
How to explain the tricks to close your next deal

How to explain the tricks to close your next deal

Persuasion is a method of communication aimed at influencing the attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors of others. In terms of sales, understanding usually occurs when a sales representative tries to convince a prospect that their product or service is the best solution to their problem.
Let’s review the persuasion strategy you can implement today to close your next deal.

1. Personalize your message

If you want to explain the possibility of considering your product, resist the request to follow the general sales script. When you make excessive rehearsal noise or don’t share messages or information that seems to suit your prospect, your efforts go to one ear and go to the other.
This doesn’t mean you need to fully wing your sales calls, it does mean you need to be prepared to adjust your message based on what interests you in the potential.

2. Focus on problem-solving

Instead of telling the prospect all the reasons why they should buy your product (which may feel pressure and emotion), focus on sharing all the reasons why your product can help them solve their problem. By focusing on their concerns and locating your offer as a solution, you are showing the value of your product without excessive pressure.

3. Give social proof

Letting your past customers sell to you – knowing when to take advantage of social proof can be a powerful persuasive trick.
While buyers may take your point as a sales representative with a grain of salt because they know you want to sell, they are more likely to trust a testimonial or story from a previous customer who was looking for a similar solution.

4. Assume goals

Picture: You feel ready to call your sales call. You think you have a solid understanding of who the prospects are and what they are looking for. Your notes have been typed and you are ready to close the deal.
Then during a call, potentially throws out several turns, asking you questions and mentioning objections that you weren’t prepared to account for – the dream of every sales rip. But don’t go too far. This is a valuable learning experience.

5. Empower empowerment decision making

After all, you want your customers to buy from you because they really want to, not because they feel pressured. And let’s be realistic – including your prospects, don’t like to tell anyone what to do, so you’ll avoid being too direct in your approach. As a sales representative, it is your job to provide the context and information that makes your product a thought-provoking product.

6. Make personal connections

It’s a basic rule of human interaction – we’re all ready to trust and engage with people we really love on a deeper level. While buyers can choose your product or brand as a sales representative, you are the main source of human engagement representing your company.

7. Don’t rush into the process

Last but not least, don’t rush your prospect through the sales process. We get it – you have goals on a regular basis. However, effective persuasion should seem natural to the prospect. They do not feel pressured or rushed to sign the dotted line. This doesn’t mean you can’t implement a sense of urgency or be on time – in fact making a little sense of urgency (such as paying a special price for a limited time) can be an effective trick.

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