Create your own Command
In Laravel you can write your own customized command. Generally, commands will be stored in app\Console\Commands.
Generate Command
You can generate a command using the default Laravel artisan command :
php artisan make : command AppointmentReminder
Understanding Command
There is main 2 parts in the console command.
- Signature property
- Handle() method
$signature is the command name where you can specify the command name. if you are giving the name “send: reminder” then you have to fire the full command as follows.
php artisan send: reminder
Defining Arguments
You can define optional and required arguments into curly braces as follow.
protected $signature = 'send:reminder {appointmentID}';
// For the Optional argument you have to define ? in last
'mail:send {appointmentID?}'
Fetching Arguments
After executing the command if the argument is passed you have to fetch it. for that, you can use the default function as follow.
public function handle(): void
$appointmentID = $this->argument('appointmeentID');
You can use Options in the same manner as we did for the arguments.
Executing Commands from code
Route::post('/send-reminders', function (string $user) {
Artisan::call('send:reminder', [
'appointmentID' => 123
// ...