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In this digital era, the expectations of customers have changed significantly. The days are gone when they try to contact customer support and wait until their answers. Nowadays, Consumers need rapid satisfaction, and companies have to change to satisfy them. Today I am talking about AI chatbots, the revolutionary Artificial Intelligence that is transforming customer support through the use of AI chatbots.

What are AI ChatBots?

Chatbots are basically computer programs that use text or voice interactions to mimic human communication with the user, using artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to understand user input and generate relevant responses or actions.

Advantages of ChatBots in Customer Support

Chatbots can help customers to quickly engage with website content, and they can help customers to solve problems on demand. A chatbot for customer service can handle multiple customer queries simultaneously, ensuring that no customer is left waiting. AI chatbots for customer service, productivity tools, and customer support automation reduce the load on the organization’s service team so they can focus on other more complex issues.

Chatbots answer customers' questions any time in the day or night, providing real-time responses, but human agents are available only during business hours.


Anytime Available: Chatbots can answer rapidly and reduce the wait time for customers who face delays when talking with human agents, providing real-time responses at any time, day or night. Human agents, however, are only available during business hours.

Client Comfort: When your customer support is available 24/7, it builds trust and reliability for your business.3

Instant Answers in Real Time

Reduce wait times: Chatbots can provide standardized and accurate information, ensuring the quality of the service remains constant. This reduces the wait time of the customers who are facing delays when talking with human agents. A chatbot is a reliable tool that can efficiently manage customer interactions, taking customer service to the next level.

Handle Multiple Customers: Chatbots can easily handle multiple requests at the same time without losing speed. They can also handle customers during peak hours.

Reliable Response

Accurate Information: Chatbots provide standardized and accurate information, ensuring constant service quality. In the process, you can enhance customer satisfaction by using chatbots to provide rapid, accurate, and personalized responses. This eliminates the differences that occasionally happen between different human agents.

Less Human Error: Businesses can produce fewer human errors and provide more reliable and dependable customer support by implementing chatbots.

Cost Effective

Operational savings: Chatbots can automate routine customer service jobs, such as handling inquiries and providing support, freeing up human agents so they can concentrate on more difficult problems. You can use chatbots to handle a wide range of customer queries, provide visual assistance, and offer technical support. Chatbots boost client satisfaction by personalizing conversations based on customer data, making each one unique and customized for the individual needs of the customer.

Scalability: Chatbots are able to meet increased consumer demands without extra cost, making them perfect for growing business

Better Customer Experience

Personalization: Chatbots boost client satisfaction by providing personalizing conversations based on customer data, making each one unique and customized for the individual.

Customer Experience Improvement: Chatbots increase customer satisfaction by providing rapid, accurate, and personalized responses, leading to repeat customers. Overall, an AI chatbot is changing the world of customer support. They provide accurate information, and also help to boost companies’ sales because of their personalized answers to each customer and helps to solve customers’ queries. Chatbots are the future of customer support. Learn more about how the best chatbots can transform your business.

Discover Our Solutions

If you are looking for AI chatbots for your business, we just made a product for you, InfyGPT, which provides a complete user-friendly solution. InfyGPT offers advanced features such as Customer service automation and easy connection on current systems. Whether you want to increase customer engagement, improve techniques, or improve help desk support, InfyGPT has the solutions you need. Our product is already SaaS ready if you want to launch your own platform.

Explore More on AI Chatbots

How ChatBots are Transforming the HR Industry

How AI Chatbot Works?

Which AI Chatbot Should You Choose for Your Website?

Why You Need Chatbot for Your Business

Maintaining awareness and using modern AI technologies, such as InfyGPT, may put your company at the height of innovation and client pleasure.

July 20, 20244 minutesuserAnkit Kalathiya


What is Test Plan? – A Complete Guide

A test plan often lists the requirements, risks, test cases, testing environments, business and quality objectives, test timelines, and other things.

What is Test Plan?

The strategy, goals, timetable, estimation, deliverables, and resources needed to carry out testing on a software product are all described in detail in a test plan. The test plan aids in estimating the amount of work required to verify the application’s quality. The test manager carefully monitors and controls every aspect of the test plan to ensure that software testing activities are carried out according to a defined methodology.

Types of Test Plans

  • Master Test Plan
  • Phase Test Plan
  • Testing Type-Specific Test Plans

Types of Test Plans

Master Test Plan

A test plan with many tiers of testing is called a master test plan. It has an entire test plan.

Phase Test Plan

One sort of test plan that addresses each element of the testing technique is a phase test plan. For instance, a list of test cases, a list of tools, etc.

Specific Test Plan

A specific test plan for major testing types like security testing, load testing, and performance testing, among others that is, a particular non-functional testing-specific test plan.

What is the Importance of a Test Plan?

There are numerous advantages to creating a test plan document, including assisting customers, business managers, and developers outside the test team in comprehending the specifics of testing.

Our thinking is guided by the Test Plan. It is like a set of rules that must be followed.

The Test Plan contains important details like test estimation, test scope, and test strategy so that it can be reviewed by the Management Team and used again for other projects.

How to write a Test Plan?

For the management team, the critical task is to make a test plan. Below steps are as follows:

How to write a Test Plan?

1. Analyse the product

Testing the product without any knowledge is next to impossible. One should learn about the product before testing it. You should look around the website and read the documentation for the product. You can learn how to use the website and all of its features by reading the product documentation. If you’re not sure about anything, you could talk to a customer, a developer, or a designer to learn more.

2. Develop a Test Strategy

In software testing, developing a Test Plan begins with developing a Test Strategy. A high-level document known as a Test Strategy is typically created by the Test Manager. This document explains:

The testing effort and costs are determined by the project’s testing objectives and methods. The below steps should be followed:

A. Define the Scope of Testing

Precise customer requirements, a project budget, product specifications, and the talents and skills of your test team are all necessary for determining the scope.

B. Identify the Testing Type

A typical test procedure with an anticipated outcome is referred to as a Testing Type.

Each type of testing is designed to find a particular kind of product bug. However, the objective of all testing types is the same: “Early detection of all defects before releasing the product to the customer.”

C. Document Risk & Issues

Risk is an uncertain future event that has a chance of happening and the potential to lose money. When the risk occurs, it becomes the “problem.”

D. Create Test Logistics

The Test Manager should respond to the following questions in Test Logistics:

  • Who will examine it?

Although the tester’s precise names may not be known, the type of tester can be identified.

  • When will the test take place?

Development activities must be matched to test activities.

3. Define the Test Objective

The overall objective and level of achievement of the test execution are the Test Objectives. The testing aims to uncover as many software flaws as possible; before releasing the software under test, make sure it doesn’t have any bugs.

The following two steps should be taken to define the test objectives:

  • List all software features (that might need to be tested.
  • Using the aforementioned characteristics, define the test’s objective or target.

4. Define Test Criteria

A standard or rule that a test procedure or test judgment can be based on is called Test Criteria. Two types of test criteria are:-

Suspension Criteria: Describe the essential suspension requirements for a test. The active test cycle will be suspended until the suspension criteria are resolved, if they are met during testing.

Exit Criteria: It defines the criteria for a test phase’s successful completion. Before moving on to the subsequent development phase, the exit criteria—the intended test results—are required. Example: All critical test cases must pass 95% of the time.

5. Resource Planning

A resource plan is a comprehensive list of all the resources necessary to complete a project task. The number of resources (employees, equipment, and materials) required to complete a project can be determined with the assistance of resource planning, which is an important part of the test planning process. As a result, the Test Manager can accurately estimate the project’s schedule and budget.

6. Plan Test Environment

A set of software and hardware on which the testing team will run test cases is called a testing environment. Real business and user environments, in addition to physical environments like servers and front-end running environments, make up the test environment.

7. Schedule & Estimation

A common term in project management is “making a schedule.” The Test Manager can use Test Planning as a tool for monitoring project progress and controlling cost overruns by creating a solid schedule.

Deadline for employee and project: The schedule is affected by working days, the project’s deadline, and the availability of resources.

Estimating the project: The Test Manager is aware of the project’s completion time based on the estimate So that he can make the right schedule for the project.

Project Threat: Because the Test Manager is aware of the risk, he or she can add sufficient additional time to the project schedule to address it.

8. Test Deliverables

A list of all the documents, tools, and other parts that need to be made and kept up to support the testing effort is called a Test Deliverable.

After the testing cycles have ended, test deliverables are provided.

Defect Report, Installation/Test Procedures Guidelines, Release Notes, and Test Reports.

April 10, 20235 minutesauthorVirendra Harkhani
5 Proven Strategies for Boosting Your Sales Performance

As a sales professional, it's important to constantly strive for improvement in order to reach your goals and achieve success. Here are 5 proven strategies for boosting your sales performance:

Set specific, achievable goals

It's important to have clear and specific goals in place in order to stay motivated and focused. Make sure your goals are achievable and can be measured, such as a certain number of sales calls or meetings per week.

Utilize a sales process

Having a structured sales process can help you stay organized and increase your chances of closing deals. This could include identifying potential customers, setting appointments, presenting your product or service, and following up with prospects.

Build relationships

Building strong relationships with your customers is key to successful sales. Take the time to get to know your customers and understand their needs and concerns. This will help you tailor your sales pitch and show that you truly care about helping them.

Stay up-to-date

In order to stay competitive and relevant, it's important to continuously educate yourself on your industry and product or service offerings. This could include attending industry events, reading industry publications, and staying in touch with changes in your market.

Track and analyze your performance

Regularly tracking and analyzing your sales performance can help you identify strengths and weaknesses and make adjustments as needed. Use tools such as sales analytics software or a simple spreadsheet to track your progress and identify areas for improvement.

By implementing these strategies, you can boost your sales performance and increase your chances of success in the industry. Remember to stay focused, stay organized, and always strive for improvement in order to reach your goals.

February 21, 20231 minuteauthorAnkit Kalathiya
Design Ethics and Responsibility: The Importance of Making Right Choices in Design

As graphic designers, we have a unique opportunity to shape the way people perceive information and the world around them. With this power comes the responsibility to create designs that are not only visually appealing, but also ethical, responsible, and respectful. In this blog, we'll explore the various aspects of design ethics and responsibility, and how designers can make informed decisions that positively impact both the client and the end-users.


Designers have a responsibility to create designs that are fair and impartial, avoiding discrimination and stereotypes. This means avoiding designs that perpetuate negative or harmful stereotypes or beliefs about gender, race, religion, culture, or any other group.


It is the responsibility of designers to ensure that the information they present in their designs is accurate and up-to-date. This includes checking the sources of information and avoiding the spread of false or misleading information.


Designers must show respect for all individuals, communities, and cultures. This includes avoiding designs that use offensive language, images, or symbols. Designers must also respect the privacy of individuals and the confidentiality of sensitive information.


Designers have a responsibility to be transparent about the methods they use to create designs. This includes using ethical methods of research, data collection, and information sharing, and avoiding the use of manipulative techniques that deceive or mislead the end-users.

Cultural Sensitivity

When creating designs that cross cultural boundaries, it's important for designers to be culturally sensitive and aware of the cultural context in which their designs will be viewed. This means avoiding designs that may be misinterpreted or offensive in different cultures.

Social Responsibility

Designers have a responsibility to consider the impact their designs may have on society. This includes avoiding designs that promote violence, drugs, or other harmful activities, and creating designs that positively impact the community and the environment.

In conclusion, design ethics and responsibility are essential components of graphic design. Designers have a unique opportunity to shape the way people perceive information and the world around them, and it is their responsibility to make informed decisions that positively impact both the client and the end-users. By following the principles of fairness, accuracy, respect, transparency, cultural sensitivity, and social responsibility, designers can ensure that their designs are not only visually appealing but also ethically responsible.

February 15, 20232 minutesauthorNency Dobariya
Laravel Jobs - How Jobs works in Laravel?

Out of 100 only 30/40 people know about Laravel jobs and how its works or where we can use it.

When there is a need to use it specifically or the senior team asked that "You have to use Laravel Jobs", generally then people come to the web and search :

  • "How Laravel Jobs works ?" Or "Laravel Jobs works in Local Environment?"

In this tutorial, we are going to understand the basic functionality of jobs and their usage in simple words without any complex examples.

What is a Job?

Jobs generally contain a portion of code that runs in the background without blocking any other code.

You first need to create a job and you can write a portion of code into it.

Then you have to dispatch that job.

How Job works?

Let's say we want to send emails to 100 users. In general, terms what we do is: Execute a loop over each user and send emails one by one.

That will definitely take time and we also have to wait for the response.

Overcome that issue by using jobs.

First, we need to create a job that accepts 10 users and sends emails.

Now we will execute a loop over 100 users, so basically we have to dispatch the job 10 times.

So basically 10 times jobs will be dispatched and immediately we will get a response, as jobs run in the background without waiting for any response.

Hope its more clear now.

July 13, 20231 minuteauthorVishal Ribdiya
7 Principles of Software Testing

Software testing is the most common way of executing a program determined to track down the blunder. Our software needs to be error-free in order to perform well. The software will be free of all errors if the testing is successful.

7 Principles of Software Testing

There are seven principles of software testing as below:

  • Testing shows the presence of defects
  • Exhaustive testing is not possible
  • Early testing
  • Defect clustering
  • Pesticide paradox
  • Testing is context-dependent
  • Absence of errors fallacy
  • Principles of Software Testing

7 Principles of Software Testing

1) Testing shows the presence of defects

The application will be tested by the test engineer to ensure that there are no bugs or defects. During testing, we can only determine whether the software or application contains any errors. The majority of testing should be able to be traced back to the customer’s requirements, which means finding any flaws that might prevent the product from meeting the customer’s needs. This is the primary goal of testing, which uses a variety of methods and testing techniques to count the number of unknown bugs.

We can reduce the number of bugs in any application by testing it. However, this does not guarantee that the application is free of defects; software may appear bug-free after multiple types of testing. However, if the end-user encounters bugs that were not discovered during the testing process, they will be fixed at the time of deployment on the production server.

2) Exhaustive Testing is not possible

During the actual testing process, it sometimes appears to be very difficult to test all the modules and their features with effective and ineffective combinations of the input data.

As a result, rather than carrying out extensive testing, which necessitates endless calculations and results in failure for the majority of the effort, Because the product timelines prevent us from carrying out such testing scenarios, we are able to complete these variations based on the importance of the modules.

On-demand software testing pricing

3) Early Testing

In this context, “early testing” refers to all testing activities that should begin in the “requirement analysis stage” of the software development life cycle in order to find defects. This is because if we find bugs early enough, they can be fixed right away, which may save us a lot of money over bugs that are found later in the testing process.

We will need the documents for the requirement specification in order to carry out testing; Therefore, rather than addressing the issue at a later stage, such as the development phase, if the requirements are incorrectly defined, they can be addressed immediately.

4) Defect clustering

During the testing process, we can identify the number of bugs that are correlated to a small number of modules using defect clustering. This is due to a number of factors, including the modules’ potential complexity; The coding might be hard, and so on.

The Pareto Principle, states that we are able to identify that approximately, will apply to these kinds of software or applications. Twenty percent of the modules contain eighty percent of the complications. We can find the uncertain modules with this, but if the same tests are running on a regular basis, this method can be difficult, and the same test won’t be able to find new defects.

5) Pesticide paradox

This principle stated that the software or application will not be able to detect new bugs if the same set of test cases is run repeatedly over a predetermined period of time. It is critical to frequently review all test cases in order to overcome these pesticide paradoxes. Additionally, new and distinct tests must be written for the implementation of multiple software or application components to aid in the discovery of additional bugs.

6) Testing is context-dependent

According to the context-dependent principle of testing, there are a variety of market sectors, including commercial websites, e-commerce websites, and so forth. Because each application has its own requirements, features, and functionality, there is a certain method for testing commercial and e-commerce websites. To check this sort of use, we will take the assistance of different sorts of testing, different procedure, approaches, and various strategies. As a result, the application’s context determines the testing.

Functional vs non-functional testing

7) Absence of errors fallacy

We can say that the application is 99 percent bug-free once it has been tested thoroughly and no bugs have been found before it is released. However, there is a possibility that if the application is tested alongside the incorrect requirements, flaws will be discovered, and they will need to be fixed within a certain time frame. This is because the testing is done on the incorrect specification, which does not correspond to the client’s requirements. According to the absence of error fallacy, if the application is impractical and unable to fulfil the requirements and needs of the client, then identifying and fixing bugs would not be helpful.

March 03, 20234 minutesauthorVirendra Harkhani
Manual Testing Interview Questions – Every QA Should Read [Part - 2]

In today’s competitive world, testing is critical to the success of any software product. Manual tests are important in software development because they can be used in situations where automated testing isn’t possible. This Blog about Manual Testing Interview Questions will help you learn software testing.

With this thorough list of over 120 manual testing interview questions and answers, you’ll be ready for your software testing interviews. These manual testing interview questions are appropriate for both fresher and experienced candidates.

Let’s start by going through some of the most common Manual Testing Interview Questions.

16) What are the advantages of manual testing?

  • Manual testing is cheaper as compared to automation testing.
  • Point of view of an end-user, product analysis is possible only in manual testing.
  • Using manual testing you can also be done GUI testing accurately because using automation difficult to test visual accessibility and preferences.
  • Manual testing is used where the test script is not repeated and reused more times and mainly for short-term projects.
  • Manual testing is best at an early stage of development.

17) What are the drawbacks of manual testing?

  • Some types of testing are not possible to do manually like load testing, performance testing, etc.
  • Sometimes testing is more time-consuming than manual testing like regression testing.
  • Manual testing has a limited scope as compared to automation testing.
  • For long-term projects, manual testing is very expensive.

18) What’s the role of documentation in Manual Testing?

Documentation plays an important role in achieving good software testing. In the documentation, we are including details like project requirements and specifications, designs, basic business rules, inspection reports, configurations, test planning, test cases, bug reporting, user manual, etc.

Using test cases documentation will easy to estimate the testing efforts that will need to spend with test tracking and tracing requirements. Some of the applied documentation associated with software testing are listed below:

  • Test Plan
  • Test Scenario
  • Test Case
  • Traceability Matrix

19)What makes a good test engineer?

A software test engineer is any professional who ensures that the product meets all the expectations and requirements. A software test engineer creates a process for testing a particular product.

  • A good tester should easily understand the priority of the task and should have the ability to take the requirements of the customer.
  • A good test engineer should have the ability to assert his ideas to maintain a cooperative relationship with developers Tester has the ability to communicate which he can report a bug for negative things positively with developers as well as with customers and management people also.
  • Ability to take a risk whenever they need to make important decisions

20) What is the test harness?

A test harness is the cluster of software and test information. Into the test harness test a program unit by running it in a different environment like pressure, load, data-driven, and observing its behavior, reaction, and outcomes. Test Harness is mainly divided into two parts:

  • A Test Execution Engine
  • Test script repository

21) What is test closure?

Test closure is a document that has a summary of all test cases which is made during the software development life cycle. Test closure has also detail about the analysis and remove bugs and errors found. Test closure also contains a report of executed test cases, total no. of open bugs, total no. of rejected bugs.

22) Do you know, the difference between Positive and Negative Testing?

Positive Testing Negative Testing
Positive testing ensures that the application working as an expected result, if not then the test is fails Negative testing ensures that the application can handle the input or unwanted user behaviour.
In this testing, the tester tests the application with a valid set of data. In this testing, tester test the application with an invalid set of data and check their creativity and validation against invalid data.

23) Define what is a critical bug.

A critical bug is a bug that is the impacts a major functionality of the given application. This means affecting a large area of the functionality or breaking any functionality and there is no other method to overcome this problem. The application cannot be delivered to the end-user unless the critical bug is fixed.

24) What is the pesticide paradox? How to overcome it?

Based on the pesticide paradox, if the same tests are carried out again and again then the outcome of these test cases are the same, so for the same test cases tester is not able to find new bugs. Developers will be extra careful in those parts where the tester found more bugs and might not look into the other areas.

Below describe Methods to prevent pesticide paradox are following:

  • Write a whole new different set of test cases continually to exercise different parts of the software.
  • On daily basis review the existing test cases and add new test cases to them.

Using these above methods, it is possible that we can find more bugs in the segment where bug numbers are dropped.

25) What is Defect Cascading in Software Testing?

Defect Cascading is the action of triggering other defects in the application. During testing, while defects go unnoticed then other defects are invoked. As an outcome, a greater number of defects crop up in the later stage of development. If defect cascading continues then impact on other components of the application and determining the affected component becomes more difficult. You can make different test cases for resolving this issue but it is very difficult and time-consuming.

26) What is the term ‘quality’ mean when testing?

Quality software is defect-free, delivered on time and within budget, meets conditions and expectations, and is maintainable. Still ‘Quality’ is a personal term. Quality will depend on who the ‘customer’ is and their overall influence in the scheme of things. The accounting department might define quality in terms of earnings while an end-user might describe quality as user-supportive and defect-free.

27) What is black box testing, and what are the various techniques?

Black Box testing also known as specification-based testing, analyses the functionality of the software without knowing about the internal structure of the application. The goal of this testing is to check the whole workflow of the system is works correctly and meets user demands. Various black box testing techniques are listed below:

  • Equivalence Partitioning
  • Boundary Value Analysis
  • Decision Table Based Technique
  • Cause-effect Graphing
  • Use Case Testing

28) What is white box testing, and what are the various techniques?

White-box testing is also known as structure-based testing, for white box testing requires knowledge of the internal structure of the application. The purpose of this testing is to improve design and usability, check the flow of input/outputs, enhance security. Below are the various kind of white box testing techniques:

  • Statement Coverage
  • Decision Coverage
  • Condition Coverage
  • Multiple Condition Coverage

29) What are the Experience-based testing techniques?

Experienced-based testing is all about finding, research, and learning. The tester continuously studies and analyses the product and accordingly applies his skills, trick, and experience to develop test strategies and test cases to perform necessary testing. Various experience-based testing techniques are:

  • Exploratory testing
  • Error Guessing

30) What is a top-down and bottom-up approach to testing?

Top-Down – Testing occurs from top to bottom. This is, high-level modules are tested first and after that low-level modules. Lastly, the low-level modules are integrated into a high-level state to guarantee the framework is working as it is expected to.

Bottom-Up – Testing occurs from base levels to high-up levels. The lowest level modules are tested first and thereafter high-level state modules. Lastly, the high-level state modules are corresponded to a low level to guarantee the framework is filling in as it has been proposed to.

February 03, 20236 minutesauthorVirendra Harkhani
Manual Testing Interview Questions – Every QA Should Read

In today’s competitive world, testing is critical to the success of any software product. Manual tests are important in software development because they can be used in situations where automated testing isn’t possible. This Blog about Manual Testing Interview Questions will help you learn software testing.

With this thorough list of over 120 manual testing interview questions and answers, you’ll be ready for your software testing interviews. These manual testing interview questions are appropriate for both fresher and experienced candidates.

Let’s start by going through some of the most common Manual Testing Interview Questions.

120+ Manual Testing Interview Questions:

Below are the 120+ manual testing interview questions and answers:

1) What is Software Testing?

Software testing is a process to test whether the actual product is matched with an expected requirement or not and if getting an issue then it could be resolved before the released product to the market and at last ensure that product is bug-free.

2) What is manual testing?

Manual testing is a type of testing that involves the validation of the requirements of the application by executing a predefined set of test cases manually without the use of any automation tool.

3) Why is Software Testing Required?

Software testing is a process that verifies the product is secure and good enough to be released to the market. The reason for software testing is to find defects, errors, and unmatched or missing requirements compared to the actual requirement.

  • It points out the bug and error which is made during the development.
  • If identify issues at the starting stage of development, then we can reduce the coding cycles.
  • Ensure that product is defect-free, and the product meets the market standard.
  • Make sure that the application doesn’t result in any failures.

4) What are the two main categories of software testing?

Software testing is a vast domain, but it can be categorized into two types, such as:

  • Manual Testing– Manual testing is the oldest type of software testing where the tester executes all test cases without using any tools, mean-tested whole application manually by QA testers.
  • Automation Testing– Automation Testing is the process of executing repeating predefined test cases using an automation testing tool. The main focus of automation testing is replacing manual activity with automated test cases

5) Do you know the difference between quality control and quality assurance?

Quality Control Quality Assurance
Quality Control is a product-based approach of running a program to define if the application has any defect, as well as make sure software fulfils all the requirements. Quality assurance is a process-oriented approach that focuses on making sure that the methods, techniques used to make quality deliverables are applied correctly.
QA means planning for doing any testing process. QC means doing action for executing the planned process.
QA does not involve executing the test cases. QC is always involved in executing the test cases.
QA is the technique of handling the quality of the application. QC is a method to verify the quality of software

6) What is quality control? Is it similar to Quality Assurance?

Quality control is a product-based strategy of running a program to define if it has any defect, as well as create sure software fulfils all requirements with end-user.

So, Quality control is not similar to Quality assurance, Quality assurance is a process-oriented approach. It is focused only on process, methods, and techniques which is used to create quality deliverables that are applied correctly.

7) What different types of manual testing are there?

Manual testing is divided into different types, which are listed below:

  • Acceptance Testing
  • System Testing
  • Black Box Testing
  • White Box Testing
  • Unit Testing
  • Integration Testing

8) Explain the difference between alpha testing and beta testing.

Alpha and beta both testing types are types of user acceptance testing. Find the brief description of alpha vs beta testing here.

  • Alpha Testing – Alpha testing is a process that is performed before realizing the product to identify a bug.
  • Beta Testing – Beta testing is a process that is performed by the end-user after realizing the product.

9) What are the different levels of manual testing?

We have different 4 levels of manual testing, which is described below:

  • Unit testing – Unit testing is testing where we test separate units or the smallest pieces of source code. The goal of unit testing is to separate all parts and show that all parts are worked without any defect.
  • Integration Testing – It is a type of testing where individual units are combined and tested there is no bug after integrating the separate units.
  • System Testing – System testing is defined as the testing of the whole integrated product. System testing is black-box testing, and it is performed in the form of a functional requirement specification.
  • User Acceptance Testing – User acceptance testing is a final level of testing, UAT is performed by the end-user or client. In UAT testing verify that software or product is ready to be released or not into the real world.

10) What is a test in manual testing?

The tested environment is used for application testing; we can test hardware as well as software programs also. The test consists of hardware, network configuration, software, and other related software.

11) Explain the procedure for manual testing.

In The manual testing process, follow the below steps:

  • Project Planning and Control
  • Project Design
  • Test case Execution
  • Evaluating exit criteria and Reporting
  • Test Closure activities

12) What is the test case?

One type of document that has a set of conditions that is performed on the particular application in order to verify the expected result of the feature is called a test case.

Test case documents include test steps, preconditions, postconditions, test data, and verification requirements.

13) What is API testing?

Perform software testing API directly from their functionality, reliability, security, and performance in API testing.

The application has three separate layers:

  • First is the Presentation Layer or user interface.
  • The second layer is Business Layer or application user interface for business logic processing.
  • The third and last layer is Database Layer for

14) Do you know the difference between verification and validation in testing?

Verification testing is done without executing the code. Verification is a static technique. Verification is coming before validation. Verification is the process where to verify the quality of the product. Verification is to reduce the chances of failure in the product.

Validation testing is including the execution of the code. Validation is dynamic testing. Validation comes after Verification. Validation is the process in which the actual requirements of the customer match with the software functionality. Validation is done after completing the development process.

15) Do you know the difference between a bug and a defect?

The tester finds fault in the software during testing it is called a bug and when a product goes to live that time developer detects the difference between the actual result and the expected result is called a defect.

January 17, 20236 minutesauthorVirendra Harkhani
How Open AI can help you create Impressive Visuals

The field of AI design is always changing. The potential for AI-generated designs increases as technology develops. For designers looking to produce great visuals quickly and effectively, Open AI is one of the most potent tools accessible. In this blog, we'll explore what Open AI is, the benefits of using it for design, and how to create impressive visuals with it.

What is Open AI?

The use of AI in design is rapidly taking over the entire process. AI-powered design tools are being used to generate visuals, optimize workflows, and provide real-time feedback. Another use of AI design is to produce highly targeted content and personalized experiences. AI-generated graphics may make your designs more appealing and eye-catching while also helping you stand out from the competition.

Open AI is a platform that allows designers to create quickly and efficiently visuals. Based on user input and actual facts, it generates images using artificial intelligence. It has a wide variety of features that make it easy for designers to generate stunning visuals in no time. Open AI is very adaptable and may be used to produce images for a multitude of uses. It can be used to make graphics like infographics, logos, and illustrations. Additionally, it can be used to produce visuals for websites, ads, and other purposes. It can be used to make graphics such as infographics, logos, and illustrations. Additionally, it can be used to make visuals for websites, ads, and other purposes.

Benefits of Using Open AI for Design

There are many advantages for designers in using Open AI. By automating the design process, it can assist designers in gaining more time and productivity. It can assist designers in producing graphics that are responsive to various platforms and gadgets. Designers might use Open AI to investigate fresh and creative concepts rather than sticking to the same strategies. Designers can become more creative problem solvers, as they can take a step back and conceive ideas rather than constantly dealing with the specifics of the design. A design team's communication and cooperation can be enhanced. Designers can continue to invent and develop a product in record time by precisely and quickly exchanging ideas and comments. The team can become more cohesive and make sure that everyone is working toward the same goals at all times.

How to Create Impressive Visuals

Creating impressive visuals with Open AI is easy and straightforward. Designers must first choose the visuals they want to use before entering the essential information into the Open AI platform to create graphics. Open AI will produce visualisations once the data has been entered based on the user's preferences and actual data. After then, the created images can be altered and improved to achieve the desired result. Additionally, Open AI can be utilised to create original visuals.

AI in Design Software

AI-powered design software can help designers automate mundane tasks such as researching, organizing, and scheduling. AI-powered design software can also help designers create visuals that are tailored to their target audience and are optimized for different platforms and devices. Design software such as Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator are increasingly incorporating AI into their design tools. For example, Adobe Photoshop has incorporated AI-powered features such as content-aware fill and auto-tagging. Adobe Illustrator has also incorporated AI-powered features such as auto-fill and auto-correct.

January 01, 20233 minutesauthorNency Dobariya