motivation Posts

Motivation tips for Employees in Work Area

We often hear the term motivation. We all are human and that’s why we all have emotions and motivation is the driving force behind our behavior. Let’s discuss this in detail.

What is Motivation?

Motivation is the desire to act in service of the Goals. It’s the most crucial objective in setting and attaining business objectives.

We can define the motivation by the line in the book ‘The War Of Art’ written by The author Steven Pressfield “At some point, the pain of not doing it becomes greater than the pain of doing it.”

Motivation is a powerful weapon for any organization yet a tricky one. Sometimes it’s really easy to get motivated and motivate others, other times it's nearly impossible to figure out how to motivate oneself and others as well.

Every choice has a price but when employees are motivated it is easier to bear the inconvenience of action than the remaining same. In other words, employees are at the level ‘ It’s Easier To Change Than The Remaining Same’

Scientists define motivation as a general willingness to do something. It is the set of psychological forces that compel you to take action.

Common Misconception about motivation

How does motivation come?

We all have this misconception that motivation arrives as a result of watching motivational videos or reading inspirational books but one of the most surprising things is Motivation often comes AFTER starting new behavior not BEFORE. It’s the result of an action, not the cause of it.

I hope you get a basic understanding of Motivation. To know more about the motivation stay in tune with upcoming HR Blogs.

November 18, 20212 minutesMariyam BematMariyam Bemat