Learnings Posts

Creating a Winning Sales Culture: Strategies to Motivate and Inspire Your Team

Creating a winning sales culture is essential to achieving success and achieving outstanding results. A motivated and motivated sales team can make a significant difference in meeting and exceeding goals. In this blog post, we'll explore effective strategies for creating a winning sales culture that fosters motivation, inspires your team members, and ultimately leads to exceptional sales performance.

Lead by example:

As a sales leader, it's important to set the tone for your team by leading by example. Show strong work ethic, enthusiasm, and positive attitude. Demonstrate your passion for sales and dedication to achieving goals. When your team sees your commitment and drive, it inspires them to follow suit.

Clearly define goals and expectations:

To motivate and inspire your sales team, they need a clear understanding of what is expected of them. Set Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART) goals.

Provide ongoing training and development:

Invest in ongoing training and development opportunities for your sales team. Equip them with the skills and knowledge they need to excel in their roles. Organize regular sales training sessions, workshops, and seminars to enhance their sales techniques, product knowledge, and customer engagement skills.

Promote a positive and supportive environment:

Create a positive and supportive work environment where team members feel valued, respected, and encouraged. Celebrate individual and team achievements, big or small, to boost morale. Encourage open communication, actively listen to your team's ideas and concerns, and provide constructive feedback.

Implement recognition and reward programs:

Recognition and rewards play an important role in motivating sales professionals. Implement a structured recognition program that acknowledges outstanding performance and achievement. Publicly celebrate individual and team successes, both within the sales team and across the organization, to create a sense of accomplishment and motivate others.

Provide regular feedback and coaching:

Regular feedback and coaching are critical in the growth and development of sales professionals. Provide coaching and mentoring opportunities to help team members develop their skills and reach their full potential. Regularly review performance metrics and offer actionable insights to improve efficiency.

July 17, 20232 minutesAnkit KalathiyaAnkit Kalathiya
5 Proven Strategies to Boost Your Sales Revenue

Boosting sales revenue is a top priority for businesses seeking growth and success. In this blog post, we will explore five proven strategies that can significantly enhance your sales performance and help you achieve remarkable revenue results. Whether you're a sales manager, a business owner, or a sales professional, implementing these strategies can provide a competitive edge and drive your sales revenue to new heights.

Set Clear Sales Goals

Establishing clear and measurable sales goals is the foundation for success. Define specific targets for your team to strive towards, ensuring they are challenging yet achievable. This clarity will align everyone's efforts and provide a roadmap for success.

Focus on Targeted Prospecting

Identify your ideal customer profile and concentrate your efforts on reaching out to prospects who match that profile. This targeted approach will save time and resources while increasing the likelihood of converting leads into paying customers.

Develop Effective Sales Messaging

Clearly communicate the unique value proposition of your products or services, highlighting the benefits and solving pain points for potential customers.

Nurture Existing Customer Relationships

Don't overlook the importance of existing customers. Implement strategies to nurture and upsell to your current client base, such as personalized follow-ups, exclusive offers, and loyalty programs. Satisfied customers can become your most powerful brand advocates.

Embrace Continuous Improvement

Encourage a culture of continuous improvement within your sales team. Regularly review and analyze your sales processes, identify areas for optimization, and implement necessary changes. Embracing a growth mindset will help you stay ahead of the competition.

By implementing these five proven strategies, you can empower your sales team, drive revenue growth, and achieve outstanding sales results. Remember, consistency and perseverance are key. Stay committed to these strategies, adapt as needed, and watch your sales revenue soar to new heights.

June 17, 20231 minuteAnkit KalathiyaAnkit Kalathiya
Why Social Media Is Important for Business Marketing

Businesses can utilize social media as a potent tool to connect with their target audience, cultivate client connections, and increase revenue. In actuality, one of the best ways to expand your business and attract new clients is through social media marketing.

The following are a few advantages of social media marketing:

Reach a larger audience:

Due to the billions of users who are active on social media platforms, you have the opportunity to reach a larger audience than before.

Build relationships with customers:

This is a terrific method to get to know them better. To demonstrate to your clients that you are more than simply a company, you can publish updates, tales, and behind-the-scenes material.

Drive sales:

Social media may be used to promote your products or services, host contests, and giveaways, and generate leads, among other strategies.

You're losing out on a tremendous opportunity to expand your consumer base and build your business if you're not using social media marketing.

Here are some pointers for starting a social media marketing campaign: Choose the right platforms: Not all social media channels are made equal. Pick the social media channels where your target market is most active.

Produce high-quality content:

Your social media posts should be eye-catching, educational, and entertaining.

Be consistent:

Regularly provide new material to keep your audience interested.

Track your results:

To monitor your progress and determine what is and is not working, use social media analytics.

Social media marketing can be a terrific approach to attracting new clients, strengthening ties with current ones, and increasing revenue. A significant potential to expand your business is being lost if you aren't using social media marketing.

Here are some extra recommendations for successful social media marketing:

Tell the story of your brand through social media:

Post on social media about your business's background, goals, and values. Customers will be able to relate to your brand more deeply due to this.

Use social media to engage with customers:

Participate in conversations and respond to customer queries and comments. Customers will see that you care about what they have to say and are paying attention if you do this.

Use social media to promote your products or services:

Offer discounts and promotions while sharing images and videos of your goods and services.

Use social media to drive traffic to your website:

Encourage clients to visit your website to learn more about your goods or services by posting links on social media.

These pointers can help you use social media marketing to contact new clients, strengthen bonds with current ones, and increase revenue.

May 30, 20232 minutesAnkit KalathiyaAnkit Kalathiya
How should your app be updated for Android 13 given the changes to permissions?

The Android 13 version was just released. Because your audience will progressively switch to this new version, you as an app developer must support newer versions. Yes, it takes longer to adjust to new versions than it does for IOS, but you still need to do it.

Changes with the new version come in 3 categories:

  1. New Features and APIs.The overview of the new functionality and APIs can be found here. These modifications consist of brand-new APIs and functionality that were not present in earlier iterations. The Per-app language choices are the new feature that I loved the most. Users can now choose a language other than the system language for an app thanks to this functionality.

  2. Behaviour changes in all apps. The details about those adjustments are available here. No matter if your app targets API level 33 or not, these changes apply to all apps. You must test your app on Android 13 and make the necessary adjustments to make it suitable.

  3. Behavior changes Apps targeting Android 13 or higher. These changes can be found here. Only apps that target API level 33 or higher are impacted by these changes. You must make the necessary adjustments in order to work with Android 13.

In Android 13, there are some changes that are worth checking which could affect your app. These are mostly changes in permission behaviors.


Starting with Android 13, you will need to use NEARBY_DEVICES permission for some Wi-Fi-related use cases. Previously, ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission was used.

New Permissions for Media

Three new permission is introduced with Android 13: READ_MEDIA_IMAGES, READ_MEDIA_IMAGES, READ_MEDIA_VIDEO, and READ_MEDIA_AUDIO.Use one of these new permissions if you were reading files using READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE. All is well if an Android 13 user has already granted this permission. If not, the request for READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission will be disregarded. This indicates that for this section, your app needs to be modified.

In our program, we used READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to select images. For picture selection, we had to support READ_MEDIA_IMAGES. I'll now describe how you can accomplish this.

Firstly, you need to update compile and target api level to 33. Now you could access the new APIs :)

compile: 33,
target : 33

Secondly, you need to put READ_MEDIA_IMAGES permission to AndroidManifest file.

Lastly, you need to programatically ask for READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission for API level lower than 33 and ask for READ_MEDIA_IMAGES permission for API level equal or higher than 33.

private val readImagePermission = if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.TIRAMISU) Manifest.permission.READ_MEDIA_IMAGES else Manifest.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
if(ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, readImagePermission) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED){
    //permission granted
} else {
    //permission not granted

Thats it, now your app is supporting this new permission! Hope this tutorial helped you in migrating to the new permissions. Please provide a clap if you liked this post.

April 25, 20233 minutesVivek BeladiyaVivek Beladiya
How to write E-mail for Sales

An email is a powerful tool for sales professionals. It provides a direct and efficient way to reach potential customers and pitch your product or service. However, writing an effective sales email can be challenging. In this blog post, we'll provide tips and best practices for writing compelling sales emails that will help you close deals and increase revenue.

Start with a strong subject line

The subject line is the first thing your recipient will see, and it will determine whether they open or delete your email. Make sure your subject line is attention-grabbing and relevant to your recipient. Avoid using spammy or clickbait-like subject lines that can make your email look unprofessional or even dishonest.

Personalize your email

Personalization is the key to making your email stand out and connect with your recipient. Address them by their first name and use any relevant information you have about them or their company to tailor your message to their needs and interests.

Keep it short and sweet

People are busy and have limited attention spans, so make sure your email is concise and to the point. Focus on the key benefits of your product or service and how it can help your recipient. Avoid long introductions or irrelevant information that might distract or bore your recipient.

Use clear and compelling calls to action

Your email should have a clear call to action that tells your recipient what to do next. Whether it's scheduling a demo, signing up for a trial, or simply responding to your email, make sure your call to action is easy to understand and compelling enough to motivate your recipient to take action.

Proofread and test your email

Before you hit send, be sure to proofread your email for any typos or grammatical errors. You can also test your email by sending it to a colleague or friend to get their feedback. Make sure your email looks good on different devices and email clients and that all links and attachments work properly.

Follow and track your results

If you don't hear back from your recipient, don't give up. Follow up with polite and friendly reminders, and be sure to track your results to see which emails are working and which aren't. You can use tools like email tracking or analytics to measure your open and click-through rates and adjust your strategy accordingly.

In conclusion, writing an effective sales email requires careful planning, personalization, and attention to detail. By following these tips and best practices, you can increase your chances of closing deals and generating revenue for your business. Always remember to be polite, respectful, and focused on your recipient's needs and interests, and you'll be well on your way to sales success.

April 24, 20232 minutesAnkit KalathiyaAnkit Kalathiya
5 Proven Strategies for Boosting Your Sales Performance

As a sales professional, it's important to constantly strive for improvement in order to reach your goals and achieve success. Here are 5 proven strategies for boosting your sales performance:

Set specific, achievable goals

It's important to have clear and specific goals in place in order to stay motivated and focused. Make sure your goals are achievable and can be measured, such as a certain number of sales calls or meetings per week.

Utilize a sales process

Having a structured sales process can help you stay organized and increase your chances of closing deals. This could include identifying potential customers, setting appointments, presenting your product or service, and following up with prospects.

Build relationships

Building strong relationships with your customers is key to successful sales. Take the time to get to know your customers and understand their needs and concerns. This will help you tailor your sales pitch and show that you truly care about helping them.

Stay up-to-date

In order to stay competitive and relevant, it's important to continuously educate yourself on your industry and product or service offerings. This could include attending industry events, reading industry publications, and staying in touch with changes in your market.

Track and analyze your performance

Regularly tracking and analyzing your sales performance can help you identify strengths and weaknesses and make adjustments as needed. Use tools such as sales analytics software or a simple spreadsheet to track your progress and identify areas for improvement.

By implementing these strategies, you can boost your sales performance and increase your chances of success in the industry. Remember to stay focused, stay organized, and always strive for improvement in order to reach your goals.

February 21, 20231 minuteAnkit KalathiyaAnkit Kalathiya
Manual Testing Interview Questions – Every QA Should Read [Part - 2]

In today’s competitive world, testing is critical to the success of any software product. Manual tests are important in software development because they can be used in situations where automated testing isn’t possible. This Blog about Manual Testing Interview Questions will help you learn software testing.

With this thorough list of over 120 manual testing interview questions and answers, you’ll be ready for your software testing interviews. These manual testing interview questions are appropriate for both fresher and experienced candidates.

Let’s start by going through some of the most common Manual Testing Interview Questions.

16) What are the advantages of manual testing?

  • Manual testing is cheaper as compared to automation testing.
  • Point of view of an end-user, product analysis is possible only in manual testing.
  • Using manual testing you can also be done GUI testing accurately because using automation difficult to test visual accessibility and preferences.
  • Manual testing is used where the test script is not repeated and reused more times and mainly for short-term projects.
  • Manual testing is best at an early stage of development.

17) What are the drawbacks of manual testing?

  • Some types of testing are not possible to do manually like load testing, performance testing, etc.
  • Sometimes testing is more time-consuming than manual testing like regression testing.
  • Manual testing has a limited scope as compared to automation testing.
  • For long-term projects, manual testing is very expensive.

18) What’s the role of documentation in Manual Testing?

Documentation plays an important role in achieving good software testing. In the documentation, we are including details like project requirements and specifications, designs, basic business rules, inspection reports, configurations, test planning, test cases, bug reporting, user manual, etc.

Using test cases documentation will easy to estimate the testing efforts that will need to spend with test tracking and tracing requirements. Some of the applied documentation associated with software testing are listed below:

  • Test Plan
  • Test Scenario
  • Test Case
  • Traceability Matrix

19)What makes a good test engineer?

A software test engineer is any professional who ensures that the product meets all the expectations and requirements. A software test engineer creates a process for testing a particular product.

  • A good tester should easily understand the priority of the task and should have the ability to take the requirements of the customer.
  • A good test engineer should have the ability to assert his ideas to maintain a cooperative relationship with developers Tester has the ability to communicate which he can report a bug for negative things positively with developers as well as with customers and management people also.
  • Ability to take a risk whenever they need to make important decisions

20) What is the test harness?

A test harness is the cluster of software and test information. Into the test harness test a program unit by running it in a different environment like pressure, load, data-driven, and observing its behavior, reaction, and outcomes. Test Harness is mainly divided into two parts:

  • A Test Execution Engine
  • Test script repository

21) What is test closure?

Test closure is a document that has a summary of all test cases which is made during the software development life cycle. Test closure has also detail about the analysis and remove bugs and errors found. Test closure also contains a report of executed test cases, total no. of open bugs, total no. of rejected bugs.

22) Do you know, the difference between Positive and Negative Testing?

Positive Testing Negative Testing
Positive testing ensures that the application working as an expected result, if not then the test is fails Negative testing ensures that the application can handle the input or unwanted user behaviour.
In this testing, the tester tests the application with a valid set of data. In this testing, tester test the application with an invalid set of data and check their creativity and validation against invalid data.

23) Define what is a critical bug.

A critical bug is a bug that is the impacts a major functionality of the given application. This means affecting a large area of the functionality or breaking any functionality and there is no other method to overcome this problem. The application cannot be delivered to the end-user unless the critical bug is fixed.

24) What is the pesticide paradox? How to overcome it?

Based on the pesticide paradox, if the same tests are carried out again and again then the outcome of these test cases are the same, so for the same test cases tester is not able to find new bugs. Developers will be extra careful in those parts where the tester found more bugs and might not look into the other areas.

Below describe Methods to prevent pesticide paradox are following:

  • Write a whole new different set of test cases continually to exercise different parts of the software.
  • On daily basis review the existing test cases and add new test cases to them.

Using these above methods, it is possible that we can find more bugs in the segment where bug numbers are dropped.

25) What is Defect Cascading in Software Testing?

Defect Cascading is the action of triggering other defects in the application. During testing, while defects go unnoticed then other defects are invoked. As an outcome, a greater number of defects crop up in the later stage of development. If defect cascading continues then impact on other components of the application and determining the affected component becomes more difficult. You can make different test cases for resolving this issue but it is very difficult and time-consuming.

26) What is the term ‘quality’ mean when testing?

Quality software is defect-free, delivered on time and within budget, meets conditions and expectations, and is maintainable. Still ‘Quality’ is a personal term. Quality will depend on who the ‘customer’ is and their overall influence in the scheme of things. The accounting department might define quality in terms of earnings while an end-user might describe quality as user-supportive and defect-free.

27) What is black box testing, and what are the various techniques?

Black Box testing also known as specification-based testing, analyses the functionality of the software without knowing about the internal structure of the application. The goal of this testing is to check the whole workflow of the system is works correctly and meets user demands. Various black box testing techniques are listed below:

  • Equivalence Partitioning
  • Boundary Value Analysis
  • Decision Table Based Technique
  • Cause-effect Graphing
  • Use Case Testing

28) What is white box testing, and what are the various techniques?

White-box testing is also known as structure-based testing, for white box testing requires knowledge of the internal structure of the application. The purpose of this testing is to improve design and usability, check the flow of input/outputs, enhance security. Below are the various kind of white box testing techniques:

  • Statement Coverage
  • Decision Coverage
  • Condition Coverage
  • Multiple Condition Coverage

29) What are the Experience-based testing techniques?

Experienced-based testing is all about finding, research, and learning. The tester continuously studies and analyses the product and accordingly applies his skills, trick, and experience to develop test strategies and test cases to perform necessary testing. Various experience-based testing techniques are:

  • Exploratory testing
  • Error Guessing

30) What is a top-down and bottom-up approach to testing?

Top-Down – Testing occurs from top to bottom. This is, high-level modules are tested first and after that low-level modules. Lastly, the low-level modules are integrated into a high-level state to guarantee the framework is working as it is expected to.

Bottom-Up – Testing occurs from base levels to high-up levels. The lowest level modules are tested first and thereafter high-level state modules. Lastly, the high-level state modules are corresponded to a low level to guarantee the framework is filling in as it has been proposed to.

February 03, 20236 minutesVirendra HarkhaniVirendra Harkhani
Manual Testing Interview Questions – Every QA Should Read

In today’s competitive world, testing is critical to the success of any software product. Manual tests are important in software development because they can be used in situations where automated testing isn’t possible. This Blog about Manual Testing Interview Questions will help you learn software testing.

With this thorough list of over 120 manual testing interview questions and answers, you’ll be ready for your software testing interviews. These manual testing interview questions are appropriate for both fresher and experienced candidates.

Let’s start by going through some of the most common Manual Testing Interview Questions.

120+ Manual Testing Interview Questions:

Below are the 120+ manual testing interview questions and answers:

1) What is Software Testing?

Software testing is a process to test whether the actual product is matched with an expected requirement or not and if getting an issue then it could be resolved before the released product to the market and at last ensure that product is bug-free.

2) What is manual testing?

Manual testing is a type of testing that involves the validation of the requirements of the application by executing a predefined set of test cases manually without the use of any automation tool.

3) Why is Software Testing Required?

Software testing is a process that verifies the product is secure and good enough to be released to the market. The reason for software testing is to find defects, errors, and unmatched or missing requirements compared to the actual requirement.

  • It points out the bug and error which is made during the development.
  • If identify issues at the starting stage of development, then we can reduce the coding cycles.
  • Ensure that product is defect-free, and the product meets the market standard.
  • Make sure that the application doesn’t result in any failures.

4) What are the two main categories of software testing?

Software testing is a vast domain, but it can be categorized into two types, such as:

  • Manual Testing– Manual testing is the oldest type of software testing where the tester executes all test cases without using any tools, mean-tested whole application manually by QA testers.
  • Automation Testing– Automation Testing is the process of executing repeating predefined test cases using an automation testing tool. The main focus of automation testing is replacing manual activity with automated test cases

5) Do you know the difference between quality control and quality assurance?

Quality Control Quality Assurance
Quality Control is a product-based approach of running a program to define if the application has any defect, as well as make sure software fulfils all the requirements. Quality assurance is a process-oriented approach that focuses on making sure that the methods, techniques used to make quality deliverables are applied correctly.
QA means planning for doing any testing process. QC means doing action for executing the planned process.
QA does not involve executing the test cases. QC is always involved in executing the test cases.
QA is the technique of handling the quality of the application. QC is a method to verify the quality of software

6) What is quality control? Is it similar to Quality Assurance?

Quality control is a product-based strategy of running a program to define if it has any defect, as well as create sure software fulfils all requirements with end-user.

So, Quality control is not similar to Quality assurance, Quality assurance is a process-oriented approach. It is focused only on process, methods, and techniques which is used to create quality deliverables that are applied correctly.

7) What different types of manual testing are there?

Manual testing is divided into different types, which are listed below:

  • Acceptance Testing
  • System Testing
  • Black Box Testing
  • White Box Testing
  • Unit Testing
  • Integration Testing

8) Explain the difference between alpha testing and beta testing.

Alpha and beta both testing types are types of user acceptance testing. Find the brief description of alpha vs beta testing here.

  • Alpha Testing – Alpha testing is a process that is performed before realizing the product to identify a bug.
  • Beta Testing – Beta testing is a process that is performed by the end-user after realizing the product.

9) What are the different levels of manual testing?

We have different 4 levels of manual testing, which is described below:

  • Unit testing – Unit testing is testing where we test separate units or the smallest pieces of source code. The goal of unit testing is to separate all parts and show that all parts are worked without any defect.
  • Integration Testing – It is a type of testing where individual units are combined and tested there is no bug after integrating the separate units.
  • System Testing – System testing is defined as the testing of the whole integrated product. System testing is black-box testing, and it is performed in the form of a functional requirement specification.
  • User Acceptance Testing – User acceptance testing is a final level of testing, UAT is performed by the end-user or client. In UAT testing verify that software or product is ready to be released or not into the real world.

10) What is a test in manual testing?

The tested environment is used for application testing; we can test hardware as well as software programs also. The test consists of hardware, network configuration, software, and other related software.

11) Explain the procedure for manual testing.

In The manual testing process, follow the below steps:

  • Project Planning and Control
  • Project Design
  • Test case Execution
  • Evaluating exit criteria and Reporting
  • Test Closure activities

12) What is the test case?

One type of document that has a set of conditions that is performed on the particular application in order to verify the expected result of the feature is called a test case.

Test case documents include test steps, preconditions, postconditions, test data, and verification requirements.

13) What is API testing?

Perform software testing API directly from their functionality, reliability, security, and performance in API testing.

The application has three separate layers:

  • First is the Presentation Layer or user interface.
  • The second layer is Business Layer or application user interface for business logic processing.
  • The third and last layer is Database Layer for

14) Do you know the difference between verification and validation in testing?

Verification testing is done without executing the code. Verification is a static technique. Verification is coming before validation. Verification is the process where to verify the quality of the product. Verification is to reduce the chances of failure in the product.

Validation testing is including the execution of the code. Validation is dynamic testing. Validation comes after Verification. Validation is the process in which the actual requirements of the customer match with the software functionality. Validation is done after completing the development process.

15) Do you know the difference between a bug and a defect?

The tester finds fault in the software during testing it is called a bug and when a product goes to live that time developer detects the difference between the actual result and the expected result is called a defect.

January 17, 20236 minutesVirendra HarkhaniVirendra Harkhani