Ankit Kalathiya

Ankit Kalathiya's Posts

Business Development Head

How to Develop Effective Communication Skills to Get and Keep Clients


Effective communication is a tool for achieving your business goals and the essence of your business. Are you ever unsure about what a customer really wants? Have you ever forgotten what you or a client promised because you did not keep a good record of your interactions? If so, your communication with customers can be improved. Here are some tips to improve communication, both in writing and orally, especially with potential and current customers.

Respond quickly

To provide us with great customer service, we need to try to return email and phone calls within an hour, if possible. Doing so confirms your professionalism and tells the client that it is easier to work with you. It shows that you care about the collar business.

Remember to ask the client for feedback

You can ask them this time if you can help with future projects. Or, just say you're looking forward to working with them again.

Be very specific about the documentation of the project terms

Ask if you don't know, and document everything in writing. For example, set up an appointment to communicate with customers so you can be more prepared when they call. I sometimes screen incoming calls, let them go to voicemail, and then call back as soon as I'm ready to say what I want to say. If you are following up with a client, ask if you can call back at a specific time, or offer an alternate time to talk.

Verify by recording everything in writing

Even if you agree to something over the phone, always send an email with details that the client can verify. Ask, don't assume. If your invoice is not paid, or if you are unsure, just ask.


Both face-to-face and written communication are important. While you can personalize your emails to coworkers and/or employees, a quick "I hope you all had a good weekend" email at the beginning of the message can make the individual and the recipient more appreciative.


You will be more open to communicating with people who show respect for you and their ideas. Using the person's name, making eye contact, and actively listening when a person speaks will compliment the person. On the phone, focused on avoiding interruptions and investing in conversations.

September 10, 20212 minutesAnkit KalathiyaAnkit Kalathiya
How to Increase Product Sales on the Website

An easy way I'm going to show you how to increase product sales on the website. Also, you can apply this method and increase your products sales without any problems.

5 Ways to Increase your products sales on the website. Read whole blog content so, you can idea how to increase product sales in a short time.

Let's get started with this reliable technique to increase product sales on the website.

1. First, Know your Buyer's Persona

To reach your ideal customer first know who they are and should they are related to your product or not

Who are your buyers?

first, know who is your customer is and should they are matched with your custom criteria so, you can easily convince them to buy your products.

How to Convince them?

If your customer is relevant to your product niche so, you can easily convince them to buy your products and you can increase product sales.

2. Create Attractive Landing Page

The second step is to create an attractive landing page to attract customers to your website.

Create a simple landing page and describe more about your products so customers know what are the features of your product and how to use them.

Attract more customers to your landing page by adding video and Increase your sales on the website.

3. Add Testimonials & Case Studies of Product

The best way to convince your customer about your product is to add testimonials & case studies. Customers easily attract to this technique and trust your products.

Testimonial is a showing off your products rating and customer review. Good ratings and reviews easily built trust. Using this technique you can increase product sales.

4. Create Urgency

Everyone knows about Amazon. Amazon also creates an urgency to attract customers and sell more products. Urgency like, Hurry Up, Buy now, Sell end in 2 days, 24 hours left it's all are types of urgency.

So people can think about a product that sales are ends in 2days and they can buy before the end of the sale.

5. Give Offer - Money Back Guarantee

One of the most powerful reasons is customers not buying products is the risk factor of money back.

You can give an offer like this If you are not satisfied with our products then we will return your money 100%. If customers see this type of offer so they can think about buying your products. This is an easy way to increase product sales using this technique


Using this technique you can easily increase your product sales on the website. All techniques are important and reliable.

August 31, 20212 minutesAnkit KalathiyaAnkit Kalathiya
How to increase sales using Email Marketing?

Email marketing is an effective way to increase your sales. Email marketing is an easy way to sell your product without any charge with a high ROI.

People said the email marketing technique is not useful to sales. but it’s not real today in 2021 almost all people use email. So we can easily reach out to them and increase sales using email marketing.

First, know the term What is email marketing?

  • Email marketing is an effective digital marketing strategy to send emails to customers related to product sales and increase sales using email marketing.

The importance of email marketing for increase sales

Email marketing is the two-way communication channel

  • Email marketing is the two-way communication channel where people send a reply back to your mail easily so communication is faster and you can easily sell your product and increase sales using email marketing.

Your own email list

  • In some social media, sometimes your account is banned with large community fans but email marketing is the only way to create your own email list so no one can ban you or nobody can take your leads away from you.

Email use for better conversion

  • Email marketing has a huge ROI(Return of Investment) of 4400%. No one social media has a huge ROI like email marketing. Do you think you can increase your sales using email marketing?

  • Every person wants to increase sales using email marketing with high profit.

4 Ways to do email marketing and increase your sales

Built an email list

  • Build an email list of subscribers who are interested in what you are offering. The best way to create an email marketing list is to create a personal audience and send mail to them.

  • First, think of an email list. All the people are your customers and some of them are from different niches. They don’t like to receive from unrelated or different topics for a niche.

  • So, build an email list of those who are interested in your product.

Maximize your email list

  • You know more people coming out to your website, offer the customer free templates, checklists, eBooks, etc.

  • The most ideal approach to create drives that are really inspired by your item is by offering a lead magnet that tackles an issue for customers. For the most part, lead magnets are digital books, agendas, or exhaustive aides that your crowd can use to determine a problem area identified with your business.

Segment your lead list

  • Do not directly sell your product because nobody can purchase a product for you.

  • First, know the customer interest and send 4 to 5 emails or offer some on your product.

  • After customers are convinced about your product then sell your product.

Ensure email is delivered or not

  • After sending an email, whether the email is delivered or not.

  • Is the best way to increase sales using email marketing
July 27, 20212 minutesAnkit KalathiyaAnkit Kalathiya
How to Generate Sales Leads

Many successful small business owners are constantly looking to expand their customer base and grow their businesses. However, business growth can be a difficult and long-term process. One of the key elements of growing a business is constant access to a steady stream of sales leads. A lead is a person or business if you have a company that sells to other businesses that are interested in the products or services you sell.

Here are some tips for building a system that will help you identify sales leads in your small business, and - with the right focus and effort - turn them into customers.

1. Increase your engagement with your customers

Relationships are all about sales and talking to the people who reach out to you to do so. For example, when people reach you with questions about your product or company, instead of just mentioning them on your blog, you can ask them if they mind having a quick chat with you.

2. Constantly refresh your email lists

It is impossible to generate leads from an old email list that contains incorrect information or does not match the parameters of your target person. If you haven't cleaned up your email list for a while, you may still be cold-emailed people who are already your customers.

3. Use chatbots on your website

Customers want to do business with companies that respond promptly to questions. Although companies respond within 12 hours on average, research shows that consumers expect responses within 1 hour. You might think, "Well, but they know we're not working right now," or, "They'll surely understand that we're in another realm of time." While customers can understand and understand later, there are thousands of businesses offering services just like yours, so you don't want to take that opportunity.

4. Join and participate in social media groups

LinkedIn and Facebook are great places to connect with other professionals, share your skills, and find leads. Once you join a group, don't start by pitching members as this can cause people to separate. Instead, do the following to establish a relationship:

  • Start a conversation
  • Engage in other people's conversations
  • People appreciated their content and the events they were planning to organize

Once the group members recognize you, you can use the platform to generate interest in your products.

5. Use SEO to increase website traffic

High ranking your website in search results will increase your website traffic. To get a better rank, you must do search engine optimization on your website. Some of the basics of SEO include:

  • Keyword optimization on both landing pages and blog content
  • Constantly great content post
  • Link building

Again, it is important to point out that SEO and content creation can be technical and time-consuming.

6. Create a sales funnel

Once you know who you are targeting and decide how to reach them, you need to have a plan to collect contact information. The first part of the process involves funneling all prospects into a standard form or landing page that encourages them to share their contact information, usually in exchange for a free gift, coupon, sample, or any other value-added incentive.

7. Use an email newsletter to build relationships

Now that you’re in touch with prospects, it’s time to cultivate those relationships so you can take them from the lead stage through sales (and ultimately repeat sales). One of the best ways to keep in touch with your prospects is through an email newsletter.

January 05, 20213 minutesAnkit KalathiyaAnkit Kalathiya
How to increase 10 X sales

Simply put, the rule of 10 X is taking any target you set for your company or sales team, and multiplying it by 10.

So if the goal is to increase revenue by 5% using the 10X rule, you will increase that goal to 50%.

What the 10X rule does is force you and your sales team to think in terms of LEVERAGE. Because all of a sudden, instead of focusing on the “real” goal, the goal is achieved through the roof.

Contact customer acquisition with a solid plan. Build a foundation by developing relationships with your target audience.

Achieve customers differently as you progress toward strategic goals. Here are four lessons to guide your team:

1. Create an engagement

It is highly unlikely that a first time visitor will stumble upon your website and automatically purchase your products. Potential customers should be fully engaged with your brand before making a purchase.

2. Be present on social media

If you are not present on social media, you are lost in a huge market that your competitors are already taking advantage of.

Having a social media presence should also not be expensive. Creating a business account on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn is free. Just join discussions and groups related to your industry. Provide helpful answers to questions and insights on various posts to make yourself known.

3. Keep your sales simple

Everyone is on sale, even if your job or business has no impact, Cardo told those in attendance. And many entrepreneurs and professionals overreact to it.

Sales is a game of touch. It’s about finding someone who can buy, who has the power to make decisions, and who is interested. Then you contact them with offer fur, talk price, and ask. It's not always easy, though it's really easy. The most successful salespeople focus on simplifying their sales process.

4. Put your problem customers

We have it all - the customers that we meet today or in the future take up more of our time for business.

5. All your customers are committed to staying in touch after purchasing from you

Keep an eye out for ways you can sell them extra items. Don’t keep your customers engaged to monopolize your time, but you can help them gain an understanding of strategy opportunities.

6. Host an event

Hosting an event is a great way to do this because it gives potential customers the opportunity to meet your brand on a more personal level. Depending on your product or service, you can either host a personal event where customers can meet you or host an online webinar where it still feels personal - just like you are in front of your audience.

December 26, 20202 minutesAnkit KalathiyaAnkit Kalathiya
How to increase profit in our business - 2
In the previous article, we learned 6 areas or tips on How to increase profits in our business - part 1.

In this article, we will learn more about how to increase profit in our business. Maximizing Profit depends on the strategies that business owners take. There are only two ways to do this:
1. Increase Prices
2. Reduce Cost.

You simply cannot say that you are going to increase the profit of your business without a specific strategy. All you can do to increase profit is to improve the variables that ultimately determine your Profitability. Let's see 7 more points to increase profit.

7. Know your sales Channel

To stimulate your sales channel, you need to generate excitement and a reason to buy. This can be done by introducing vibrant, brightly colored sales that include all your products and services and by expressing a sense of urgency, encouraging sales partners, and adding subscription sales.

8. Find a new Customer

Follow up after meetings. Contact the people you meet to see if they are likely. If they say they no longer need your services, ask them when it's a good time to call, or if they have business associates who can use what you sell now.

9. Remove unprofitable service and product

If you have more than one product or service, any analysis will determine if one is more profitable than the other. If you have a lot of products in your offering, you can trust that some of them will not make money. The trick is to find out what they are and then put in motion plans to eliminate them. The basic tool for doing this is an orderly list that ranks all your products and services showing total revenue and all direct costs and total profits.

10. Reduce labor costs with part-time workers

Employment is lower than full-time workers than part-time workers. Take advantage of this luxury by hiring multiple part-time workers. Warn that if these people are presented to your company with a full-time opportunity they will leave them first.

11. Develop a CEO monthly letter to employees to create teamwork and communication

You'll want to have monthly conversations with your team, letting them know about any updates, highlighting individual performances, and reminding them of goals for the quarter and year. This will help build team morale and focus on expectations.

12. Invest in your people

Your team will only be able to make exceptional work progress and be competent when you invest in their improvement. Invest in their continuing education and also provide the best resources to do their job effectively.

13. Send personal notes of congratulations or thank employees at their home

When you send complimentary notes to employees ’homes, it shows that you think of them as a person rather than just a worker. This helps increase employee loyalty to your company.

That's it. If you want to run a profitable business, take these tips and apply them to your business. It will help your business perform better, keep growing, and increase profits.
October 09, 20202 minutesAnkit KalathiyaAnkit Kalathiya
How to increase profit in our business - 1


How to maximize profits is on the minds of most business owners. There are only two ways to do this: increase prices or reduce costs. You cannot simply say that you are going to increase the profit of your business without a specific strategy. All you can do to increase profits is to improve the variables that ultimately determine your profitability. Consider the following strategies to make more money for you and your business in 2021.

1. Improve your website

People are using your website to research your company before doing business with you. Can you improve their experience and build their trust so they can use your product or service? There are four things you should clearly do on your website:
  • Explain who you are and what you sell
  • Entice a potential customer to buy
  • Make it easy to buy a product or service
  • There is a way to easily contact sales or customer support with questions

2. Invest in your business

At first glance, you would hesitate to put more money into your business. Especially when you’re trying to figure out how to make more money, not less. Often, especially in times of turmoil where new opportunities arise, the best decision is a short-term price for long-term payments.

3. Increase your advertising

You will not hesitate to spend money on advertising. Maybe you’ve been burned by a marketer in the past who promised results and didn’t get results. Or you tried advertising yourself, such as Facebook ads, and you don't think it works.

4. Raising prices

Both of these strategies are a thoughtful and unpleasant option in today’s economic environment. Still, sometimes, to stay in business, you need to raise prices. To determine the price, consider:
  • How much does it cost you to make a product
  • How much does it cost to deliver
  • Costs for running a business - including administration and employee salaries
  • Competitive price
  • The last time you raised a price
After reviewing this data, determine a possible reasonable price increase. Include any pricing data in your business plan so that if you choose to review it later, you can.
Next, deliver this increase to customers. Explain why you came to this decision. If there’s any way to add value to a product without cutting a profit, do it and let customers know they’re getting more.

5. Follow the 80/20 rule

The 80/20 rule is to focus your most important efforts on your most valued customers. The idea is that 20% of your customers usually bring in 80% of your revenue; These are the people you want to focus on.
On the flip side, 20% of your customers frequently present 80% of your problems. Identify those problem-customers and fire them to free up your time on more positive business activities.

6. Cut costs

One way to think about reducing costs is to consider the profit leverage effect (PLE). P.L.E. The idea is that every dollar saved in the production of goods or delivery of services adds a dollar profit to your bottom line without selling too much.
Check your current processes to reduce costs:
  • Are there areas where you can improve efficiency?
  • Negotiate cheap products or services?
  • Will adopting new software or renting a service save you money in the long run?
We will see more points in our next tutorial.
November 08, 20203 minutesAnkit KalathiyaAnkit Kalathiya
How to explain the tricks to close your next deal


Persuasion is a method of communication aimed at influencing the attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors of others. In terms of sales, understanding usually occurs when a sales representative tries to convince a prospect that their product or service is the best solution to their problem.
Let's review the persuasion strategy you can implement today to close your next deal.

1. Personalize your message

If you want to explain the possibility of considering your product, resist the request to follow the general sales script. When you make excessive rehearsal noise or don’t share messages or information that seems to suit your prospect, your efforts go to one ear and go to the other.
This doesn't mean you need to fully wing your sales calls, it does mean you need to be prepared to adjust your message based on what interests you in the potential.

2. Focus on problem-solving

Instead of telling the prospect all the reasons why they should buy your product (which may feel pressure and emotion), focus on sharing all the reasons why your product can help them solve their problem. By focusing on their concerns and locating your offer as a solution, you are showing the value of your product without excessive pressure.

3. Give social proof

Letting your past customers sell to you - knowing when to take advantage of social proof can be a powerful persuasive trick.
While buyers may take your point as a sales representative with a grain of salt because they know you want to sell, they are more likely to trust a testimonial or story from a previous customer who was looking for a similar solution.

4. Assume goals

Picture: You feel ready to call your sales call. You think you have a solid understanding of who the prospects are and what they are looking for. Your notes have been typed and you are ready to close the deal.
Then during a call, potentially throws out several turns, asking you questions and mentioning objections that you weren’t prepared to account for - the dream of every sales rip. But don't go too far. This is a valuable learning experience.

5. Empower empowerment decision making

After all, you want your customers to buy from you because they really want to, not because they feel pressured. And let’s be realistic - including your prospects, don’t like to tell anyone what to do, so you’ll avoid being too direct in your approach. As a sales representative, it is your job to provide the context and information that makes your product a thought-provoking product.

6. Make personal connections

It's a basic rule of human interaction - we're all ready to trust and engage with people we really love on a deeper level. While buyers can choose your product or brand as a sales representative, you are the main source of human engagement representing your company.

7. Don’t rush into the process

Last but not least, don't rush your prospect through the sales process. We get it - you have goals on a regular basis. However, effective persuasion should seem natural to the prospect. They do not feel pressured or rushed to sign the dotted line. This doesn’t mean you can’t implement a sense of urgency or be on time - in fact making a little sense of urgency (such as paying a special price for a limited time) can be an effective trick.
October 16, 20203 minutesAnkit KalathiyaAnkit Kalathiya