Laravel Jobs - How Jobs works in Laravel?

July 13, 20231 minuteuserVishal Ribdiya
Laravel Jobs - How Jobs works in Laravel?

Out of 100 only 30/40 people know about Laravel jobs and how its works or where we can use it.

When there is a need to use it specifically or the senior team asked that "You have to use Laravel Jobs", generally then people come to the web and search :

  • "How Laravel Jobs works ?" Or "Laravel Jobs works in Local Environment?"

In this tutorial, we are going to understand the basic functionality of jobs and their usage in simple words without any complex examples.

What is a Job?

Jobs generally contain a portion of code that runs in the background without blocking any other code.

You first need to create a job and you can write a portion of code into it.

Then you have to dispatch that job.

How Job works?

Let's say we want to send emails to 100 users. In general, terms what we do is: Execute a loop over each user and send emails one by one.

That will definitely take time and we also have to wait for the response.

Overcome that issue by using jobs.

First, we need to create a job that accepts 10 users and sends emails.

Now we will execute a loop over 100 users, so basically we have to dispatch the job 10 times.

So basically 10 times jobs will be dispatched and immediately we will get a response, as jobs run in the background without waiting for any response.

Hope its more clear now.