
Make long path shorter in asset function in laravel

Make long path shorter in asset function in laravel

Recently, I’ve started working on one project where we follow modules patterns and for the same, we have different assets folders for the different modules and the folder named common for assets which are common across all the modules.

So our public folder looks like the following,

Module Asset Functions

The problem that I started facing was everywhere I needed to give a full path to import/include any of the files from any of the folders. For e.g.

					<img decoding="async" src="{{ asset('assets/tasks/images/delete.png') }}"alt="Delete Task">

Even if we have some folder in images to group similar images then it was even becoming longer. For e.g.

					<img decoding="async" src="{{ asset('assets/tasks/images/social/facebook.png') }}" alt="Facebook">

The workaround that I used is, I created one file called helpers.php and created dedicated asset functions for each of the modules. For e.g., for tasks,

					if (!function_exists('tasks_asset')) {     
* Generate an asset path for the tasks module folder.
* @param  string  $path      
* @param  bool|null  $secure      
* @return string      
function tasks_asset($path, $secure = null){
    $path = "assets/tasks/".$path;         
    return app('url')->asset($path, $secure);     

With this function, I can use,

					<img decoding="async" src="{{ tasks_asset('images/delete.png') }}" alt="Delete Task">

Other advantages it gives are,

  1. if in future if the path of tasks folder changed, then I do not need to go and update every single import/include.
  2. I (or any new developer) do not need to remember the long paths and can always use direct function names for modules.

Even I like this pattern so much, so I went further and created dedicated image function as well,

					if (!function_exists('tasks_image')) {     
* Generate an asset path for the tasks module images folder.
* @param  string  $path      
* @param  bool|null  $secure      
* @return string      
function tasks_image($path, $secure = null){
    $path = "images/".$path;         
    return tasks_asset($path, $secure);     

So I can use it as,

					<img decoding="async" src="{{ tasks_image('delete.png') }}" alt="Delete Task">

Simple and handy functions to use everywhere.

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