Best practices for React JS developer part-2React
Best practices for React JS developer part-2React
In the previous article, we learned 5 areas or tips on Best practices for React JS developer.
In this article, we will learn more about areas or tips
- Object Destructuring.
- When pass value in props
- Tags close it self.
- Do not use underscore in any method name.
- Use alt in img tag.
Object distracting
You can use object distracting
Not Good
return (
const { firstName } = user;
return (
When pass value in props
When pass the data between two component that time use camelCase for prop names.
Not Good
Tags close it self
Any component in not use children so closing it self
Not Good
<Home userName="demo"></Home>
Do not use underscore in any method name
You don't need underscores in any React method.
Not Good
const _onClickHandler = () => {
// Your code
const onClickHandler = () => {
// Your code
Use alt attribute in img tag
Do use alt attribute in the img tag. and don’t use picture or image name in your alt property.
Not Good
<img src="hello.png" />
<img src="hello.png" alt="This is hero image" />
Marketing Strategies to Increase SalesSales
Marketing Strategies to Increase SalesSales
Finding new customers or retargeting the previous customers to buy your products or services is an important part of the entire sales process.
It may be tough for every people of your target to buy your product or service but to increase sales, you find which strategy works for you and try to use different types of a strategy used for buyer's intent.
Do you have great products but may not increase sales as you want? That's okay so don't worry below techniques maybe work for you.
Use the following marketing strategies to increase sales and gain the right customer who can buy your products or services easily.
First of all, we define customer journey in various steps:
- Awareness of product
- Interest in products
- Evaluation of customer
- Commitment about product or services
- Sale products your buying intent person
Marketing strategies to increase sales
1. People want to benefit from buying products
People never buy products, they buy results that the product will give so start to identifier your customer and talk about the benefits of products.
Think you are buyers and you want to purchase products like TV so think about what benefits I will get If I buy a TV. Always people thoughts about If they buy a product from you then what benefits they will get and validity of the product.
2. Define customer
Who is the person who is interested in your products and buying them immediately?
Think about that person in your mind create a visual picture of that person.
Ask some specific questions
- How old are they?
- Are they male or female?
- Do they have children?
- How much money do they make?
- Do they have an education?
- The working field of the person?
- Are they interested in your products?
3. Create videos of products
Video of product can give some extra benefits over photos so try to create an amazing video of particular products working or anything else.
In digital marketing, video is most popular to attract customers to buy products.
Short video or long video marketers use this media to convert more leads.
Types of video content for different use
- Client testimonials video
- Product review video
- Animation video
- How to use products video
- Videos for PPC advertising
4. Organic traffic through SEO
Create a blog content of products and describe of products in a blog how to use, which material used in this products, how they can benefit you, reviews of products, etc using best practices of SEO.
They take a long time to search for an appearance on first-page google but when it comes it gives you more benefits than paid services.
Best practices of SEO
- Optimized your image or video
- Best title tag that users can easily attract
- Always try to get benefits of users
- Create user-friendly content
- Links to other pages on your website that might interest the viewer
5. Pick the right price for a product
If you pick a high price of products then market rates, so definitely your product doesn't sell so choose price customer can afford it and you will get some income using sell products.
Do market research on your competitor and pick the right price for your products.
If you can make your product seem superior to your competitors, you can charge a higher price as you want but first, do market research.
Black Hat SEO Guide - Easy to Understand [2021]SEO
Black Hat SEO Guide - Easy to Understand [2021]SEO
In this chapter, learn about complete black hat SEO and solve your query related to this topic.
Black Hat SEO is a type of SEO technique that google doesn't recommend for sites ranking.
These techniques play with google algorithms and manipulate them for ranking in SERPs.
What is black hat SEO?
Black Hat SEO is totally against search engine guidelines that are used for website higher ranking in google SERP in a very short time.
Google does penalties that site that uses black hat SEO techniques for higher ranking in the search results.
What are black hat SEO techniques?
Black hat SEO techniques are techniques that manipulate google algorithms and play with the searcher's intent.
8 Different types of black hat SEO techniques
1. Use of paid links
Quality-related links drive traffic to websites also get ranking in search results page that's good.
People think if they buy backlinks from others then their websites get a higher ranking in google but paid links are against webmaster guidelines.
So that website never ranks but deindex in google is a high possibility.
So be avoid getting paid links from others that don't relevant to your niche.
If you do SEO for your site or client's website then avoid buying backlinks from others because google rank that site that matches user intent.
If buying links don't have quality content and do not match user intent that also affects your site so be aware when buying paid links.
2. Hidden text in a website
That is another black hat SEO technique that against search engine guidelines.
In white background put white text is a hidden text practice that user can't see but search engine crawler detects them and mark them as unwanted.
Putting text on behind images is also hidden text practice so avoid them getting penalties from Google.
Hidden text google guidelines
- Don't use a font size as 0
- Don't put text behind on image
- Don't use white text for white background
3. Article spinning
Article spinning is a technique that re-writes content synonyms as source information using tools or manually.
Copy article from other sites and do article spinning of copy content and put a new article on website but if you think Google doesn't catch this technique then you are totally wrong because google's algorithm is more powerful than you think.
So be avoid doing article spinning of content and don't paste in websites.
4. Cloaking
Clocking provides different results than users and search engines expected a per search intent that is a violation of webmasters guideline.
Clocking is an old technique of black hat SEO but today as well use this technique by people to manipulate google's algorithm and get the top ranking on SERPs.
But Google can easily catch this technique using powerful algorithms and do penalties that websites that use this types of techniques for ranking.
5. Keyword stuffing
Use the same keyword use several times on one page for most visibility in SERPs it's called keyword stuffing.
Using this content doesn't like natural and user friendly.
Keywords use in articles that should be natural, don't put anywhere that like spamming content.
6. Duplicate content
Duplicate content is that content that is copied from different sources and merges into one content but search engines prefer unique content for the webpage so avoid this technique for better results.
Duplicate content can't rank in google so focus only on unique content.
7. Link Farming
Create a thousand quantity backlinks for ranking in google. But 99% of backlinks are spamming and usually use black hat software like Scrape box, SEnukeTNG to create spamming backlinks.
Backlinks like comment backlinks, social bookmarking backlinks, web profile, article directory, wiki backlinks, gov., and education sites backlinks are automatically created using this software.
If you want to use then there is 4 way to use backlinks
- Never use such backlinks on money sites. Use only on short-term micro-niche sites.
- Never use such backlinks on your main website
- Use it for 2 tier backlinks
- You can get brand mentions from selected sites on your main site but without a hyperlink
8. Content Farming
Generated automatic content on websites using activated plugins.
Two disadvantages of auto blogging
- Your visitor never become your audience
- Rare chances of ranking an auto blogging site on google
Is black hat SEO illegal?
Black hat SEO is not illegal but try to avoid use, which violet search engine guidelines or go against the rules.
If Google catches this technique then will get a penalty or punishment from google in cases your site rank can down or the site can be removed in search engine.
At some time your site can rank using black hat SEO techniques but when googling algorithm catch then suddenly down your site or maybe removed in search engine.
What is a black hat tool?
Black hat tool using this you can do keyword stuffing, link spam, buy unethical link, etc.
Black hat SEO tool list
- XRumer
- SeNukeXcr
- Rankwyz
- GSA Search Engine Ranker
- Scrapebox
- Market Samurai
- The Best Spinner
- Tweet Attacks
- Traffic Booster Pro V3
- GScraper
Does black hat SEO Still Work?
The answer is yes because some money-making sites use black hat SEO for their website and get ranked in search engines and make money from this.
When google penalty these sites that already make money from this and they don't worry about that.
But most of the sites are made for the long-term future and they worry about that so these techniques are only for short-term results. Don't get long time results using this.
What are black hat backlinks?
Black hat backlinks are types of black hat SEO using keyword stuffing, cloaking, content scraping made backlinks for the website.
These types of backlinks create a negative effect on google SERPs.
Why you shouldn't use black hat SEO?
Create short-time results using this technique.
Poor experience for users using this black hat SEO technique.
The site can deindex or disappear in SERPs.
Reputation and authority of website can be down.
After that question in your mind is should we use some black hat SEO techniques for the website but the answer is no because black hat SEO is temporary and after some times googles algorithm capt them and down your site from the search engine.
Best practices for React JS developerReact
Best practices for React JS developerReact
Today we are going to see best practices for React JS developer
- Passing a boolean variables.
- Do not define a function within a render
- Naming of the components
- Use of the Ternary Operators
- Don’t Need Curly Braces in string
Passing a boolean variables
Passing boolean variables in to two components.
Not Good
return (
<Home showTitle={true}/>
return (
<Home showTitle/>
Do not define a function within a render
Don’t define a function inside render.
Not Good
return (
<button onClick={() => dispatch(ACTION_TO_SEND_DATA)}>
const submitData = () => dispatch(ACTION_TO_SEND_DATA)
return (
<button onClick={submitData}>
Naming of the components
You can use PascalCase for name of the components and camelCase for name of the instances.
Not Good
import createCard from './CreateCard';
const ReservationItem = <ReservationCard />;
import CreateCard from './CreateCard';
const reservationItem = <ReservationCard />;
Use of the Ternary Operators
Developer how can use ternary operator in React js.
Not Good
const { role } = user;
if(role === 'ADMIN') {
return <AdminUser />
return <NormalUser />
const { role } = user;
return role === 'ADMIN' ? <AdminUser /> : <NormalUser />
Don’t Need Curly Braces in string
When developer passing string props to a children component
Not Good
<Navbar title={"My Special App"} />
<Navbar title="My Special App" />
Hope this helps for React js developer
Use case Testing: What is Use Case Testing and How to Prepare Testcase ?Testing
Use case Testing: What is Use Case Testing and How to Prepare Testcase ?Testing
What is Use Case Testing and How to Prepare a Test Case for Testing?
In the phases and life cycle of software development, use case plays an important role. The entire process depends on the actions of the user and the response by the system to the actions. Hence it can be seen as documentation of the actions which is performed by the user or actor and then the corresponding interaction by the system to those actions. Not all the use cases result in achieving the goal by a user to the interactions with the system.
In a use case, the system responds to the situation or behavior. It is user-oriented rather than system-oriented. That is, they are actions that are done by the actor/user and not the output produced by the system. Hence the development team writes the ‘use cases’ as this phase depends on them. The writer of use cases, a team of development, customers, all of them together contribute towards the creation of use cases and testing.
What is Use Case Document?
Use case documentation helps to complete an overview of all the several ways in which the user interacts with the system to achieve the desired objective. The documentation will help to check the requirements for the software system and what is lacking in this process.
Who will use the Use Case Document?
As the documentation helps to get an overview of ways in which users can interact with the system, better documentation is always required for easier results. This documentation will be useful to the software developers and software testers along with the stakeholders.
There are several types of uses for these documents. It helps developers to implement the code and design the same. Further, testers use them to create test cases. Business stakeholders, on other hand, use the documentation in order to understand how the software works and their respective requirements.
Elements in Use Case Testing
The major elements of the use cases are brief introductions which help to explain the case.
- Actor, that is, the users which are involved in use case actions.
- Precondition, which is the conditions that need to be satisfied before the case begins.
- Basic Flow, or the main scenario which is a normal workflow in the system. In other words, this is a flow of transactions done by actors to accomplish their goals.
- Alternate flow, which is a less common interaction done by an actor with a system
- Exception flow, which prevents a user from achieving the goal
- Postconditions that are required to be checked after the case is finished.
How to Prepare Test cases?
It is best if the test cases for the main scenario are written first and then written second for alternate steps. These steps in test cases are from use case documents. Cases are supposed to be required as steps and the user or actor must be able to enter the same. Test design techniques can be used and developed to help reduce the number of test cases which can help reduce the time taken for testing.
Writing test cases and testing is an iterative process. Practice and knowledge of domain and system are required in this case. Using case testing in applications can be used to find missing links and incomplete requirements. Finding and modifying the same will bring efficiency and accuracy into the system domain.
Business Strategy for Software CompaniesSales
Business Strategy for Software CompaniesSales
What is software marketing?
The process of creating a market for any software leads to software marketing. Simply put, it is a way to market any software in the digital space for more sales and promotion of software.
Every startup software company uses a variety of methods and techniques to harness the marketing resources available in the digital marketplace.
Each software has its own user goals and benefits. Target customers are also defined according to the software. You cannot market software like other products. There are specific strategies that every startup software company needs to follow. Every company wants to increase its profits. Investing in product marketing increases profits.
There are some rules before you devise a market strategy
- Create your story before you appear
- Set goals before you plan to achieve
- Create an excellent website
- Keep the website SEO friendly
- Email marketing campaigns
Create your story before you appear
There is a story behind every creation and also of your software. Think about your startup and the software you want to market.
Software companies make the mistake of giving too many technical explanations in their communications before the customer understands the operation of the software and what it does.
You need to create and tell a story that explains the idea of software, its functions, what it offers to its customers, and ways to differentiate businesses from competitors.
Set goals before you plan to achieve
Before formulating a marketing strategy, you need to set goals. Why? It is not possible to know success unless the goal is to be achieved.
Setting goals is one way to understand what you want from a marketing strategy. Ask yourself, what are you planning to achieve with the market strategy? Is it to increase sales or to reach more target customers or is it a brand awareness marketing strategy?
Keep the website SEO friendly
You need to try to make your website SEO-friendly. It helps with organic traffic to websites. Visitors coming through organic traffic are mostly your potential customers. Give them what they want.
Email marketing campaigns
Email marketing is one of the best marketing strategies for startups. It helps build a database of potential customers as well as convert potential customers into sales. Drip email leads to sales leads by downloading sequence content or providing trial software links. Offering something for free in an email leads to your website.
Basic CSS Media Query ExplainedCSS
Basic CSS Media Query ExplainedCSS
Media queries allow you to customize the presentation of your web pages for a specific range of devices like mobile, phone, tablets, desktops, etc. without any change in markups.
@media Rule
The @media rule is used to apply a different set of styles for different Media/devices through the use of Media Queries.
We set the condition inside the parenthesis.
If I want the background color to be changed in the smaller screen, I can set the condition inside parenthesis.
Media Types
If we don't apply a media type, the @media rule selects all types of devices by default.
There are many kinds of devices but we can group them into 4 categories:
all - for all media types print - for printers screen - for computer screens, tablets and smart-phones speech - for screen readers that "read" the page out loud
Breakpoints are points where the website content responds according to the device width.
This is how the code works
when the screen is 992px or less, the background color is changed to blue from red
some common breakpoints for widths of devices:
- 320px-480px: Mobile devices
- 481-768px: iPads, Tablets
- 769px-1024px: Small Screens, Laptops
- 1025px - 1200px: Desktops, Large Screens
- 1201px and more: Extra Large Screens , TV
Main QA points for delivering high-quality SaaS-based solutionsTesting
Main QA points for delivering high-quality SaaS-based solutionsTesting
SaaS testing is the process of conducting a test case on an on-demand software or web-based software system. Software testing as a service is different from testing on-premises applications because SaaS-based application testing requires access to browsers and is centered around web application testing methods.
The software tests robust SaaS performance testing plans against real-world traffic in a cloud environment to confirm that the service is available, useful, and optimized for all web concurrent users at all times. By adhering to the best practices of SaaS testing, your team can quickly deploy updates and upgrades, increase ROI, and increase user satisfaction.
SaaS-Based Solutions: 4 Reasons to Testing
Reason 1. Smart scalability
The option to change software capabilities immediately upon request allows tenants to save costs on using cloud services. What's more, SaaS vendors use auto-scaling mechanisms that diagnose the amount of current users and adjust the software according to sizing needs.
Reason 2. Regular and rapid updates
Within the tight relationship with the SAS provider, the shortcomings and modifications of all solutions go through it. As a rule, the process of correcting errors and making changes is quick and frequent. Therefore, a robust QA strategy should be defined to optimize the snowfall of test scenarios on short notice.
Reason 3. Multi-tenancy
SaaS opportunities to use shared cloud resources make it affordable for a range of different organizations and streamline software support. Within the approach of providing access to multiple customers, each tenant's data is different and remains invisible to other subscribers. However, the sheer number of connections with a vendor can cause difficulties in compatibility and integration. In this case, improving the quality of the API may be the escape solution.
Reason 4. Adjustable architecture
One more reason why companies choose SaaS is the ability to customize and specify settings that perfectly match the needs of the business. And this requires thorough supervision, as improper operation of the IT solution can lead to defects after adding some modifications that can exacerbate the increased churning rate.
Therefore, in these specifications, SaaS testing is more complex than testing cloud and on-premises apps, which gathers more demand and a more in-depth attitude towards QA activities.
Now Let's see main points to get Upscale SaaS-Based Solutions
1. Functional testing
Testing all levels of connections between IT product components, including units, their integration and system testing, QA experts check the proper management of efficiency. Notably, the general requirements include numerous cases corresponding to casual user scenarios. Checking numerous configuration combinations makes testing more complete.
2. Performance testing
While on-premises applications are based on the user's environment, the customer experience in SaaS-based products may be influenced by others. Thus, performance checks are necessary - to run stress and load tests, QA engineers identify the above limitations of software capability and evaluate its behavior under the expected number of concomitant users.
3. Interoperability testing
SaaS based products perform flawlessly against various browsers and platforms as a prerequisite. Before conducting the interoperability test, the QA team estimates the most preferred browsers and platforms and isolates the browsers used by a few clients to exclude them. With every browser or platform tested, QA specialists cover the full scope of test configuration and provide seamless software operation for a wide range of users.
4. Usability testing
Intending to reduce churn rates and build long-term relationships with end users, companies primarily strive to enhance the customer experience with convenient app usage. By providing simple information architecture, simple workflow and interaction as well as visual readability and adequate feedback on commonly used functions, the individual can satisfy customers through a user-friendly application.
5. Security testing
Within sensitive data, SaaS-based solutions need to enable highly secure storage and disposal of information. Accepting casual accounts and roles, these applications require full validation of access control. To identify vulnerabilities and avoid data breaches, QA experts perform penetration testing, exploring potential barriers.
6. Compliance with requirements
Winning the competition also assumes meeting worldwide standards. Depending on the industry, HIPAA checklists for health products, OWASP security recommendations for any-domain web and mobile applications, GDPR to enable secure data storage and worldwide transfers and much more may be required to conduct software testing.
7. API testing
API testing is required between organizations delivering SaaS products, in conjunction with customer platforms and other third-party solutions. With it, instead of using default user inputs and outputs, QA engineers run positive and negative views of calls on APIs and analyze responses to system interactions. Such an approach allows in advance to ensure that the API application and the calling solution work properly. It focuses primarily on the business logic layer of software architecture.
8. Regression testing
Once the new functionality is implemented, it needs to be verified that the latest improvements have not affected the developed features. Being an elaborate and cumbersome process, the SaaS regression test includes all the test types mentioned above and a range of test cases involving more.
InfyOm has experience delivering comprehensive QA assistance with solid regression testing. Learn how our QA engineers tested and streamlined the software, ensuring the quality of the SaaS platform for public housing authorities.
Once you decide to build a true bug-free SaaS application, IT strategy needs to add SaaS testing to its specifications that include the use of Wise Cloud resources, prompt updates, multi-tenancy and customization.
By introducing QA tips from the InfyOm list, one can improve the quality of solutions, obtain the required business and operational values, and reduce churning rates.