Android Development

Facebook Login With Firebase In Android Java

Facebook Login With Firebase In Android Java

1.Add this library build.gradle(:app)

  • This library user for firebase integration dependencies
   implementation ''

2.Add this permission in AndroidManifest.xml

  • This permission use internet connection checking

3.Activity in add this permission

  • This permission is for user data. Without this permission user data not meet

  • loginButton This button is Facebook button
  • LoginManager.getInstance().logInWithReadPermissions(FacebookLoginActivity.this, Arrays.asList(“email”, “public_profile”));
  • loginButton.setReadPermissions(“email”, “public_profile”);

4.Initialize Authentication:

					void initializeAuthentication(){
   FirebaseAuth  mAuth = FirebaseAuth.getInstance();
   GoogleSignInOptions gso = new GoogleSignInOptions.Builder(GoogleSignInOptions.DEFAULT_SIGN_IN)
   mGoogleSignInClient = GoogleSignIn.getClient(this, so); 

5.Add This Function:

  • This function user login result return
					void faceBookLogin(LoginResult loginResult){
   Profile profile = Profile.getCurrentProfile();      
   if (profile != null) {        
      String avatar = ImageRequest.getProfilePictureUri(profile.getId(), 200, 200)
   }    handleFacebookAccessToken(loginResult.getAccessToken());

6.Handle Token :

  • This token return firebase login fails or not an event
					private void handleFacebookAccessToken(AccessToken token) {
AuthCredential credential = FacebookAuthProvider.getCredential(token.getToken());
.addOnCompleteListener(this, new OnCompleteListener() {                
      public void onComplete(@NonNull Task task) {
      if (task.isSuccessful()) {
      FirebaseUser user = mAuth.getCurrentUser();
      user.getIdToken(true).addOnCompleteListener(new OnCompleteListener() {
      public void onComplete(@NonNull Task task) {
            String token = task.getResult().getToken();
 } else {
      String errorCode = String.valueOf(task.getException());
      Toast.makeText(FacebookLoginActivity.this, "Login failed.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();


  • “Default_web_client_id” this keyword, not changes because creating google-services.json file time automatically this keyword in add values so this key work put at its

How to creating google JSON file : JSON File

Add google JSON file this location in android studio:

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