Best practices for React JS developer

November 06, 20213 minutesuserVatsal Sakariya
Best practices for React JS developer

Today we are going to see best practices for React JS developer

  1. Passing a boolean variables.
  2. Do not define a function within a render
  3. Naming of the components
  4. Use of the Ternary Operators
  5. Don’t Need Curly Braces in string

Passing a boolean variables

Passing boolean variables in to two components.

Not Good

return (
   <Home showTitle={true}/>


return (
   <Home showTitle/>

Do not define a function within a render

Don’t define a function inside render.

Not Good

return (
    <button onClick={() => dispatch(ACTION_TO_SEND_DATA)}>


const submitData = () => dispatch(ACTION_TO_SEND_DATA)
return (
  <button onClick={submitData}>  

Naming of the components

You can use PascalCase for name of the components and camelCase for name of the instances.

Not Good

import createCard from './CreateCard';
const ReservationItem = <ReservationCard />;


import CreateCard from './CreateCard';
const reservationItem = <ReservationCard />;

Use of the Ternary Operators

Developer how can use ternary operator in React js.

Not Good

const { role } = user;
if(role === 'ADMIN') {
  return <AdminUser />
  return <NormalUser />


const { role } = user;
return role === 'ADMIN' ? <AdminUser /> : <NormalUser />

Don’t Need Curly Braces in string

When developer passing string props to a children component

Not Good

  <Navbar title={"My Special App"} />


<Navbar title="My Special App" />  

Hope this helps for React js developer