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Laravel Generator
Get your APIs and Admin Panel ready in Minutes
Hey, Did I mention that it take cares of PHPUnit Tests as well for you?
Laravel Generator
Generates your APIs in minutes along with validations required with routes adjustment.
Generates fully working CRUD for the given model with sidebar menu and validation toasts.
Swagger documentation is painful and takes time to learn for any API Developer. But Generator covers that as well.
The Generator generates PHPUnit Tests for your APIs and your Repository files.
Already got Database? No Problem. The Generator generates APIs and CRUD from existing tables as well.
Use your choice of a theme from 2 available open-source themes. AdminLTE or CoreUI. Or create your own templates with the theme you love.
GUI Builder for Laravel Generator
Generator Builder (Beta)
Generate CRUD & APIs via Visual Interface
Generator Builder is an add-on package for laravel generator which helps the developers to create CRUD and APIs via a visual interface.
- Generate CRUD
- Generate APIs
- Specify Fields
- Field Configuration Options
- Full Control on what to Generate
- Run newly created migrations
API Documentation Generator
Swagger Generator
Generate beautiful documentation with swagger
Swagger Generator package is an add-on package of laravel generator which helps you to generate documentation of your APIs.
- Swagger Docs Generation
- Test your APIs from SwaggerUI
- Built-in Authentication
- Developer Friendly
- Customizations from Configuration