Use Laravel localization key into your Javascript code
LaravelGenerally, we cannot use the laravel localization key in its javascript. is that possible to use laravel localization in javascript?
Yes, now you can use laravel localization into laravel, thanks to the rmariuzzo/Laravel-JS-Localization package.
In this tutorial, we will learn how to use laravel localization in javascript, so let's get started.
Install the package
composer require mariuzzo/laravel-js-localization
In your Laravel app go to config/app.php
and add the following service provider:
The Laravel-JS-Localization package provides a command that generates the JavaScript version of all your messages found in app/lang (Laravel 4) or resources/lang (Laravel 5) directory.
Generating JS messages
php artisan lang:js
The resulting JavaScript file will contain all your messages plus messages.js in your public directory.
Link that js file into your main layout.
<script src="{{ asset('messages.js') }}"></script>
Getting a message
Getting a message with replacements
Lang.get('messages.welcome', { name: 'Joe' });
Changing the locale