Top Laravel packages that you need in 2022

June 09, 20222 minutesuserVishal Ribdiya
Top Laravel packages that you need in 2022

What is Laravel?

Laravel is the most popular PHP framework right now to develop web applications, it offers a very easy environment and services for developers.

In this blog, we are going to know about the packages that we must have to use while developing any laravel application.

Best Laravel Packages

Here we are going to see some best and top laravel packages that will help you to optimize your application performance and it's also very useful while doing the development.

IDE Helper


It's a very helpful package and saves lots of time for the developer.

It will generate the helper file which enables our IDE to provide accurate autocompletion while doing the development.

Laravel Debugbar

Github :

This is very helpful when we have to check the page performance, in sense of how many queries are firing on the specific page? , how many models are loading? etc.

We can show the total processing time of the page, and the query results time too. by using that results we can do some refactor to our code and make our application more optimized.

Spatie Medialibrary

Github :

This package is very useful when we are doing file uploads. also, it allows us to upload files to the s3 (AWS) very easily by changing just the file system driver.

The main functionality it has is it allows us to associate files with the Eloquent models.

Spatie Role Permission

Github :

It's 2022 and still, lots of developers are using the custom roles/permissions management. they even didn't familiar that this package have capabilities to manage each role/permissions management with a specific Eloquent model too.

We can assign roles or permissions to the user model or even any model. later we can check it via the middleware that this package is providing.


Github :

Before using this package you must need to implement the named routes into your laravel application.

Normally people can just provide a hardcoded URL into the JS file while doing the AJAX calls. But with this package, you can use the route we are using in blade files.

This allows us to use the route() helper method in the JS files.