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toBase function in Laravel Eloquent
How and when to use the toBase function in laravel eloquent query to improve the performance of the app while querying…

Make long path shorter in asset function in laravel
How to create a custom laravel helper function to shorten long asset paths to more readable and easy…

Avoid Micro-Management & Respect Each and Everyone
Learnings on avoiding micro-management and respecting each other from the 5th chapter of Shreemad Bhagavad…

When CEO should come back to the company while being A-Karta
In Last Podcast and Blog Post, we discussed how we need to create 4…

4 Varna in Gita vs 4 Departments in Business
When CEO should come back to the company while becoming a-Karta and fix things from Bhagavad…

12 Business Learnings of 2019
12 things that I learned about business in the year 2019 from yearly review.

Business Learnings from Shree Bhagavad Gita Karma Yoga
What business learnings we can take from Karma Yoga of Shreemad Bhagavad Gita.

Use of Required Without Validation Rule in Laravel
How to handle complex laravel validation rules like required_without with checking if a record exists for a given id in…

DateTimeLocal with LaravelCollective Model Binding
How to use datetimelocal binding with Laravel Collective while generating form.