Laravel Posts

How to check Laravel logs with UI Interface ?

Debugging the most important thing that developers always need while developing things.

If it's about local environments then we can easily check our logs by putting logs to local but when it's about live environments it's a time-consuming process.

We have to go to the files and open/download those files to local and then we are able to check live logs.

Here we are going to one package that will provide us the UI interface and we can easily check all our logs there.

We can also clear / delete our logs files from there. its better to use daily logs so we can trace logs easily.

Let's see how we can integrate that package to our existing laravel application.


composer require rap2hpoutre/laravel-log-viewer

Add Service Provider to config/app.php in providers section


Access Logs UI By adding a new route

Route::get('logs', [\Rap2hpoutre\LaravelLogViewer\LogViewerController::class, 'index']);

That's it and you can see all the logs thereby accessing the given route.

That will saves lots of debugging time, hope that will help you :)

February 25, 20221 minuteVishal RibdiyaVishal Ribdiya
How To Make a Laravel Application PWA In Few Minutes

Recently, I have created a new package for Laravel Community. it's called Laravel PWA. first of all what is PWA? let me explain a bit more about PWA. PWA means progressive web application. PWA provides a facility to install your web application on mobile and desktop. you don't need to write lots of line code in native platform-specific code.

You can create a PWA site in a few minutes using Laravel PWA.

You can watch the video tutorial as well to install this package.

Step 1:

Install the package by the following command,

composer require ladumor/laravel-pwa

Step 2:

Add Service Provide into app.php config file in provider section. You can skip this step if you installed it in Laravel 6 and more.


Step 3:

Add Facade to app.php config file in aliases section. You can skip this step if you installed it in Laravel 6 and more.

'LaravelPwa' => \Ladumor\LaravelPwa\LaravelPwa::class,

Step 4:

I think installation is done and no need to publish all the assets using the following command,

php artisan laravel-pwa:publish

Step 5:

This step is very important. you published all the assets in the previous step. now, you need to link all the assets in your main blade file. for ex app.blade.php

Add the following code in the root blade file in the header section.

<!-- PWA  -->
<meta name="theme-color" content="#6777ef"/>
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="{{ asset('logo.PNG') }}">
<link rel="manifest" href="{{ asset('/manifest.json') }}">

Add following code in root blade file before close the body,

<script src="{{ asset('/sw.js') }}"></script>
    if (!navigator.serviceWorker.controller) {
        navigator.serviceWorker.register("/sw.js").then(function (reg) {
            console.log("Service worker has been registered for scope: " + reg.scope);

You should watch this tutorial if you want to set it up manually instead of using this package.

October 08, 20213 minutesShailesh LadumorShailesh Ladumor
How to use laravel routes with Javascript / JQuery ?

Generally, we can use laravel routes into its blade files, but what do we have to do when we want to use routes in javascript? is that possible to use laravel routes into javascript?

Yes, now you can use laravel routes into laravel, thanks to Tighten/Ziggi package.

In this tutorial, we will learn how we can use laravel routes into javascript, so let's get started.

Install the package

composer require tightenco/ziggy

Update your main layout file

Add the @routes Blade directive to your main layout (before your application's JavaScript), and the route() helper function will now be available globally!

E.g (app.blade.php)

... ... @routes .. ..


// routes/web.php

Route::get('users', fn (Request $request) => /* ... */)->name('users.index');

// app.js

route('users.index'); // 'https://url.test/users'

So this is how its works, so simple right :)

You can get more information about this package from here

Kepp connected to us to get the latest laravel information.

January 03, 20223 minutesVishal RibdiyaVishal Ribdiya
How to Setup Swagger in Laravel Application

Generally, we are using a Swagger in Laravel. it will take time if we set up swagger manually. so, In this article, I going to show you very easy steps for setup in Laravel.

You can watch the following video tutorial as well.

Steps 1:

You should download these assets from here. unzip the folder and go to the public directory. you can found the swagger directory in the side public folder. let open the swagger directory and you can see the following files.

  • jquery-2.1.4.min.js
  • style.css
  • swagger-bundle.js
  • swagger.yaml

If are you still confuse then visit this link for files.

now, Copy the swagger directory and put it in your laravel application on the same path.

Steps 2:

We need to load swagger with proper swagger UI. so, let navigate to resources/views on the downloaded source code project.

You can see the swagger directory inside the views directory. copy the swagger directory to your laravel application on the same path. I don't think you need to do anything in this view file. let's go to the next step.

Steps 3:

You need to update this swagger.yaml file. you should update the following details first. and then add APIs documentation in this file. Api document example given here. you can refer it.

  description: LPT APis
  version: 1.0.0
  title: LPT Frontend API's
basePath: /api/

Steps 4:

In this step, you need to create a route for loading swagger docs. so, let's open the web.php file add the following few lines of code.

Route::get('/docs', function () {
    return view('swagger.index');

Now, run a command php artisan serve and open or open a virtualHostDomain/docs if you have one.

You should watch this tutorial as well if you using InfyOm Generator

September 06, 20213 minutesShailesh LadumorShailesh Ladumor
How to Implement Browser Push Notification in Laravel
p>In this article, I show you an easy way to set up browser push notifications. fist of all, you have a question what is push notification? let me explain a bit more. Push notification is the fastest way to get up and running with Javascript desktop notifications. Push notifications are messages that can be sent directly to a user's Desktop via browser.

You can watch the following tutorial and you can continue reading this article.

Follow the Steps given here for setup push notification.

Step 1: You can quickly install Push via npm

npm install push.js --save

Step 2: Update webpack.mix.js

Add following code into webpack.mix.js for copy and publish assets like js in the public directory. you can see the example here


I hope you know how to use laravel mix. you can watch this video tutorial if you want to know more about the laravel mix.

fire, npm run dev command and publish js.

Step 3: Add assets in blade file

Add script before closing body tag.

<script src="{{ asset('assets/js/push.min.js') }}"></script>

Step 4: Add this code where you want to show a push

// add logo in public dir and use it here
const iconPath = '{{ asset('logo.PNG') }}
 Push.create("Hello Shailesh!",{
       body: "Welcome to the Dashboard.",
       timeout: 5000,
       icon: iconPath
December 03, 20213 minutesShailesh LadumorShailesh Ladumor
How to use laravel multi tenant (stancl/tenancy) with single DB ?

Nowadays multi-tenant applications are more useful than single-tenant applications. We can use multi-tenant with multiple databases or single databases as per our need. But it's better to use a single DB with a multi-tenant when you have a small application.

In this tutorial, we are going to use multi-tenant with a single database.

We will implement multi-tenant with single DB by using the following package:

Assuming you already have Laravel 8 repo setup. Now please follow the given steps to implement multi-tenancy with a single DB.

Package Installation

Run following commands :

  1. composer require stancl/tenancy

  2. php artisan tenancy:install

  3. php artisan migrate

Add following service provider to config/app.php


Create Custom Model

Now create modal named MultiTenant into app\Models


        'saved'    => TenantSaved::class,
        'creating' => CreatingTenant::class,
        //        'created' => TenantCreated::class,
        'updating' => UpdatingTenant::class,
        'updated'  => TenantUpdated::class,
        'deleting' => DeletingTenant::class,
        'deleted'  => TenantDeleted::class,

Update Tenancy Configuration

As we have added custom model we also need to define that model into config/tenancy.php

Please change tenant_model value to our custom model.

'tenant_model' => \App\Models\MultiTenant::class,

Add Resolver

To use multi tenant with single DB we also need to add our customer resolver, that will be used into Middlewares that we will create ahead.

Create MultiTenantResolver into app\Resolvers


find(Auth::user()->tenant_id)) {
            return $tenant;

        throw new TenantCouldNotBeIdentifiedByPathException($id);

    public function getArgsForTenant(Tenant $tenant): array
        return [

Add Middleware

We will create our custom middleware that will set the current tenant into cache, and that will used by package to fire default query where('tenant_id', "tenant id we have set into middleware")


tenancy = $tenancy;
        $this->resolver = $resolver;

     * Handle an incoming request.
     * @param  Request  $request
     * @param  \Closure  $next
     * @return mixed
    public function handle($request, Closure $next)
        $tenant = Auth::user()->tenant_id;

        return $this->initializeTenancy(
            $request, $next, $tenant

Also, don't forget to add middleware alias into App\Http\kernel.php

 protected $routeMiddleware = [
        'multi_tenant' => MultiTenantMiddleware::class,

Now we will apply this multi_tenant middleware to our routes.

Add Trait to tenant-specific models

We have to add BelongsToTenant trait to all of our tenant-specific models.

Say if we want to add tenant_id into the users table then we must have to add BelongsToTenant to the app\Models\User model.

That trait will by default add following query everytime when we will try to fetch records or update records.

Where('tenant_id', 'tenant id will taken from cache')

Add tenant_id to tenant-specific migrations

As we have added the tenant trait, we must have to add tenant_id into tenant-specific migrations as specified below.

public function up()
        Schema::create('users', function (Blueprint $table) {




Update TenancyServiceProvider

Replace the App\Providers\TenactServiceProvider by the following code.

            Events\TenantCreated::class => [
                    // Jobs\SeedDatabase::class,

                    // Your own jobs to prepare the tenant.
                    // Provision API keys, create S3 buckets, anything you want!

                ])->send(function (Events\TenantCreated $event) {
                    return $event->tenant;
                })->shouldBeQueued(false), // `false` by default, but you probably want to make this `true` for production.
            Events\SavingTenant::class => [],
            Events\TenantSaved::class => [],
            Events\UpdatingTenant::class => [],
            Events\TenantUpdated::class => [],
            Events\DeletingTenant::class => [],
            Events\TenantDeleted::class => [
                ])->send(function (Events\TenantDeleted $event) {
                    return $event->tenant;
                })->shouldBeQueued(false), // `false` by default, but you probably want to make this `true` for production.

            // Domain events
            Events\CreatingDomain::class => [],
            Events\DomainCreated::class => [],
            Events\SavingDomain::class => [],
            Events\DomainSaved::class => [],
            Events\UpdatingDomain::class => [],
            Events\DomainUpdated::class => [],
            Events\DeletingDomain::class => [],
            Events\DomainDeleted::class => [],

            // Database events
            Events\DatabaseCreated::class => [],
            Events\DatabaseMigrated::class => [],
            Events\DatabaseSeeded::class => [],
            Events\DatabaseRolledBack::class => [],
            Events\DatabaseDeleted::class => [],

            // Tenancy events
            Events\InitializingTenancy::class => [],
            Events\TenancyInitialized::class => [
//                Listeners\BootstrapTenancy::class,

            Events\EndingTenancy::class => [],
            Events\TenancyEnded::class => [

            Events\BootstrappingTenancy::class => [],
            Events\TenancyBootstrapped::class => [],
            Events\RevertingToCentralContext::class => [],
            Events\RevertedToCentralContext::class => [],

            // Resource syncing
            Events\SyncedResourceSaved::class => [

            // Fired only when a synced resource is changed in a different DB than the origin DB (to avoid infinite loops)
            Events\SyncedResourceChangedInForeignDatabase::class => [],

    public function register()

    public function boot()
//        $this->mapRoutes();


    protected function bootEvents()
        foreach ($this->events() as $event => $listeners) {
            foreach (array_unique($listeners) as $listener) {
                if ($listener instanceof JobPipeline) {
                    $listener = $listener->toListener();

                Event::listen($event, $listener);

    protected function mapRoutes()
        if (file_exists(base_path('routes/tenant.php'))) {

    protected function makeTenancyMiddlewareHighestPriority()
        $tenancyMiddleware = [
            // Even higher priority than the initialization middleware


        foreach (array_reverse($tenancyMiddleware) as $middleware) {

Create / Fetch Tenant

Now we have to create a tenant and give that tenant_id to related users.

each user contains their specific tenant_id.

Use the following code to create a tenant :

 $tenant1 = \App\Models\MultiTenant::create([
     'name' => 'Tenant 1'

 $tenant2 = \App\Models\MultiTenant::create([
     'name' => 'Tenant 2'

That will create tenant into tenants table and values will be stored into data column as a son.

$tenant1 = App\Models\MultiTenant::where('data->name', 'Tenant 1')->first();

$tenant2 = App\Models\MultiTenant::where('data->name', 'Tenant 2')->first();

$tenant1User = User::where('id', 'user id here')->update(['tenant_id' => $tenant1->id]);

$tenant2User = User::where('id', 'user id here')->update(['tenant_id' => $tenant2->id]);

Now we have 2 tenants with 2 separate users who contain separate tenant ids.

Add Middleware to Routes

Now do login with User 1 and try to fetch all users from the database, it will return users of logged-in users' tenants only.

As we have the BelongToTenant trait into the User model.

Route::group(['middleware' => ['auth', 'multi_tenant']], function () { Route::get('users', function() {

 // only tenant-1 users will be returned because we are setting the logged-in user tenant into the cache from `multi_tenant`middleware.
 $allUsers = User::all();


You can use the same for other models too.

Hope this helps you.

August 14, 20212 minutesVishal RibdiyaVishal Ribdiya
How to setup React in Laravel

In this article, I show you how to set up react application in Laravel Framework. as you know react is a very flexible frontend library and works with together any backend framework, so let start and follow the following steps. I hope you have created the laravel application.

You can watch the following video tutorial or follow this article as well,

Step 1:

Let's go to the resource directory in laravel. now let's create react application. you should watch the following tutorial if you don't know how to create react application.

Step 2:

Merge the package.json and package-lock.json files in the root. fire npm install && npm run dev command in terminal for compile react application to js.

Step 3:

In this step, you need to set up a webpack.mix.js file. put the following code in the webpack.mix.js file.

  postCss: [


  resolve: {
      extensions: ['.js', '.vue'],
      alias: {
          '@': __dirname + 'resources'
  output: {
      chunkFilename: 'js/chunks/[name].js',

// used to run app using reactjs
mix.js('resources/react-app/src/index.js', 'public/js/app.js').version();
mix.copy('resources/react-app/public', 'public');

NOTE: Don't forget to change the index.js path based on your application name

Step 4:

Let's add <div id="root"></div> to your application's root blade file

Step 5:

Let's inlude <script type="text/javascript" src="{{ mix('js/app.js') }}"></script> to your application's root blade file before end the body tag.

So, the Basic setup is done. enjoy react with laravel.

December 15, 20213 minutesShailesh LadumorShailesh Ladumor
Fix 404 while reloading Gatsby Website for dynamic client-only route

Last week, we run into a problem for one of the large Gatsby + ReactJS + Laravel projects in hosting which is hosted with Apache Webserver on Amazon AWS EC2. The problem we were facing was, for some reason, when we reload the Gatsby website, it was giving a 404 error page.

If you open a home page and then a normal visit then the website will fully function, but if you reload the page then it gives an error. And we found it happens when we are using Dynamic routing of React Route in Gatsby as per show in Gatsby documentation here.

Also, what we found, if we test the website build with gatsby serve then it works fine. But while using Apache, it behaves differently and we found that this problem has been faced by lots of people over the internet.

So what we came up with is, we used gatsby serve with an apache proxy. Here is how we did it,

Step 1 - Setup Project

As a first step, clone the project on the server and run a command, gatsby build to create a gatsby build.

Step 2 - Setup PM2 for Gatsby Serve

The next step that we need to do is run gatsby serve. But as you know, we can not run this command directly via console, because as you exit from the console, the command will be terminated.

So we will be using pm2 package, a NodeJS utility that is used to run nodejs apps.

For that, we will need to install pm2 globally. Run the following command to install it,

npm install pm2 -g

You can find other installation ways here if you need.

Once the installation has been done, let's run the gatsby serve command via pm2. For that run the following command from the gatsby project folder,

pm2 start gatsby --name my-web-app -- serve

where my-web-app you can replace with the name of your app.

Once, it's running, try to test it, if it's working correctly by opening the URL http://your-ip-address:9000/. Make sure, port 9000 is opened on your server for traffic.

Step 3 - Configure Apache

Once, gatsby serve is working and tested. The next step is to configure apache to proxy all port 80 traffic to port 9000.

For that, edit your apache conf file (or virtual host conf file), and add the following lines (or configure it to something like the following),

<VirtualHost *:80>


        ProxyRequests On
        ProxyPass / http://localhost:9000/
        ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:9000/

        ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/
        CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/my-web-app.log combined

        # any other options below as per your need

The next step you need to do is restart your apache server by,

sudo service apache2 restart

And then you can just open the URL and it should work fine.


New Deployment

Whenever you deploy a new code, you again need to run gatsby build and then pm2 restart my-web-app. Then only it will take new changes.


Sometimes, we found that we need to restart apache as well after the new deployment. so if you run into any trouble, then make sure to restart apache as well and it should solve the problem.

I hope it may help you to resolve your 404 problem.

July 16, 20213 minutesMitul GolakiyaMitul Golakiya