Laravel API Admin Panel Generator

We love Open-Source technologies and believe in contributing back to the community.With our proven expertise our packages are used by thousands of developers every month.







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Laravel Generator

Get your APIs and Admin Panel ready in Minutes

Hey, Did I mention that it take cares of PHPUnit Tests as well for you?

Laravel Generator

Laravel Generator

Generates your APIs in minutes along with validations required with routes adjustment.

API Generator

Generates fully working CRUD for the given model with sidebar menu and validation toasts.

CRUD Generator

Swagger documentation is painful and takes time to learn for any API Developer. But Generator covers that as well.

Swagger Generator

The Generator generates PHPUnit Tests for your APIs and your Repository files.

TestCases Generator

Already got Database? No Problem. The Generator generates APIs and CRUD from existing tables as well.

Generate Database Generator

Use your choice of a theme from 2 available open-source themes. AdminLTE or CoreUI. Or create your own templates with the theme you love.

AdminLTE-CoreUI Themes

GUI Builder for Laravel Generator

Generator Builder (Beta)

Generate CRUD & APIs via Visual Interface

Generator Builder is an add-on package for laravel generator which helps the developers to create CRUD and APIs via a visual interface.

  • Generate CRUD
  • Generate APIs
  • Specify Fields
  • Field Configuration Options
  • Full Control on what to Generate
  • Run newly created migrations
Laravel Generator Builder

API Documentation Generator

Swagger Generator

Generate beautiful documentation with swagger

Swagger Generator package is an add-on package of laravel generator which helps you to generate documentation of your APIs.

  • Swagger Docs Generation
  • Test your APIs from SwaggerUI
  • Built-in Authentication
  • Developer Friendly
  • Customizations from Configuration
Swagger Generator

Laravel Packages

AdminLTE Templates

AdminLTE Templates

Fully working CRUD along with authentication views and layout files with one of the most popular AdminLTE theme.
Stisla Templates

Stisla Templates

Stisla templates help you to craft your app with another beautiful theme Stisla along with Laravel Generator.
CoreUI Templates

CoreUI Templates

CoreUI templates help you to craft your app with another beautiful theme CoreUI along with Laravel Generator.
AdminLTE Generator

AdminLTE Generator

Starting a new project? Planning to use Laravel Generator with AdminLTE theme?
We got it ready for you. Directly get started with AdminLTE Generator Boilerplate.
Stisla Generator

Stisla Generator

Starting a new project? Planning to use Laravel Generator with Stisla theme?
We got it ready for you. Directly get started with Stisla Generator Boilerplate.
CoreUI Generator

CoreUI Generator

Starting a new project? Planning to use Laravel Generator with CoreUI theme?
We got it ready for you. Directly get started with CoreUI Generator Boilerplate.


Get your frontend authentication scaffolding ready in seconds by using our LaravelUI AdminLTE package. Focus on building real stuff and leave scaffolding on LaravelUI AdminLTE.
Stisla UI

Stisla UI

Get your frontend authentication scaffolding ready in seconds by using our LaravelUI Stisla UI package. Focus on building real stuff and leave scaffolding on LaravelUI Stisla.
Core UI

Core UI

Get your frontend authentication scaffolding ready in seconds by using our LaravelUI CoreUI package. Focus on building real stuff and leave scaffolding on LaravelUI CoreUI.
Laravel UPCItem DB

Laravel UPCItem DB

UPCItemDB is a great source to retrieve information of millions of products via UPC Code. Our Laravel UPCItemDB package helps developers to call UPCItemDB APIs easily in a Laravel way.
Laravel Calendar Events

Laravel Calendar Events

Calculate Laravel Calendar Recurring Events. No need to store all millions of possible future events into the Database. No Cron needed to Generate Monthly events for the Database. Calculate them as your need and render them on the calendar.
Laravel Routes Explorer

Laravel Routes Explorer

Routes are core things in Laravel. Laravel Routes Explorer helps you to explore your laravel application routes with the better GUI in a visual representation along with how many times a particular route is called.
Laravel Envato

Laravel Envato

Laravel Wrapper for calling Envato Products API with Account Authentication Management and other various features.
Laravel PayUMoney

Laravel PayUMoney

PayUMoney Gateway wrapper for Laravel. Easily integrate PayUMoney Payment Gateway into Laravel apps.

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