How to connect strapi CMS in gatsby website

September 01, 20212 minutesuserVatsal Sakariya
How to connect strapi CMS in gatsby website


Gatsby is a blazing-fast website framework for React. It allows developers to build React-based websites within minutes.

Strapi CMS

Strapi is an open-source, Node.js based, Headless CMS that saves developers a lot of development time while giving them the freedom to use their favorite tools and frameworks.

Integrate Gatsby with Strapi

Install gatsby-source-strapi package

npm i gatsby-source-strapi

gatsby-config.js file

  • add the gatsby config file in the following code

plugins: [
        resolve: `gatsby-source-strapi`,
        options: {
            apiURL: "your strapi server",
            contentTypes: ["restaurant"], //add your collections name
            queryLimit: 1000,

Now connect your gatsby website and strapi CMS

  • Here is an example of the GraphQL API query
import { StaticQuery, graphql } from 'gatsby';

const query = graphql`
  query {
    allStrapiRestaurant {
      edges {
        node {

const IndexPage = () => (
    render={data => (
        { => (
          <li key={restaurant.node.strapiId}>{}</li>

export default IndexPage;

Hope this helps.