Ankit Kalathiya

Ankit Kalathiya's Posts

Business Development Head

How to write an email to a potential client

Reaching sales prospects over email is an opportunity to sell and develop a working relationship with a new client.

Write a subject line

The first step in writing a strong email to a prospect is to consider the subject line. The first thing a potential client will see in an email is the subject line, so it's important that it persuades the recipient to open the email. Here are some strategies you can use to write a compelling subject line:

Here's what you should do if you want to write good email subject lines:

  • Use personalization.
  • Ask an engaging question.
  • Use concise and action-oriented language.
  • Take advantage of scarcity and exclusivity.

Give information about yourself.

You will more likely gain traction if they already know, like, and trust you. But everyone has to start somewhere, right?

If they've never received a communication from you, tell them a little about yourself in a way that feels warm and authentic. You must convey who you are and why they should listen to you. At the same time, it's essential to make it about them. For example, your email sales introduction could look something like this:

"My name is [name], and I'm contacting you because..."

Close the email with a salutation

You can include a closing salutation that matches the level of formality you used to open the email. Here are a few examples of closing salutations for professional emails:

  • Thank You
  • Best wishes
  • Regards
  • Looking forward to hearing from you
  • Sincerely
August 16, 20221 minuteAnkit KalathiyaAnkit Kalathiya
How to Make Sales and Marketing Meetings More Effective and Impactful

When done effectively, regular sales meetings are crucial to your team's success. In addition to sharing important updates and enabling group discussions, they can also help motivate your sales team.

What was supposed to be a way to make your team more successful turns into another series of updates. Before you know it, your sales representatives are starting to get scared by taking time out of their days to attend.

Establish expectations

When it comes to meetings that involve a lot of people, it is good to set some basic rules in advance. If your sales meetings are going overtime, you might want to consider addressing expectations. To save time and make sure you don't get sidetracked, you can:

  • Make sure participants know they should be prepared
  • All participants are required to participate
  • Control the time spent on discussion topics

Set a goal

The tradition of having a sales meeting once a week is not enough reason to hold a meeting. Yes, you want to block time in your calendar so that your sales team can get together, but it's okay to leave it.

At the end of the day, meetings without a specific purpose seem meaningless and just turn into another calendar entry. What’s worse, they can negatively affect your team’s performance for the rest of the day.

Review the results before the sales meeting

Depending on the size of your team, it may take time to review their results. That’s why your best bet is that they deliver the data before the meeting. The most comprehensive way to do this is to have a live document that they can update in advance.

Make your sales meetings exciting

Just because it’s a sales meeting, doesn’t mean it needs all the data and is no fun. Don’t forget that your team will pick up your energy. In other words, if you treat the meeting as a task, your team will not be more excited than you.

Now, that doesn’t mean you should bring out balloons and colorful wigs. It's just as easy to set the right tone from the start - and the best way to do that is to give credit where it's left.

Maintain consistency

Maintain consistency It is helpful to have a meeting at the same time every week so that your sales representatives get into the habit of blocking the same time on a weekly basis.

This will improve attendance, as your team will always know not to book more of that time unless absolutely necessary. If your team only has experienced salespeople, you can scale your sales meeting back and forth to give them more time to close deals.

June 07, 20222 minutesAnkit KalathiyaAnkit Kalathiya
How to Generate Organic Leads from Your Website

What are Organic Leads?

Organic leads are your potential customers and customers who search for your company by searching for a specific product, service, or query in a search engine like Google.

In this article, we are going to discuss effective strategies for generating leads organically.

Optimize your website for search engines

Search engine optimization is a tried and tested method of generating organic leads. It may take a while for your website to get on the top pages of Google, but once it gets there, most of your problems will be solved. You can either DIY your search engine optimization campaign, or you can hire a professional to do it for you.

Optimize your website for your target audience

The main rule of generating leads for any business is to give visitors what they want. Of course, this is your website, and you want to design it the way you want it.

But you should not forget that it is the interest of the target audience that will help you get it and drive it.

Enter keywords and phrases in the website content

The best way to insert keywords into your website content is to do it naturally. Your site may be penalized if you try to insert too many keywords into your website content.

Research and survey your products/services. Try to figure out which content works best for them.

Start an active email marketing campaign

Grow your email list and give your email subscribers some extra benefits to stay loyal to your brand. Email marketing will help you learn more about your potential customers on an individual level. It boosts the confidence factor and helps you get more potential organically.

Occasionally share advice, brand videos, and newsletters, and interact with your followers. Ask them for their opinion on your new products/services and give them access to services they would not otherwise have. There are numerous ways to increase your email subscriber list.

Add forms to the pages that get the most traffic.

It is important to benchmark your current position in lead generation before you begin so that you can track your success and determine the areas where you need the most improvement. Some of your pages can create excellent lead generators and you may not even realize it.

June 02, 20222 minutesAnkit KalathiyaAnkit Kalathiya
How to Increase Customer Retention Rates

Customer retention is the process of attracting repeat customers and preventing them from moving toward competitors. It is an important aspect of business strategy, and it can help businesses gain a competitive advantage.

The following ways to increase customer retention apply to virtually any type of business

Deliver more than you promised

The next step in the process is to deliver more than you promised - which means going beyond and beyond the call of duty and delivering to your customers the things they didn't expect. For example, you could offer a free bonus (such as a product, discount, or value-added) out of the blue, or anticipate a new customer's need and actively address it.

Meet your customers wherever they are

When you really understand your customers - that is, you know who they are, what they want from you, what their challenges are, and where they spend their time - you will reach them wherever they are. You can create the type of content they want and want (eg blog, video, social media) and then share it wherever they are (eg various websites, media channels, social platforms, etc.).

Good values ​​build good relationships

Your company values ​​are important to you. It should reflect your business processes, the quality of your products, and how you treat your customers. These things should make your values ​​clear to your customers, but reminding them occasionally doesn't hurt.

Trust is the good relationship

Creating a brand that is easily relevant is the first step in building trust with your customers. Having something in common parental trust is the key to building a successful business, through a strong relationship and expansion.

Accept feedback

You never know what your customers really want until you ask. Take regular surveys and request feedback from all your customers. You never know what is missing in you - and what areas need improvement.

Follow up with your existing customers

High touch is the key to retaining the customer. The only unusual thing about personal follow-up is how little companies do it. Getting referrals from happy customers is easier than finding and converting a new business.

April 20, 20222 minutesAnkit KalathiyaAnkit Kalathiya
How To Increase Sales Through Digital Marketing


Digital marketing can increase sales if we choose the best strategies.

Being an influential and well-known brand in your audience is something that is essential and positive.

Be available to your customers

75% of consumers expect to find a solution to their problem within five minutes of facing it. If you do not provide a solution, there is a good chance that they will not return to your business.

The online world is 24/7, so when you're not actively available to your customers, it's important that you set up a live chat, even if it's a bot.

Excessive communication with your customers

Transparency is key in the digital world. Trust is especially important where face-to-face communication is limited.

Building trust and then delivering on your promises is the key to enhancing the customer experience and ensuring that your brand's reputation is as strong as it can be to ultimately boost sales.

Offers and Discounts

We place some offers or discounts for our business during the festive season etc.

Clicking on Digital Marketing Pay will display advertisements of your business on various social media sites through advertising techniques. This ad will reach all the social media users so your sales will increase.

Use social networks

Social networks are very helpful in maintaining the reputation of your brand.

People like to have a unique experience with your brand on different social media channels. You need to choose the right channels for your business.

Create videos for YouTube

YouTube is an online video platform with millions of users and viewers every day. You should use these leading platforms as they can help your business grow through video views alone.

Videos can be made by you, your team, or (for more professional videos), videographer or photographer. Make sure your content is relevant to your audience or create videos specifically related to your business.

March 15, 20222 minutesAnkit KalathiyaAnkit Kalathiya
How to convert a Lead into a Client

Most of your leads through your conversion funnel will not automatically convert into sales. He will often need extra help to make the conversion.

Talk about value first

Focus on bringing value to your customers' lives. People dislike it who only care about getting sales from it. focus on addressing your customers' needs.

Work as a mentor with great expertise in your field. If you are the center of contact for potential customers, they will also trust your decision and solutions to their problems.

Identify their problem

You need to identify the problem that is causing the lead. Whenever you ask a question, take a different approach, because it starts a conversation. This is a great way to open up a conversation and raise questions or concerns that might arise.

Make it a conversation

It is clear that your potential will be more responsive if you encourage two-way communication. You can definitely find out how your product or service works for them.

Ask for sales

Just asking for a sale is nothing new or innovative, but it is a crucial part of the conversion process. That sounds like common sense, yet a surprising number of people don't.

Ask your prospects if they are ready to get started and see how many say "yes". They would not have gone so far had it not been for their initial interest in becoming a customer. If you do not ask for sales, you will have competition.


Keep your leads in purchase mode by following up via email or phone calls. This is a great way to quickly convert them into customers before a long time passes. All leads you generate should be contacted immediately and followed up in a few days.

You want to make sure they are as successful as possible with the product and that all their questions are answered.

March 07, 20222 minutesAnkit KalathiyaAnkit Kalathiya
Marketing Strategies to Increase Sales

Finding new customers or retargeting the previous customers to buy your products or services is an important part of the entire sales process.

It may be tough for every people of your target to buy your product or service but to increase sales, you find which strategy works for you and try to use different types of a strategy used for buyer's intent.

Do you have great products but may not increase sales as you want? That's okay so don't worry below techniques maybe work for you.

Use the following marketing strategies to increase sales and gain the right customer who can buy your products or services easily.

First of all, we define customer journey in various steps:

  1. Awareness of product
  2. Interest in products
  3. Evaluation of customer
  4. Commitment about product or services
  5. Sale products your buying intent person

Marketing strategies to increase sales

1. People want to benefit from buying products

People never buy products, they buy results that the product will give so start to identifier your customer and talk about the benefits of products.

Think you are buyers and you want to purchase products like TV so think about what benefits I will get If I buy a TV. Always people thoughts about If they buy a product from you then what benefits they will get and validity of the product.

2. Define customer

Who is the person who is interested in your products and buying them immediately?

Think about that person in your mind create a visual picture of that person.

Ask some specific questions

  1. How old are they?
  2. Are they male or female?
  3. Do they have children?
  4. How much money do they make?
  5. Do they have an education?
  6. The working field of the person?
  7. Are they interested in your products?

3. Create videos of products

Video of product can give some extra benefits over photos so try to create an amazing video of particular products working or anything else.

In digital marketing, video is most popular to attract customers to buy products.

Short video or long video marketers use this media to convert more leads.

Types of video content for different use

  • Client testimonials video
  • Product review video
  • Animation video
  • How to use products video
  • Videos for PPC advertising

4. Organic traffic through SEO

Create a blog content of products and describe of products in a blog how to use, which material used in this products, how they can benefit you, reviews of products, etc using best practices of SEO.

They take a long time to search for an appearance on first-page google but when it comes it gives you more benefits than paid services.

Best practices of SEO

  • Optimized your image or video
  • Best title tag that users can easily attract
  • Always try to get benefits of users
  • Create user-friendly content
  • Links to other pages on your website that might interest the viewer

5. Pick the right price for a product

If you pick a high price of products then market rates, so definitely your product doesn't sell so choose price customer can afford it and you will get some income using sell products.

Do market research on your competitor and pick the right price for your products.

If you can make your product seem superior to your competitors, you can charge a higher price as you want but first, do market research.

November 15, 20213 minutesAnkit KalathiyaAnkit Kalathiya
Business Strategy for Software Companies

What is software marketing?

The process of creating a market for any software leads to software marketing. Simply put, it is a way to market any software in the digital space for more sales and promotion of software.

Every startup software company uses a variety of methods and techniques to harness the marketing resources available in the digital marketplace.

Each software has its own user goals and benefits. Target customers are also defined according to the software. You cannot market software like other products. There are specific strategies that every startup software company needs to follow. Every company wants to increase its profits. Investing in product marketing increases profits.

There are some rules before you devise a market strategy

  • Create your story before you appear
  • Set goals before you plan to achieve
  • Create an excellent website
  • Keep the website SEO friendly
  • Email marketing campaigns

Create your story before you appear

There is a story behind every creation and also of your software. Think about your startup and the software you want to market.

Software companies make the mistake of giving too many technical explanations in their communications before the customer understands the operation of the software and what it does.

You need to create and tell a story that explains the idea of ​​software, its functions, what it offers to its customers, and ways to differentiate businesses from competitors.

Set goals before you plan to achieve

Before formulating a marketing strategy, you need to set goals. Why? It is not possible to know success unless the goal is to be achieved.

Setting goals is one way to understand what you want from a marketing strategy. Ask yourself, what are you planning to achieve with the market strategy? Is it to increase sales or to reach more target customers or is it a brand awareness marketing strategy?

Keep the website SEO friendly

You need to try to make your website SEO-friendly. It helps with organic traffic to websites. Visitors coming through organic traffic are mostly your potential customers. Give them what they want.

Email marketing campaigns

Email marketing is one of the best marketing strategies for startups. It helps build a database of potential customers as well as convert potential customers into sales. Drip email leads to sales leads by downloading sequence content or providing trial software links. Offering something for free in an email leads to your website.

October 27, 20212 minutesAnkit KalathiyaAnkit Kalathiya