Mitul Golakiya

Mitul Golakiya's Posts

CEO & Founder

Fix 404 while reloading Gatsby Website for dynamic client-only route

Last week, we run into a problem for one of the large Gatsby + ReactJS + Laravel projects in hosting which is hosted with Apache Webserver on Amazon AWS EC2. The problem we were facing was, for some reason, when we reload the Gatsby website, it was giving a 404 error page.

If you open a home page and then a normal visit then the website will fully function, but if you reload the page then it gives an error. And we found it happens when we are using Dynamic routing of React Route in Gatsby as per show in Gatsby documentation here.

Also, what we found, if we test the website build with gatsby serve then it works fine. But while using Apache, it behaves differently and we found that this problem has been faced by lots of people over the internet.

So what we came up with is, we used gatsby serve with an apache proxy. Here is how we did it,

Step 1 - Setup Project

As a first step, clone the project on the server and run a command, gatsby build to create a gatsby build.

Step 2 - Setup PM2 for Gatsby Serve

The next step that we need to do is run gatsby serve. But as you know, we can not run this command directly via console, because as you exit from the console, the command will be terminated.

So we will be using pm2 package, a NodeJS utility that is used to run nodejs apps.

For that, we will need to install pm2 globally. Run the following command to install it,

npm install pm2 -g

You can find other installation ways here if you need.

Once the installation has been done, let's run the gatsby serve command via pm2. For that run the following command from the gatsby project folder,

pm2 start gatsby --name my-web-app -- serve

where my-web-app you can replace with the name of your app.

Once, it's running, try to test it, if it's working correctly by opening the URL http://your-ip-address:9000/. Make sure, port 9000 is opened on your server for traffic.

Step 3 - Configure Apache

Once, gatsby serve is working and tested. The next step is to configure apache to proxy all port 80 traffic to port 9000.

For that, edit your apache conf file (or virtual host conf file), and add the following lines (or configure it to something like the following),

<VirtualHost *:80>


        ProxyRequests On
        ProxyPass / http://localhost:9000/
        ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:9000/

        ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/
        CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/my-web-app.log combined

        # any other options below as per your need

The next step you need to do is restart your apache server by,

sudo service apache2 restart

And then you can just open the URL and it should work fine.


New Deployment

Whenever you deploy a new code, you again need to run gatsby build and then pm2 restart my-web-app. Then only it will take new changes.


Sometimes, we found that we need to restart apache as well after the new deployment. so if you run into any trouble, then make sure to restart apache as well and it should solve the problem.

I hope it may help you to resolve your 404 problem.

July 16, 20213 minutesMitul GolakiyaMitul Golakiya
How to use AdminLTE theme with Laravel Fortify

Recently, the Laravel team announced a Laravel Fortify. A framework agnostic authentication backend for Laravel applications. It provides registration, authentication along with two-factor authentication.

As said above, it is framework agnostic, so it doesn't provide any blade views with it. You can implement views of your choice of the frontend. Blade, Vue, React with Bootstrap or TailwindCSS, or any other CSS framework.

Today we are going to see how we can use Laravel Fortify with one of the most popular Bootstrap 4 theme AdminLTE v3.

We can actually do that in minutes with the package that we already developed called Laravel UI AdminLTE

This package also works with the previous laravel version to have an authentication system with Laravel UI for Laravel Frontend Scaffolding.

Let's see step by step, how we can do that.

Install Packages

Install Laravel Fortify and Laravel UI AdminLTE by the following command,

composer require laravel/fortify infyomlabs/laravel-ui-adminlte

Publish Fortify Resources

This command will publish all required actions in the app/Actions directory along with the Fortify configuration file and migration for two-factor authentication.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Laravel\Fortify\FortifyServiceProvider"

Run Migrations

Then run migrations,

php artisan migrate

Add Fortify Service Provider

Next step, add published FortifyServiceProvider to config/app.php

Run AdminLTE Fortify Command

Run the following command,

php artisan ui adminlte-fortify --auth

Install Node Modules and Run a Build

As a next step, install required npm modules and run a build,

npm install && npm run dev

And we are done. Now visit the home page and you should be able to see the full authentication system working including,

Login Registration Forgot Password Reset Password Home page

Laravel AdminLTE UI also provides a starting layout with a sidebar menu and header once you login. so you are all set to go.

June 27, 20202 minutesMitul GolakiyaMitul Golakiya
Retrieve count of nested relationship data in Laravel

Recently in one of our client's projects, we want to load the count of relation in laravel. But we do not want to retrieve original records.

For example,

We have the following Models,

  1. Category
  2. Products
  3. Orders

For that, we have categories, products, orders, order_items table. Where in the order_items table, we got the following fields

  • order_id
  • product_id
  • quantity

So the requirement was, In the Products table, we want to display the total number of orders placed with that item regardless of the quantity in each order. All we need is a number of orders where the product is purchased.

1st way: Query via Relationship

$products = Product::all(); 
$productsArr = $products->map(function (Product $product) 
     $productObj = $product->toArray();     
     $productObj['orders_count'] = $product->orders()->count();     
     return $productObj; 

But the problem with this approach was, we are firing queries to the database for every single product. so if I'm retrieving 100 Products from the database then it will fire 100 additional queries to the database. Imagine if we have thousands of products.

2nd way: Eager Load Relationship and Calculate Count

$products = Product::with('orders')->get(); 
$productsArr = $products->map(function (Product $product) 
     $productObj = $product->toArray();
     $productObj['orders_count'] = $product->orders->count();
     return $productObj; 

so this way, we are only firing two queries to the database. But the problem here is, we are loading all the Orders of each product which we don't need at all. so it will consume lots of memory since we are loading lots of orders. so imaging if we retrieve 100 products, and each product has 10 orders, then we are loading 1000 Orders into memory without any need.

3rd way: Use withCount function

The third powerful approach of using withCount function in Laravel. so we refactored our code like,

$products = Product::withCount('orders')->get();
$productsArr = $products->map(function (Product $product) 
    $productObj = $product->toArray();
    $productObj['orders_count'] = $product ->getAttribute('orders_count');     
    return $productObj; 

In this approach, we are firing two queries but no Order models are loaded into memory.

4th Bonus: Using in a nested relationship while multiple eager loading

You can even use it with nested relationships. Imagine a case, where you want to retrieve categories along with its products with orders count.

    $categories = Category::with(['products' => function ($query)
    $categoriesArr = $categories->map(function (Category $category)
        $categoryObj = $category->toArray();
        $categoryObj['products'] = $category->products->map(function (Product $product)
            $productObj = $product->toArray();
            $productObj['orders_count'] = $product ->getAttribute('orders_count');
            return $productObj;
        return $categoryObj;

Hope this will help you to retrieve the count of relationship data without retrieving actual relation data.

September 18, 20202 minutesMitul GolakiyaMitul Golakiya
Laravel Packages we use everyday at InfyOm

Lots of people ask me frequently, "Which are the laravel packages that you use in almost all projects?" when we meet in Meetup or any other events regardless of its online or physical events.

Let me describe today some of the packages that we almost use in all of the projects.

We have been working in Laravel for almost 7+ years and in these years we have used lots of packages, some from the community and some of our own.

I am categorizing these into 2 categories.

  1. Most used packages
  2. Common Need/Functionality specific packages

Most used packages

These are the packages which must be included in all of our projects. No Excuses.


Laravel exposes a lot of magic methods and properties. IDE Helper is a very good package when it comes to auto-complete those properties and methods. Even it does an amazing job while refactoring properties or methods of the model.


The second one is from the same author, debugbar helps to debug the request in terms of the number of queries fired, time taken by each query, number models retrieved from db, time taken by each request, and much more.


Laravel Microscope improves the readability of your code. Early returns, unnecessary else statements, and many more. so your code looks clean and efficient in terms of execution as well.


One of the problems that we face is, missing eager loading. In ongoing development, sometimes we add relationships objects in the loops, and then laravel fires tons of queries to the database. Laravel Query Detector detects that and gives a warning while developing the environment.


No application can be ever built without a few CRUDs. CRUDs are essential in almost all web applications. Also, APIs of CRUDs are essential while building a backend for Mobile or Frontend apps. Laravel Generator is our own developed package that we use in all of the applications to make the CRUD building process faster. It can be used with two themes right now, AdminLTE and CoreUI. But it's also frontend framework agnostic.

Common Need/Functionality specific packages

These are the packages that are used when we particularly need that kind of functionality in the application.

Will keep this list updating.

September 11, 20202 minutesMitul GolakiyaMitul Golakiya
Using Common StatusTrait in Laravel in multiple models

Recently, we were working on a laravel app where we have a status column in multiple models. We have multiple processes going on for which we have different jobs.

Initially job status will be "Pending", then each job will take one record, change the status to "Running" and process that record, and update the status to either "Completed" or "Failed".

We have constants for each status. Something like below,

static $STATUS_PENDING = 0; 
static $STATUS_RUNNING = 1; 
static $STATUS_COMPLETED = 2; 
static $STATUS_FAILED = 3;

And the problem is, we need to go and define the status in every model that we have (around 10+ models).

Then we have functions to update status and check the status in each model like,

public function markRunning($saveRecord = true) 
    $this->status = static::$STATUS_RUNNING;
    if ($saveRecord) {

public function isRunning()
    return $this->status === static::$STATUS_RUNNING;

And above functions existed for each 4 status. So what we did is, we created a common StatusTrait which can be used across multiple models.

Here is the code of StatusTrait that you can find for that.

Then in each model, we use this trait. For e.g.,

class SavePdf extends Model 
    use StatusTrait;

And then can use any method of trait in all the models,

$savePdf = new SavePdf(); 

Or we can check if the status of the model is running or not. For e.g.,

if ($savePdf->isRunning()) 
    // logic here 

This is how we have saved tons of writing code and optimized the code. Another advantage is, we can just update the value of any status from one single place.

You can also check this kind of pattern and do something like this.

August 26, 20201 minuteMitul GolakiyaMitul Golakiya
Use Laravel Debugbar's measure function to optimize application performance

Laravel Debugbar is a great package to debug Laravel applications while developing. But it's not just limited to debugging. You can use it to optimize the performance of your app a lot as well. Like,

  • number of models loaded in a memory
  • number of queries fired with timing
  • memory used and more.

In short, we can have a complete view of what's going on in each request.

But the less known and used feature it gives is the Timeline tab. Where you can see how much time is taken for each request. And more than that, how much time Laravel took to boot up and how much time our other code has taken. Check the below screenshot.


Recently we came to the case, where one of our consultation clients' CRM application was taking too much time on the first load. Their developers were not able to spot a problem. They checked queries and other stuff which looked completely good. so we were not sure where the time had been spent by the application.

That's where debugbar came to rescue us. We used its measure function facility by which we can measure the time spent in each of the functions wherever we want to use. It gives simply two functions startMeasure and stopMeasure to measure the time spent between these two statements.

so we can put startMeasure in the starting of function and put stopMeasure at the end of the function which will render something like this in the timeline tab.

public function searchClients($department) 
    // logic here


    return $result;

Once we put this, we get a time that < code > searchClients is taking. Check the screenshot below,


Hope this can help you to figure out what piece of code is taking the time and you can optimize it.

Happy Optimizing :)

August 22, 20201 minuteMitul GolakiyaMitul Golakiya
Efficient and Fast Data Import with Laravel Jobs & Queues

Recently Spatie released a brand new package for multi-tenancy called laravel-multitenancy.

It comes with great support to work out of the box with sub-domains like,

It identifies the tenant based on the sub-domain and sets a database runtime for your tenant-specific models.

Recently, we used it in one of our clients for Snow Removal CRM. Here we have two models,

  1. Freemium Model - with no sub-domain (application will work on main domain only)
  2. Premium Model - where the tenant will get its subdomain

And a user can convert his account from Freemium to Premium at any point in time by just subscribing to the plan.

So what we want is, on the backend, we want to have a separate database for each tenant, but the application should run on main as well as a sub-domain.

So what we want to have is the ability to extend/customize the tenant detection mechanism. And Spatie does a very good job there where you can customize the logic.

You can create your own TenantFinder class and configure it in the config file of the package. And there is very good documentation for that here:here

To do that, what we did is, we have a field called tenant_id in our users table. All of our users are stored in the main database since we may have user access across the tenant.

And when any user does a login, we listen for the event Illuminate\Auth\Events\Login which is documented in Laravel Docs over here.

When a user does a login, our listener will be called and will create a cookie called tenant on the browser with the tenant id of the user. So our listener will look like,

namespace App\Listeners;

use App\Models\User;
use Cookie;
use Illuminate\Auth\Events\Login;

class LoginListener
    public function handle(Login $event)
        /* @var User $authUser /
        $authUser = $event->user;

        Cookie::queue(Cookie::forever('tenant', encrypt($authUser->tenant_id)));

Also, we encrypt the cookie on our end, so we do not want Laravel to encrypt it again, so we added the tenant cookie into except array of EncryptCookies middleware as per documentation here. so our middleware looks like,

namespace App\Http\Middleware;

use Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware\EncryptCookies as Middleware;

class EncryptCookies extends Middleware
      The names of the cookies should not be encrypted.

      @var array
    protected $except = [undefined];

Now at the last point, we extended our logic to find a tenant and get it to work on the main domain as well as sub-domain.

We have created our own custom class called InfyChatTenantFinder, which looks like,

namespace App\TenantFinder;

use App\Models\Account;
use App\Models\SubDomain;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Spatie\Multitenancy\Models\Concerns\UsesTenantModel;
use Spatie\Multitenancy\Models\Tenant;
use Spatie\Multitenancy\TenantFinder\TenantFinder;

class InfyChatTenantFinder extends TenantFinder
    use UsesTenantModel;

    public function findForRequest(Request $request): ?Tenant
        $host = $request->getHost();

        list($subDomain) = explode('.', $host, 2);

        // Get Tenant by subdomain if it's on subdomain
        if (!in_array($subDomain, ["www", "admin", "infychat"])) {
            return $this->getTenantModel()::whereDomain($host)->first();

        // Get Tenant from user's account id if it's main domain
        if (in_array($subDomain, ["www", "infychat"])) {

            if ($request->hasCookie('tenant')) {
                $accountId = $request->cookie('tenant');
                $accountId = decrypt($accountId);
                $account = $this->getTenantModel()::find($accountId);

                if (!empty($account)) {
                    return $account;

        return null;

So basically, first we check if the sub-domain is there, then find a tenant from the sub-domain.

If the domain is the main domain then get the tenant id from the cookie and return the account (tenant) model.

So this is how you can customize the logic the way you want to have a custom tenant identification system.

August 14, 20202 minutesMitul GolakiyaMitul Golakiya
How to remove public path from URL in Laravel Application

While hosting on the Laravel project on cPanel, the traditional problem that lots of developers get is, /public path is appended to the URL. Because in most cases, we put a project directly into the public_html folder, so public_html is our root for the website and that's where our laravel application is also placed.

But to run the Laravel application, we need to point our domain root to the public folder of the laravel. It is possible to do it with cPanel but you need to go through some steps which are not known by most of the people and also the tedious process. So to make it simple, what you can do is, there is a way we can do it via the .htaccess file in our root folder.

We can copy the .htaccess file from our public folder and then make modifications to it to work with the direct root folder and route every request to the public folder.

Here is the final .htaccess file,

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>     <IfModule mod_negotiation.c>         Options -MultiViews -Indexes     </IfModule>
    RewriteEngine On

    # Handle Authorization MemberHeader
    RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} .
    RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}]

    # Redirect Trailing Slashes If Not A Folder...
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (.+)/$
    RewriteRule ^ %1 [L,R=301]

    # Remove public URL from the path
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/public/
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /public/$1 [L,QSA]

    # Handle Front Controller...
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteRule ^ index.php [L]

By adding the above file to the root folder we can use laravel projects without the public path. Check out the following two lines:

  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/public/   RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /public/$1 [L,QSA]

These two lines make magic and our application will work without public path in URL.

August 01, 20201 minuteMitul GolakiyaMitul Golakiya