Understanding of Employee's Value Circle

Human Resource
September 30, 20213 minutesuserMariyam Bemat
Understanding of Employee's Value Circle

Being an HR professional it's too critical to engage each person in the organization. To engage employee HR need to transform the relationship (from arrange marriage to Love marriage)

Now the question is

How it would be possible as each and everyone has a different mindset in the organization?'

The obvious answer is

HR needs to understand the Employee's Value circle and use the factor to motivate and engage employees with the organization.

Again the new question born in the mind

What is the Employee Value circle?

The employee value circle is the combination of various employee's values which they want from the organization. After identifying the value we can easily decide the category of the value circle. The value category gives us the way to motivate and engage the employee and we can form a long-lasting relationship between organization and employee.

let's understand what is Employee Value circle is



1st R- Recognition 2nd R- Reward 3rd R Respect P- Promotion M- Motivation

We need to find out what is the thing from category 1 that works better for the particular employee.



If the person works for money then prepare the monetary plan to motivate the employee. you can use the bonus, incentives, vouchers, commission, cash card, etc. Sometimes you purchase something for them which they can consider monetary reward and gain income out of them. For instance shares.

Category- 3

Learning Opportunity

Many people in the organization are willing to learn and explore new things, to engage their organization can provide the learning platform for them.

Category- 4


If the person wants the flexibility to figure out the possibility and provide them, believe me, they will be happy and become more productive

At the first glance, it looks easy to do the Employee Value Circle survey but it's not Easy as ABC. HR professionals need to keep patience, keep an active approach all the time and observe everything about a particular person otherwise it will become a worthless, waste of time, and a waste of resources as well.