Human Resources Functions: 8 Areas to Focus onHuman Resource
Human Resources Functions: 8 Areas to Focus onHuman Resource
When it comes to the human resources department, there are many different functions that need to be carried out in order to ensure the success of the organization. There are eight key areas that all HR departments should focus on in order to create a successful workforce.
1. Employee Screening
It is important to screen employees carefully before hiring them. This includes checking their references and performing background checks.
2. Recruiting
The process of finding and attracting qualified candidates to fill job openings within an organization is called recruiting. It is important to have a well-defined recruiting process in place in order to attract the best candidates possible.
3. Hiring
The process of formally inviting a candidate to become an employee is called hiring. It is important to have a clear and concise job description in order for candidates to understand what the job entails.
4. Orientation
New employees should be given a comprehensive orientation upon starting their new job. This includes introducing them to the company culture, explaining their duties and responsibilities, and providing training on how to do their job correctly.
5. Training
It is important for employees to be properly trained on the company's policies and procedures, as well as their specific job duties. This will help them to be more productive and effective on the job.
6. Performance Management
Performance management involves setting expectations for employee performance, communicating these expectations, and providing feedback on employee performance.
Performance management is a process that helps ensure that employees are meeting the expectations of their organization. The process begins by setting expectations for employee performance. These expectations can be based on job descriptions, organizational goals, or other standards. Once expectations are set, the next step is to communicate these expectations to employees. This can be done through job descriptions, performance goals, or other means.
The final step is providing feedback on employee performance. This feedback can be positive or negative and can be given formally or informally. The goal of performance management is to help employees meet the expectations of their organization.
7. Compensation and Benefits
The HR department is responsible for ensuring that employees are compensated fairly and receive appropriate benefits. This can help to attract and retain top talent.
8. Employee retention
The HR department should work to create a positive work environment that encourages employees to stay with the company long-term. This can include implementing retention strategies such as employee recognition programs and good benefits packages.
Motivational TheoriesHuman Resource
Motivational TheoriesHuman Resource
To enhance productivity at the workplace, Motivation is essential. but the question is how to motivate employees. Well, there are various motivational theories.
- Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
- Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory
- McGregor’s X and Y Theories
- McClelland’s Need Achievement Theory
- The Equity Theory
- Value–Percept Theory
- Vroom’s Expectancy Theory
- Porter-Lawler Model
let's discuss the first theory
Maslow's Hierarchy of needs
This theory is based on the human requirement, Abraham Maslow explained how individuals behave when they met the requirement. Maslow's theory indicates that Job satisfaction revolved around employees' needs and that factors bring them to a reasonable level of satisfaction.
Maslow divided his theory into five different stages as per individuals' priorities, these five stages are based on the various needs of human beings.
- Stage-1 Physiological needs
- Stage-2 Safety and security needs
- Stage-3 Social needs
- Stage-4 Esteem Needs
- Stage-5 Self- actualization needs
Stage-1 Physiological needs
Physiological needs are basic needs like drinking when thirsty, and eating when hungry, Maslow considered psychological needs as the most essential needs. people are more likely to fulfill these needs first, for instance- If anyone is really hungry then it's hard to focus on any other thing besides food.
Stage-2 Safety and security
Once the physiological needs are fulfilled then it's human tendency to think about safety and security which includes saving, investment, and extra income.
Stage-3 Social need
This step involved love feelings and acceptance. These needs include both relationship Romantic relationships as well as tied with friends and family members. It also includes forming a social group. Feeling the love from others and feeling love towards others both are the key points of this stage.
Stage-4 Esteem Needs
This need involved two components- the first component involved Feeling confident and feeling good about oneself. The second component involved feeling valued by others.
Stage-5 Self- actualization needs
Self-actualization needs to involve a feeling of fulfillment all needs are acquired by the individual. A person is living up to the potential. a significant feature of this stage is person looks different from others.
According to Maslow, this feeling of self-actualization is really rare for instance Albert Einstein and Mother Teresa. to read more about Maslow's theory please read my upcoming blog