How To Change Background in Photoshop

June 30, 20201 minuteuserKishan Savaliya
How To Change Background in Photoshop
We are going to change the background of the photo with another texture.

Step:1 Create a new artboard

Press Ctrl+N for creating a new artboard and set its dimension as per requirement. For example, here we took 4951 x 3301 px.


Step:2 Set Image In artboard

Drag image from its location to the artboard.

Step:3 Select cropping portion of the image

For the selection of an image, select the quick selection tool from the toolbar, and select a portion of the image which you want to crop.


Step:4 Select Refine edge

After perfect selection, select a refined edge tool.
After this select overlay from view mode then from edge detection, select a smart radius.

Then set these properties:
  1. Set radius 1 to 2 px
  2. Increase smooth 6 to 7 px from global refinements
  3. Set contrast 20% in global refinements
  4. Check to decontaminate colors in output settings and set amount 70%
  5. Set new layer with a layer mask in output dropdown
Press OK.

Now our image will look like below:


Step 5: set new background

Select a new background that you want to set in the image from its location and set the artboard.

Now place our cropped image above this background and adjust as per requirement.
