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In this digital era, the expectations of customers have changed significantly. The days are gone when they try to contact customer support and wait until their answers. Nowadays, Consumers need rapid satisfaction, and companies have to change to satisfy them. Today I am talking about AI chatbots, the revolutionary Artificial Intelligence that is transforming customer support through the use of AI chatbots.

What are AI ChatBots?

Chatbots are basically computer programs that use text or voice interactions to mimic human communication with the user, using artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to understand user input and generate relevant responses or actions.

Advantages of ChatBots in Customer Support

Chatbots can help customers to quickly engage with website content, and they can help customers to solve problems on demand. A chatbot for customer service can handle multiple customer queries simultaneously, ensuring that no customer is left waiting. AI chatbots for customer service, productivity tools, and customer support automation reduce the load on the organization’s service team so they can focus on other more complex issues.

Chatbots answer customers' questions any time in the day or night, providing real-time responses, but human agents are available only during business hours.


Anytime Available: Chatbots can answer rapidly and reduce the wait time for customers who face delays when talking with human agents, providing real-time responses at any time, day or night. Human agents, however, are only available during business hours.

Client Comfort: When your customer support is available 24/7, it builds trust and reliability for your business.3

Instant Answers in Real Time

Reduce wait times: Chatbots can provide standardized and accurate information, ensuring the quality of the service remains constant. This reduces the wait time of the customers who are facing delays when talking with human agents. A chatbot is a reliable tool that can efficiently manage customer interactions, taking customer service to the next level.

Handle Multiple Customers: Chatbots can easily handle multiple requests at the same time without losing speed. They can also handle customers during peak hours.

Reliable Response

Accurate Information: Chatbots provide standardized and accurate information, ensuring constant service quality. In the process, you can enhance customer satisfaction by using chatbots to provide rapid, accurate, and personalized responses. This eliminates the differences that occasionally happen between different human agents.

Less Human Error: Businesses can produce fewer human errors and provide more reliable and dependable customer support by implementing chatbots.

Cost Effective

Operational savings: Chatbots can automate routine customer service jobs, such as handling inquiries and providing support, freeing up human agents so they can concentrate on more difficult problems. You can use chatbots to handle a wide range of customer queries, provide visual assistance, and offer technical support. Chatbots boost client satisfaction by personalizing conversations based on customer data, making each one unique and customized for the individual needs of the customer.

Scalability: Chatbots are able to meet increased consumer demands without extra cost, making them perfect for growing business

Better Customer Experience

Personalization: Chatbots boost client satisfaction by providing personalizing conversations based on customer data, making each one unique and customized for the individual.

Customer Experience Improvement: Chatbots increase customer satisfaction by providing rapid, accurate, and personalized responses, leading to repeat customers. Overall, an AI chatbot is changing the world of customer support. They provide accurate information, and also help to boost companies’ sales because of their personalized answers to each customer and helps to solve customers’ queries. Chatbots are the future of customer support. Learn more about how the best chatbots can transform your business.

Discover Our Solutions

If you are looking for AI chatbots for your business, we just made a product for you, InfyGPT, which provides a complete user-friendly solution. InfyGPT offers advanced features such as Customer service automation and easy connection on current systems. Whether you want to increase customer engagement, improve techniques, or improve help desk support, InfyGPT has the solutions you need. Our product is already SaaS ready if you want to launch your own platform.

Explore More on AI Chatbots

How ChatBots are Transforming the HR Industry

How AI Chatbot Works?

Which AI Chatbot Should You Choose for Your Website?

Why You Need Chatbot for Your Business

Maintaining awareness and using modern AI technologies, such as InfyGPT, may put your company at the height of innovation and client pleasure.

July 20, 20244 minutesuserAnkit Kalathiya


How to increase profit in our business - 2
In the previous article, we learned 6 areas or tips on How to increase profits in our business - part 1.

In this article, we will learn more about how to increase profit in our business. Maximizing Profit depends on the strategies that business owners take. There are only two ways to do this:
1. Increase Prices
2. Reduce Cost.

You simply cannot say that you are going to increase the profit of your business without a specific strategy. All you can do to increase profit is to improve the variables that ultimately determine your Profitability. Let's see 7 more points to increase profit.

7. Know your sales Channel

To stimulate your sales channel, you need to generate excitement and a reason to buy. This can be done by introducing vibrant, brightly colored sales that include all your products and services and by expressing a sense of urgency, encouraging sales partners, and adding subscription sales.

8. Find a new Customer

Follow up after meetings. Contact the people you meet to see if they are likely. If they say they no longer need your services, ask them when it's a good time to call, or if they have business associates who can use what you sell now.

9. Remove unprofitable service and product

If you have more than one product or service, any analysis will determine if one is more profitable than the other. If you have a lot of products in your offering, you can trust that some of them will not make money. The trick is to find out what they are and then put in motion plans to eliminate them. The basic tool for doing this is an orderly list that ranks all your products and services showing total revenue and all direct costs and total profits.

10. Reduce labor costs with part-time workers

Employment is lower than full-time workers than part-time workers. Take advantage of this luxury by hiring multiple part-time workers. Warn that if these people are presented to your company with a full-time opportunity they will leave them first.

11. Develop a CEO monthly letter to employees to create teamwork and communication

You'll want to have monthly conversations with your team, letting them know about any updates, highlighting individual performances, and reminding them of goals for the quarter and year. This will help build team morale and focus on expectations.

12. Invest in your people

Your team will only be able to make exceptional work progress and be competent when you invest in their improvement. Invest in their continuing education and also provide the best resources to do their job effectively.

13. Send personal notes of congratulations or thank employees at their home

When you send complimentary notes to employees ’homes, it shows that you think of them as a person rather than just a worker. This helps increase employee loyalty to your company.

That's it. If you want to run a profitable business, take these tips and apply them to your business. It will help your business perform better, keep growing, and increase profits.
October 09, 20202 minutesauthorAnkit Kalathiya
Balanced Scorecard : Strategic Management System-1


The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) was originally developed by Robert Kaplan of Harvard University and Dr. David Northon as a framework for measuring organizational performance using the more " BALANCED " set of performance measures.

Traditionally companies used only short-term financial performance as a measure of success but now non-financial strategic measures are also added in order to focus on long-term success.

The BSC system evolved over the years and is now considered a fully integrated "Strategic Management System".

What is a Balanced Scorecard (BSC)?

  • A Balanced Scorecard is a performance metric used to identify, improve, and control a business's various internal processes and resulting outcomes.
  • Balance Scorecard is a framework to implement and manage strategies.
  • The Balanced scorecard is derived from the idea of looking at strategic measures to get a more balanced view of performance. The concept of a Balanced Scorecard evolved beyond the simple use of perspectives, every business can implement it according to the requirements and therefore it is a holistic system for managing strategy.

Why do we need to implement it?

  • The key benefit of using a BSC framework is that it gives way to the organization to "Connect the Dots" between various components of strategic planning and management and it means there will be a visible connection between Projects and Programs that people are working on it.
  • BSC framework also helps management to meet pre-decided targets.

Perspectives of Balanced Scorecard:

Indeed a balanced scorecard plays a significant role to aid management to keep updated internal processes and the external Business world as well.

The framework Balanced Scorecard is divided into four areas (perspectives) that are critical to business success as given below.


  1. Financial
  2. Internal process
  3. Learning and Growth
  4. Customer

The BSC suggests that we view the Organization from four Perspectives to develop Objectives, Measures, Targets, and Initiatives (relative to each of these points of view).

To know more details about all four perspectives, read my upcoming weekly Blogs.

December 06, 20202 minutesauthorMariyam Bemat
How to Test Android Applications

Few main things remember to test an Android Application which is mention below:

1. Functional testing test cases

There are many hands involved in creating a mobile app. These stakeholders may have different expectations. Functional testing determines whether a mobile app complies with these various requirements and uses. Examine and validate all functions, features, and competencies of a product.

Twelve functional test case scenario questions:

  1. Does the application work as intended when starting and stopping?
  2. Does the app work accordingly on different mobile and operating system versions?
  3. Does the app behave accordingly in the event of external interruptions?
  4. (i.e. receiving SMS, minimized during an incoming phone call, etc.)
  5. Can the user download and install the app with no problem?
  6. Can the device multitask as expected when the app is in use or running in the background?
  7. Applications work satisfactorily after installing the app.
  8. Do social networking options like sharing, publishing, etc. work as needed?
  9. Do mandatory fields work as required? Does the app support payment gateway transactions?
  10. Are page scrolling scenarios working as expected?
  11. Navigate between different modules as expected.
  12. Are appropriate error messages received if necessary?

There are two ways to run functional testing: scripted and exploratory.


Running scripted tests is just that - a structured scripted activity in which testers follow predetermined steps. This allows QA testers to compare actual results with expected ones. These types of tests are usually confirmatory in nature, meaning that you are confirming that the application can perform the desired function. Testers generally run into more problems when they have more flexibility in test design.


Exploratory testing investigates and finds bugs and errors on the fly. It allows testers to manually discover software problems that are often unforeseen; where the QA team is testing so that most users actually use the app. learning, test design, test execution, and interpretation of test results as complementary activities that run in parallel throughout the project. Related: Scripted Testing Vs Exploratory Testing: Is One Better Than The Other?

2. Performance testing test cases

The primary goal of benchmarking is to ensure the performance and stability of your mobile application

Seven Performance test case scenarios ensure:

  1. Can the app handle the expected cargo volumes?
  2. What are the various mobile app and infrastructure bottlenecks preventing the app from performing as expected?
  3. Is the response time as expected? Are battery drain, memory leaks, GPS, and camera performance within the required guidelines?
  4. Current network coverage able to support the app at peak, medium, and minimum user levels?
  5. Are there any performance issues if the network changes from/to Wi-Fi and 2G / 3G / 4G?
  6. How does the app behave during the intermittent phases of connectivity?
  7. Existing client-server configurations that provide the optimum performance level?


3. Battery usage test cases

While battery usage is an important part of performance testing, mobile app developers must make it a top priority. Apps are becoming more and more demanding in terms of computing power. So, when developing your mobile app testing strategy, understand that battery-draining mobile apps degrade the user experience.

Device hardware - including battery life - varies by model and manufacturer. Therefore, QA testing teams must have a variety of new and older devices on hand in their mobile device laboratory. In addition, the test environment must replicate real applications such as operating system, network conditions (3G, 4G, WLAN, roaming), and multitasking from the point of view of the battery consumption test.

Seven battery usage test case scenarios to pay special attention to:

  1. Mobile app power consumption
  2. User interface design that uses intense graphics or results in unnecessarily high database queries
  3. Battery life can allow the app to operate at expected charge volumes
  4. Battery low and high-performance requirements
  5. Application operation is used when the battery is removed Battery usage and data leaks
  6. New features and updates do not introduce new battery usage and data
  7. Related: The secret art of battery testing on Android


4. Usability Testing Test Cases

Usability testing of mobile applications provides end-users with an intuitive and user-friendly interface. This type of testing is usually done manually, to ensure the app is easy to use and meets real users' expectations.

Ten usability test case scenarios ensure:

  1. The buttons are of a user-friendly size.
  2. The position, style, etc. of the buttons are consistent within the app
  3. Icons are consistent within the application
  4. The zoom in and out functions work as expected
  5. The keyboard can be minimized and maximized easily.
  6. The action or touching the wrong item can be easily undone.
  7. Context menus are not overloaded.
  8. Verbiage is simple, clear, and easily visible.
  9. The end-user can easily find the help menu or user manual in case of need.
  10. Related: High impact usability testing that is actually doable

We will see more points in our next articles.

December 03, 20204 minutesauthorBhumi Khimani
How to Customize Snackbar in Android

Snackbars are fairly common in the Android app. Almost every app uses a snack bar to display some information about what's going on in the app. You can consider Snackbar as an alternative or the best version of Toasts in Android.

Step 1: Using a normal Snackbar

To use Snackbar in your app, you just have to have the material design dependency in your app. Add Material design dependency to your build.Gradle app-level.

dependencies {
    implementation "com.google.android.material:$latest_version"

And then you can use the snack bar just like toast. For example:

Snackbar.make(view, "Show some message here", Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

Step 2: Working with the MainActivity.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<android.support.design.widget.CoordinatorLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"


            android:text="show snackbar" />



Step 3: Creating a custom layout for a snack bar

Under Layout, the folder creates a layout for the snack bar that must be inflated when creating a snack bar under the mainactivity.java file.

import android.graphics.Color;
import android.support.design.widget.CoordinatorLayout;
import android.support.design.widget.Snackbar;
import android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.TextView;

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
    private CoordinatorLayout coordinatorLayout;
    private Button button;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        coordinatorLayout = findViewById(R.id.coordinatorLayout);
        button = findViewById(R.id.button);

        button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {

    public void showSnackbar() {
        Snackbar snackbar = Snackbar.make(coordinatorLayout, "Marked as Read", Snackbar.LENGTH_INDEFINITE)
                .setAction("UNDO", new View.OnClickListener() {
                    public void onClick(View v) {
                        Snackbar snackbar1 = Snackbar.make(coordinatorLayout, "Undo successful", Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT);

November 30, 20201 minuteauthorVivek Beladiya
How to generate thumbnails by using Spatie Media Library

Hope you guys are familiar with Spatie Media Library. It's a very useful and time-saving package to manage file uploading.

It's also providing support to convert your images to thumbnails while storing images. you can generate a thumbnail of the image with the size (height, width) you want.

They are calling thumbnails to Conversions. You can generate multiple thumbnails with different sizes as you want.

So let's see some short examples which help us to create thumbnails of an uploaded image.

Implement the HasMediaTrait into your Model

Here we have a User model and we want to generate a thumbnail of the user uploading his profile image. you have to add HasMediaTrait to the User model and need to extend HasMedia.

use IlluminateDatabaseEloquentModel;
use SpatieMediaLibraryModelsMedia;
use SpatieMediaLibraryHasMediaHasMedia;
use SpatieMediaLibraryHasMediaHasMediaTrait;

class User extends Model implements HasMedia
    use HasMediaTrait;

    public function registerMediaConversions(Media $media = null)

Here we have defined a function registerMediaConversions in which we can manage the size of a thumbnail, which means how much height or width we want for the thumbnail.

So when we upload an image using the media library,

$media = User::first()->addMedia($pathToImage)->toMediaCollection();

it will auto-generate the thumbnails with the given height and width.

How to fetch the generated thumbnail?

$media->getPath();  // the path to the where the original image is stored
$media->getPath('profile-thumb') // the path to the converted image with dimensions 150*150

$media->getUrl();  // the url to the where the original image is stored
$media->getUrl('profile-thumb') // the url to the converted image with dimensions 150*150

How to generate multiple thumbnails for a single image?

..... in User Model .....
use SpatieImageManipulations;

    public function registerMediaConversions(Media $media = null)

              ->border(8, 'black', Manipulations::BORDER_OVERLAY);

so, it will generate 2 thumbnails with different image properties. you can use different image properties directly while generating thumbnails.

That's it, you can read more about the spatie media library conversions (thumbnails) here.

Keep connected to us for more interesting posts about laravel.

November 28, 20202 minutesauthorVishal Ribdiya
How to create APK and Bundle in android java

While developing apps in Android Studio, developers can create an APK file and share it with other developers or to QA people for testing purposes.

APK can be created with two types:

  1. Debug APK
  2. Release APK
  • Debug APK is very fast in building and Release APK is a little bit slow.

How to create a Release APK File:

  • Flowing below all steps
  • Open android studio
  • Click Build on the toolbar
  • Click Generate Signed Bundle/APK.
  • Select APK
  • Click the Next button
  • After clicking the next button, you will see the following dialog.
  • Click the "Create new..." button, highlighted in the following image by a red circle if you are creating an APK for the first time. Otherwise, you can choose from existing.
  • It will open one another dialog box
  • Key store path in select save location .jks file
  • Fill in all the information
  • Set a valid name for the key alias
  • Set 100 as validity years
  • Fill Certificate Information
  • Click OK
  • After you click on it, select "release" from the dialog box
  • Select "V1 (Jar Signature)" & "V2 (Full APK Signature)" checkboxes
  • Click Finish
  • It will start the process of building your APK

How to create a debug .apk file

  • Click Build and select Build Bundles(s)/APK(s)
  • Select "Build APK(s)" from the dialog box
  • It will start the process of building your debug APK file creating
November 25, 20201 minuteauthorPankaj Valani
How to implement Google Analytics into Gatsby Site

We have recently developed a site into the gatsby. We want to add Google Analytics to the website.

So, this is the way we implemented Google Analytics in the Gatsby site.

Use Gatsby Google GTag Plugin

Gatsby has a plugin gatsby-plugin-google-gtag that be used to easily add Google Global Site Tag to your Gatsby site.

Install the package by running the following command:

npm i gatsby-plugin-google-gtag --save


Once the installation is complete, you can now add this plugin to your gatsby-config.js:

Configure trackingIds and other options. Add this into the plugins array. Like,

module.exports = {
  // ...
  plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-plugin-google-gtag`,
      options: {
              // You can add multiple tracking ids and a pageview event will be fired for all of them.
              trackingIds: [
                "GA-TRACKING_ID", // Google Analytics / GA
                "AW-CONVERSION_ID", // Google Ads / Adwords / AW
                "DC-FLOODIGHT_ID", // Marketing Platform advertising products (Display & Video 360, Search Ads 360, and Campaign Manager)
              // This object gets passed directly to the gtag config command
              // This config will be shared across all trackingIds
              gtagConfig: {
                optimize_id: "OPT_CONTAINER_ID",
                anonymize_ip: true,
                cookie_expires: 0,
              // This object is used for configuration specific to this plugin
              pluginConfig: {
                // Puts tracking script in the head instead of the body
                head: false,
                // Setting this parameter is also optional
                respectDNT: true,
                // Avoids sending pageview hits from custom paths
                exclude: ["/preview/**", "/do-not-track/me/too/"],

This plugin automatically sends a “pageview” event to all products given as “trackingIds'' on every Gatsby's route change.

If you want to call a custom event you have access to window.gtag where you can call an event for all products.

Check out this code.

typeof window !== "undefined" && window.gtag("event", "click", { ...data })

NOTE: This plugin only works in production mode! To test your Global Site Tag is installed and

You need to run the following command for firing events correctly.

gatsby build && gatsby serve

If you need to exclude any path from the tracking system, you can add one or more to this optional array.

November 22, 20202 minutesauthorShailesh Ladumor
What is the difference between CMYK and RGB?
One of our clients once asked me to explain what CMYK means and what is the difference between it and RGB. Here's why it's important.

We discussed the need for one of their vendors to provide or convert a digital image file as CMYK. If this conversion is not done properly, the resulting image may have muddy colors and lack vibrancy that may reflect badly on your brand.

CMYK is an acronym for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Key (Black) - the ink colors used in the typical four-color printing process. RGB is an acronym for red, green, and blue light colors used in digital display screens.

CMYK is a term widely used in the graphic design business and is also known as "full-color". This printing method uses a process where each ink color is printed with a specific pattern, each subtractive color overlapping to create a spectrum. In the subtractive color spectrum, the more color you overlap, the darker the color becomes. Our eyes interpret this printed color spectrum as images and words on paper or printed surfaces

Printing a four-color process is not possible with what you see on your computer monitor.


RGB is an additive color spectrum. By default, any image displayed on a monitor or digital display screen will be created in RGB. In this color space, the more overlapping color you add, the lighter the resulting image. For this reason, almost every digital camera saves its images in the RGB color spectrum.


RGB color spectrum is higher than CMYK.

CMYK is for printing. RGB is for digital screens. But the thing to remember is that the RGB color spectrum is larger than CMYK, so what you see on your computer monitor is not possible by printing a four-color process. When we are designing artwork for our clients, careful attention is paid when converting artwork from RGB to CMYK. In the example above, you can see how RGB images with very bright colors can see unnecessary color shifts when converting to CMYK.

At Trillion, a combination of quality devices and expert eyes results in colors that look great in whatever environment they appear in, so your brand will always look its best. Don't let RGB fool you. If your brand has experienced a mismatch between your print and digital marketing efforts and you want to improve things.
November 20, 20202 minutesauthorKishan Savaliya