  • View List of Consultations: Displays a list of all consultations, categorized by status—Awaited, Finished, and Canceled. This helps doctors easily track their consultation appointments.
  • Sort by Status: Includes functionality to sort consultations based on their current status, making it easier to navigate through upcoming, completed, or canceled sessions.
  • Join Consultation Meeting: Provides a feature for doctors to join live consultation meetings directly from the app, ensuring seamless access to virtual healthcare services.
  • View Consultation Details: Allows doctors to view detailed information about each specific consultation, including the scheduled time, duration, and consultation notes.


The Payroll module provides doctors with access to their payment and compensation information. Key features include:

  • View List of Payroll Entries: Displays a comprehensive list of all payroll entries associated with the doctor. This includes details such as payment date, ID, status, and other relevant data.


The Reports module allows doctors to manage and review various medical reports. Key features include:

  • View Report Lists: Doctors can access a list of different report categories.
  • Death Reports: Details and records related to patient deaths.
  • Birth Reports: Information and documentation of patient births.
  • Investigation Reports: Findings from medical investigations and tests.
  • Operation Reports: Records of surgical procedures and outcomes.
  • View Report Details: Provides detailed information for each specific report, including relevant data and documentation.
  • Delete Reports: Doctors have the ability to delete reports from the system, allowing for management and organization of medical records.

Patient Admissions

The Patient Admissions module provides doctors with access to their hospital admission records. Key features include:

  • View List of Admissions: Displays a comprehensive list of all hospital admissions related to the doctors. This helps doctors keep track of their patients' hospital stays.
  • View Admission Details: Offers detailed information about each specific admission, including dates of admission and discharge, doctor, insurance details, and any other relevant information.
  • Delete Patient Admission: Allows doctors to remove patient admissions from their list when they are no longer needed.

Patient Feature

Appointment Management

The Appointment Management module provides patients with comprehensive tools to manage their appointments. Key features include:

  • View All Appointments: Allows patients to see a list of all their booked appointments.
  • Sort by Status: Includes sorting functionality to view appointments based on their status—Past, Upcoming, Confirmed, or Canceled. This helps patients quickly find and manage their appointments according to their needs.
  • Add New Appointment: Enables patients to schedule new appointments easily. This feature facilitates straightforward booking of new sessions with their healthcare provider.
  • Delete and Edit Appointments: Provides the ability to delete or edit specific appointments. Patients can make changes to their existing appointments or remove them as needed.


The Bills module allows patients to manage and review their billing information. Key features include:

  • View List of Bills: Displays a comprehensive list of all bills associated with the patient. This provides an organized view of the patient's financial transactions.
  • View Bill Details: Enables patients to access detailed information for each bill, including itemized charges, dates, and any other relevant billing information.
  • Download Bill as PDF: Allows patients to download a PDF version of their bill for their records or for further review.

Diagnosis Tests

The Diagnosis Tests module provides patients with access to their diagnostic information. Key features include:

  • View List of All Diagnoses: Displays a comprehensive list of all diagnostic tests and results associated with the patient. This allows patients to easily review their medical tests.
  • View Test Details: Enables patients to access detailed information for each diagnostic test, including test results and any additional relevant information.
  • Download Test Report as PDF: Allows patients to download a PDF version of their diagnostic test reports for their records or further review.


The Documents module allows patients to manage their uploaded documents. Key features include:

  • View List of Documents: Displays a comprehensive list of all documents that the patient has uploaded to the app.
  • Add New Document: Enables patients to upload new documents to the app, such as medical records or personal files.
  • Edit Document: Provides the ability to modify existing documents, including updating details or replacing files.
  • Delete Document: Allows patients to remove documents from their list when they are no longer needed.
  • Download Document: Offers the option to download any document for offline access or personal records.

Notice Boards

The Notice Boards module allows patients to stay informed about important updates and announcements. Key features include:

  • View List of Notices: Displays a comprehensive list of all notices available to the patient. This list includes various updates, announcements, and important information.
  • Read Notice Details: Provides the ability to view detailed information about each specific notice. Patients can read the full content and understand the context and relevance of each announcement.


The Invoices module allows patients to manage and review their invoices. Key features include:

  • View List of Invoices: Displays a comprehensive list of all invoices associated with the patient. This provides an organized view of their financial records.
  • View Invoice Details: Enables patients to access detailed information for each invoice, including charges, dates, and itemized breakdowns.
  • Download Invoice as PDF: Allows patients to download a PDF version of their invoices for personal records or further review.

Live Consultations

The Live Consultations module allows patients to manage and participate in their scheduled live consultations. Key features include:

  • View List of Consultations: Displays a list of all consultations, categorized by status—Awaited, Finished, and Canceled. This helps patients easily track their consultation appointments.
  • Sort by Status: Includes functionality to sort consultations based on their current status, making it easier to navigate through upcoming, completed, or canceled sessions.
  • Join Consultation Meeting: Provides a feature for patients to join live consultation meetings directly from the app, ensuring seamless access to virtual healthcare services.
  • View Consultation Details: Allows patients to view detailed information about each specific consultation, including the scheduled time, doctor's details, and consultation notes.


The Cases module allows patients to access and review information related to their medical cases. Key features include:

  • View List of All Cases: Displays a comprehensive list of all cases associated with the patient. This helps patients keep track of their medical history and ongoing treatments.
  • View Case Details: Provides detailed information for each case, including doctor, fees, and other relevant data. Patients can review the specifics of their medical conditions and any actions taken by healthcare providers.

My Admissions

The My Admissions module provides patients with access to their hospital admission records. Key features include:

  • View List of Admissions: Displays a comprehensive list of all hospital admissions related to the patient. This helps patients keep track of their hospital stays.
  • View Admission Details: Offers detailed information about each specific admission, including dates of admission and discharge, doctor, insurance details, and any other relevant information.


The Prescriptions module allows patients to manage and review their medication information. Key features include:

  • View List of Prescriptions: Displays a comprehensive list of all prescriptions issued to the patient. This helps patients keep track of their prescribed medications.
  • View Prescription Details: Provides detailed information for each specific prescription, including the problem, test, advice, and any additional notes from the healthcare provider.
  • Download Prescription as PDF: Allows patients to download a PDF version of their prescription details for personal records or to share with pharmacists.


The Vaccination module provides patients with access to their vaccination records. Key features include:

  • View List of Vaccinations: Displays a comprehensive list of all vaccinations received by the patient. This includes information on the type of vaccine, date of administration, and any other relevant details.