How to write an email to a potential client

August 16, 20221 minuteuserAnkit Kalathiya
How to write an email to a potential client

Reaching sales prospects over email is an opportunity to sell and develop a working relationship with a new client.

Write a subject line

The first step in writing a strong email to a prospect is to consider the subject line. The first thing a potential client will see in an email is the subject line, so it's important that it persuades the recipient to open the email. Here are some strategies you can use to write a compelling subject line:

Here's what you should do if you want to write good email subject lines:

  • Use personalization.
  • Ask an engaging question.
  • Use concise and action-oriented language.
  • Take advantage of scarcity and exclusivity.

Give information about yourself.

You will more likely gain traction if they already know, like, and trust you. But everyone has to start somewhere, right?

If they've never received a communication from you, tell them a little about yourself in a way that feels warm and authentic. You must convey who you are and why they should listen to you. At the same time, it's essential to make it about them. For example, your email sales introduction could look something like this:

"My name is [name], and I'm contacting you because..."

Close the email with a salutation

You can include a closing salutation that matches the level of formality you used to open the email. Here are a few examples of closing salutations for professional emails:

  • Thank You
  • Best wishes
  • Regards
  • Looking forward to hearing from you
  • Sincerely