How to setup passwordless Login In Laravel
LaravelBasically, we set up email/username and password login in all our projects. but, sometimes we need to implement s passwordless login in the laravel application,
First of all, what is passwordless login? passwordless login is an authentication method that allows the user to log in without entering a password.
In this article, I show you how to set up passwordless login laravel step by step.
Step 1:
one great laravel package Laravel Passwordless Login provides the ability to log in without a password.
This package provides a temporary signed URL link that logs in a user, What it does not provide is a way of actually sending the link to the route to the user. This is because I don't want to make any assumptions about how you communicate with your users.
Step 2:
Open the terminal and go to the project directory and fire the following command to install
composer require grosv/laravel-passwordless-login
Step 3:
Configure the following variables in your env file
Step 4:
Create one function in your login controller. it looks like
use App\User;
use Grosv\LaravelPasswordlessLogin\LoginUrl;
function sendLoginLink(\Request $request)
$user = User::where('email','=', $request->get('email))->first();
$generator = new LoginUrl($user);
$url = $generator->generate();
//OR Use a Facade
$url = PasswordlessLogin::forUser($user)->generate();
$data['url'] = $generator->generate();
$data['user'] = $user;
Mail::to($user->email)->send(new UserLoginMail($data));
return back();
Step 5:
Set following route in your web.php
Route::post('/user/login', [LoginController::class, 'sendLoginLink'])->name('userLogin');
Step 6:
Create one mailable. you can refer to a doc if not familiar. Also, fire the following command to create a mailable
php artisan make:mail UserLoginMail
Step 7: Create an Email UI as per your requirement.