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Run Laravel UI Command

Then Generate a full authentication UI,

php artisan ui adminlte --auth

If you want to use localization, then run the following command,

php artisan ui adminlte-localized --auth

This will generate Auth Controllers and layout files along with authentication blade view files.

It uses the same configuration as per laravel/ui package for auth scaffold generation.

Check Published Stuff

This command generates following files,

  1. It will publish HomeController in controllers directory

  2. It will publish views

|- resources
     |- views
         |- layouts
             |- app.blade.php
             |- menu.blade.php
             |- sidebar.blade.php
         |- emails
             |- password.blade.php
         |- auth
             |- passwords
                 |- confirm.blade.php
                 |- email.blade.php
                 |- reset.blade.php
             |- login.blade.php
             |- register.blade.php
             |- verify.blade.php
  1. It will add following routes which need to get it work.
Route::get('/home', [App\Http\Controllers\HomeController::class, 'index'])->name('home');

Build Assets

As a next step, we need to install npm dependencies and build the assets with the following command,

npm install && npm run dev

For Production,

npm install && npm run prod

Now we are all set, and you can check basic auth scaffolding.