Learnings Posts

How to create APK and Bundle in android java

While developing apps in Android Studio, developers can create an APK file and share it with other developers or to QA people for testing purposes.

APK can be created with two types:

  1. Debug APK
  2. Release APK
  • Debug APK is very fast in building and Release APK is a little bit slow.

How to create a Release APK File:

  • Flowing below all steps
  • Open android studio
  • Click Build on the toolbar
  • Click Generate Signed Bundle/APK.
  • Select APK
  • Click the Next button
  • After clicking the next button, you will see the following dialog.
  • Click the "Create new..." button, highlighted in the following image by a red circle if you are creating an APK for the first time. Otherwise, you can choose from existing.
  • It will open one another dialog box
  • Key store path in select save location .jks file
  • Fill in all the information
  • Set a valid name for the key alias
  • Set 100 as validity years
  • Fill Certificate Information
  • Click OK
  • After you click on it, select "release" from the dialog box
  • Select "V1 (Jar Signature)" & "V2 (Full APK Signature)" checkboxes
  • Click Finish
  • It will start the process of building your APK

How to create a debug .apk file

  • Click Build and select Build Bundles(s)/APK(s)
  • Select "Build APK(s)" from the dialog box
  • It will start the process of building your debug APK file creating
November 25, 20201 minutePankaj ValaniPankaj Valani
How to implement Google Analytics into Gatsby Site

We have recently developed a site into the gatsby. We want to add Google Analytics to the website.

So, this is the way we implemented Google Analytics in the Gatsby site.

Use Gatsby Google GTag Plugin

Gatsby has a plugin gatsby-plugin-google-gtag that be used to easily add Google Global Site Tag to your Gatsby site.

Install the package by running the following command:

npm i gatsby-plugin-google-gtag --save


Once the installation is complete, you can now add this plugin to your gatsby-config.js:

Configure trackingIds and other options. Add this into the plugins array. Like,

module.exports = {
  // ...
  plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-plugin-google-gtag`,
      options: {
              // You can add multiple tracking ids and a pageview event will be fired for all of them.
              trackingIds: [
                "GA-TRACKING_ID", // Google Analytics / GA
                "AW-CONVERSION_ID", // Google Ads / Adwords / AW
                "DC-FLOODIGHT_ID", // Marketing Platform advertising products (Display & Video 360, Search Ads 360, and Campaign Manager)
              // This object gets passed directly to the gtag config command
              // This config will be shared across all trackingIds
              gtagConfig: {
                optimize_id: "OPT_CONTAINER_ID",
                anonymize_ip: true,
                cookie_expires: 0,
              // This object is used for configuration specific to this plugin
              pluginConfig: {
                // Puts tracking script in the head instead of the body
                head: false,
                // Setting this parameter is also optional
                respectDNT: true,
                // Avoids sending pageview hits from custom paths
                exclude: ["/preview/**", "/do-not-track/me/too/"],

This plugin automatically sends a “pageview” event to all products given as “trackingIds'' on every Gatsby's route change.

If you want to call a custom event you have access to window.gtag where you can call an event for all products.

Check out this code.

typeof window !== "undefined" && window.gtag("event", "click", { ...data })

NOTE: This plugin only works in production mode! To test your Global Site Tag is installed and

You need to run the following command for firing events correctly.

gatsby build && gatsby serve

If you need to exclude any path from the tracking system, you can add one or more to this optional array.

November 22, 20202 minutesShailesh LadumorShailesh Ladumor
How to integrate Zoom Meeting APIs with Laravel

Zoom Marketplace is providing APIs to create zoom meetings directly using the web interface and calling its API. So first of all you need to create your zoom ap into zoom marketplace and need to generate the API Keys and credentials.

Create a Zoom Application

  1. Go to Zoom marketplace and do sign in
  2. Click the Develop button on the header and select Build App menu.
  3. Choose the JWT and create an application with the app name that you want.
  4. Input required information and click Continue until your app will be activated.

I hope you already have installed fresh laravel.Now you have to add the following packages to your composer.json to integrate the zoom API.

composer require firebase/php-jwt
composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle

And Now run composer update

And don't forget that we also need to modify .env files to set the zoom API credentials.


can find the zoom credentials from your zoom app.

Now just copy the given ZoomMeetingTrait to your controller and call-related methods.

namespace App\Traits;

use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use Log;

 * trait ZoomMeetingTrait
trait ZoomMeetingTrait
    public $client;
    public $jwt;
    public $headers;

    public function __construct()
        $this->client = new Client();
        $this->jwt = $this->generateZoomToken();
        $this->headers = [
            'Authorization' => 'Bearer '.$this->jwt,
            'Content-Type'  => 'application/json',
            'Accept'        => 'application/json',
    public function generateZoomToken()
        $key = env('ZOOM_API_KEY', '');
        $secret = env('ZOOM_API_SECRET', '');
        $payload = [
            'iss' => $key,
            'exp' => strtotime('+1 minute'),

        return \Firebase\JWT\JWT::encode($payload, $secret, 'HS256');

    private function retrieveZoomUrl()
        return env('ZOOM_API_URL', '');

    public function toZoomTimeFormat(string $dateTime)
        try {
            $date = new \DateTime($dateTime);

            return $date->format('Y-m-d\TH:i:s');
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            Log::error('ZoomJWT->toZoomTimeFormat : '.$e->getMessage());

            return '';

    public function create($data)
        $path = 'users/me/meetings';
        $url = $this->retrieveZoomUrl();

        $body = [
            'headers' => $this->headers,
            'body'    => json_encode([
                'topic'      => $data['topic'],
                'type'       => self::MEETING_TYPE_SCHEDULE,
                'start_time' => $this->toZoomTimeFormat($data['start_time']),
                'duration'   => $data['duration'],
                'agenda'     => (! empty($data['agenda'])) ? $data['agenda'] : null,
                'timezone'     => 'Asia/Kolkata',
                'settings'   => [
                    'host_video'        => ($data['host_video'] == "1") ? true : false,
                    'participant_video' => ($data['participant_video'] == "1") ? true : false,
                    'waiting_room'      => true,

        $response =  $this->client->post($url.$path, $body);

        return [
            'success' => $response->getStatusCode() === 201,
            'data'    => json_decode($response->getBody(), true),

    public function update($id, $data)
        $path = 'meetings/'.$id;
        $url = $this->retrieveZoomUrl();

        $body = [
            'headers' => $this->headers,
            'body'    => json_encode([
                'topic'      => $data['topic'],
                'type'       => self::MEETING_TYPE_SCHEDULE,
                'start_time' => $this->toZoomTimeFormat($data['start_time']),
                'duration'   => $data['duration'],
                'agenda'     => (! empty($data['agenda'])) ? $data['agenda'] : null,
                'timezone'     => 'Asia/Kolkata',
                'settings'   => [
                    'host_video'        => ($data['host_video'] == "1") ? true : false,
                    'participant_video' => ($data['participant_video'] == "1") ? true : false,
                    'waiting_room'      => true,
        $response =  $this->client->patch($url.$path, $body);

        return [
            'success' => $response->getStatusCode() === 204,
            'data'    => json_decode($response->getBody(), true),

    public function get($id)
        $path = 'meetings/'.$id;
        $url = $this->retrieveZoomUrl();
        $this->jwt = $this->generateZoomToken();
        $body = [
            'headers' => $this->headers,
            'body'    => json_encode([]),

        $response =  $this->client->get($url.$path, $body);

        return [
            'success' => $response->getStatusCode() === 204,
            'data'    => json_decode($response->getBody(), true),

     * @param string $id
     * @return bool[]
    public function delete($id)
        $path = 'meetings/'.$id;
        $url = $this->retrieveZoomUrl();
        $body = [
            'headers' => $this->headers,
            'body'    => json_encode([]),

        $response =  $this->client->delete($url.$path, $body);

        return [
            'success' => $response->getStatusCode() === 204,

And add the following constants to your controller.


So the final controller will look like,

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Models\ZoomMeeting;
use App\Traits\ZoomMeetingTrait;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class MeetingController extends AppBaseController
    use ZoomMeetingTrait;


    public function show($id)
        $meeting = $this->get($id);

        return view('meetings.index', compact('meeting'));

    public function store(Request $request)

        return redirect()->route('meetings.index');

    public function update($meeting, Request $request)
        $this->update($meeting->zoom_meeting_id, $request->all());

        return redirect()->route('meetings.index');

    public function destroy(ZoomMeeting $meeting)

        return $this->sendSuccess('Meeting deleted successfully.');

So this is all you need to integrate the zoom API, so easy 😊 Right. Enjoy the code.

November 11, 20201 minuteVishal RibdiyaVishal Ribdiya
How to increase profit in our business - 1


How to maximize profits is on the minds of most business owners. There are only two ways to do this: increase prices or reduce costs. You cannot simply say that you are going to increase the profit of your business without a specific strategy. All you can do to increase profits is to improve the variables that ultimately determine your profitability. Consider the following strategies to make more money for you and your business in 2021.

1. Improve your website

People are using your website to research your company before doing business with you. Can you improve their experience and build their trust so they can use your product or service? There are four things you should clearly do on your website:
  • Explain who you are and what you sell
  • Entice a potential customer to buy
  • Make it easy to buy a product or service
  • There is a way to easily contact sales or customer support with questions

2. Invest in your business

At first glance, you would hesitate to put more money into your business. Especially when you’re trying to figure out how to make more money, not less. Often, especially in times of turmoil where new opportunities arise, the best decision is a short-term price for long-term payments.

3. Increase your advertising

You will not hesitate to spend money on advertising. Maybe you’ve been burned by a marketer in the past who promised results and didn’t get results. Or you tried advertising yourself, such as Facebook ads, and you don't think it works.

4. Raising prices

Both of these strategies are a thoughtful and unpleasant option in today’s economic environment. Still, sometimes, to stay in business, you need to raise prices. To determine the price, consider:
  • How much does it cost you to make a product
  • How much does it cost to deliver
  • Costs for running a business - including administration and employee salaries
  • Competitive price
  • The last time you raised a price
After reviewing this data, determine a possible reasonable price increase. Include any pricing data in your business plan so that if you choose to review it later, you can.
Next, deliver this increase to customers. Explain why you came to this decision. If there’s any way to add value to a product without cutting a profit, do it and let customers know they’re getting more.

5. Follow the 80/20 rule

The 80/20 rule is to focus your most important efforts on your most valued customers. The idea is that 20% of your customers usually bring in 80% of your revenue; These are the people you want to focus on.
On the flip side, 20% of your customers frequently present 80% of your problems. Identify those problem-customers and fire them to free up your time on more positive business activities.

6. Cut costs

One way to think about reducing costs is to consider the profit leverage effect (PLE). P.L.E. The idea is that every dollar saved in the production of goods or delivery of services adds a dollar profit to your bottom line without selling too much.
Check your current processes to reduce costs:
  • Are there areas where you can improve efficiency?
  • Negotiate cheap products or services?
  • Will adopting new software or renting a service save you money in the long run?
We will see more points in our next tutorial.
November 08, 20203 minutesAnkit KalathiyaAnkit Kalathiya
How to explain the tricks to close your next deal


Persuasion is a method of communication aimed at influencing the attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors of others. In terms of sales, understanding usually occurs when a sales representative tries to convince a prospect that their product or service is the best solution to their problem.
Let's review the persuasion strategy you can implement today to close your next deal.

1. Personalize your message

If you want to explain the possibility of considering your product, resist the request to follow the general sales script. When you make excessive rehearsal noise or don’t share messages or information that seems to suit your prospect, your efforts go to one ear and go to the other.
This doesn't mean you need to fully wing your sales calls, it does mean you need to be prepared to adjust your message based on what interests you in the potential.

2. Focus on problem-solving

Instead of telling the prospect all the reasons why they should buy your product (which may feel pressure and emotion), focus on sharing all the reasons why your product can help them solve their problem. By focusing on their concerns and locating your offer as a solution, you are showing the value of your product without excessive pressure.

3. Give social proof

Letting your past customers sell to you - knowing when to take advantage of social proof can be a powerful persuasive trick.
While buyers may take your point as a sales representative with a grain of salt because they know you want to sell, they are more likely to trust a testimonial or story from a previous customer who was looking for a similar solution.

4. Assume goals

Picture: You feel ready to call your sales call. You think you have a solid understanding of who the prospects are and what they are looking for. Your notes have been typed and you are ready to close the deal.
Then during a call, potentially throws out several turns, asking you questions and mentioning objections that you weren’t prepared to account for - the dream of every sales rip. But don't go too far. This is a valuable learning experience.

5. Empower empowerment decision making

After all, you want your customers to buy from you because they really want to, not because they feel pressured. And let’s be realistic - including your prospects, don’t like to tell anyone what to do, so you’ll avoid being too direct in your approach. As a sales representative, it is your job to provide the context and information that makes your product a thought-provoking product.

6. Make personal connections

It's a basic rule of human interaction - we're all ready to trust and engage with people we really love on a deeper level. While buyers can choose your product or brand as a sales representative, you are the main source of human engagement representing your company.

7. Don’t rush into the process

Last but not least, don't rush your prospect through the sales process. We get it - you have goals on a regular basis. However, effective persuasion should seem natural to the prospect. They do not feel pressured or rushed to sign the dotted line. This doesn’t mean you can’t implement a sense of urgency or be on time - in fact making a little sense of urgency (such as paying a special price for a limited time) can be an effective trick.
October 16, 20203 minutesAnkit KalathiyaAnkit Kalathiya
How To Grow Your Business - 2

Here is part one of How To Grow Your Business - 1


You can only develop products and services that are very effective if you pay attention to the needs of your customers and prospects. One way to understand exactly what your customers want is through research and surveys.

8. Create a sales funnel

The first way to grow your business faster is by creating a sales funnel. If you do not have a sales funnel, you are making a big mistake. Sales funnels can help automate your business.

It helps you grow and grow quickly and easily. Sure, there are some front-end functions involved. Is natural. But, once those processes are suspended, they will travel easily from there.

9. Use a customer management system

Manually tracking transactions is difficult. No one wants to do that. It becomes a burden as the business grows. If you want to scale quickly, use a customer management system.

10. Competition research

When going to the market, and you are really looking to get your offer out to the public, you need to research the competition. Frasier says he uses two platforms to do his own research. The first is the same web.

11. Create a customer loyalty program

Loyalty programs are the best way to increase sales. It costs three times more to acquire new customers than to sell something to an existing customer.

Other resources pin this number anywhere from four to 10 times more. However, whichever way you cut it, getting new customers is expensive.

12. Identify new opportunities

Analyze new opportunities in your business by better understanding your demographics. Understand everything from distribution channels to your direct competitors, and also analyze overseas markets and other potential industries.

With the right amount of potential analysis, you are likely to immediately pursue dozens of new opportunities.

13. Create an email list

One of the best and most effective ways to grow a business quickly is to create an email list. Clearly, that means you need to have a lead magnet.

14. Think of the franchise model.

If you have a successful business, and you are trying to grow really fast, consider franchising it. Although franchise costs are high and moving towards a franchise model is complex and it takes a lot in marketing, how can it all make a difference if you are looking for really fast growth.

September 15, 20202 minutesAnkit KalathiyaAnkit Kalathiya
Employee Morale: Play significant role in Business Development

After doing all the right things to boost productivity and still employees' productivity plunging or not increasing, we need to look at the Employee Morale. Employee Morale is a decisive factor in an Organisation whether it is the Service sector or Manufacturing unit. It is one of the cornerstones of the business, only a few organizations pay attention to morale among employees in their organization and this is the major mistake from their side as it affects productivity which ultimately reflects in Organizational Growth & Productivity.

Let’s Discuss:

  • What’s Employee Morale?
  • Characteristics of Employee Morale.
  • Relation between Morale & Productivity.

What is Employee Morale?

In simple terms employee morale is the standard of behavior of an employee which directly affects the productivity of the organization but it is a complex concept as there are ample factors that affect employee morale.


Edwin Flippo: “ Morale is a mental condition or attitude of individual and groups which determines their willingness to cooperate”


  • Psychological concept
  • Dynamic Nature
  • Group phenomenon
  • Reflect others

Psychological Concept:

Morale is a psychological phenomenon, it is the internal feeling of confidence, attitude, Zest, enthusiasm, satisfaction, etc. Moreover, it is the state of mind and emotions affecting the attitude and willingness to work that affect individual and organizational objectives.

Dynamic Nature:

Morale is Dynamic in nature; we cannot develop it overnight. Management has to make continuous efforts to build and maintain high morale among employees in the organization. It is a long-term concept.

Group Phenomenon:

Morale is not an individual phenomenon but it's the sum of the total employee’s attitude, feelings, and sentiments.

Reflect others:

We cannot measure morale directly but it is reflected in productivity, discipline, turnover, etc. To measure morale we need to look at other factors.

Relations between Morale and Productivity:

Davis Designed that there is not always a positive link between Productivity and Employee morale. There can be four combinations of Morale and Productivity


1. High morale-High productivity

This situation is likely to occur when the employees are fully motivated to achieve high performance not only this but satisfied with all financial & nonfinancial rewards & highly satisfied with their job role. Feeling proud to be part of the organization/team.

2. High morale-low productivity

This situation occurs when the employees waste their time in the workplace or use the time to satisfy their personal goals. They don't care about organizational goals. There are many factors responsible for this kind of Employee Attitude in the workplace such as

  1. Lack of proper training,
  2. Lack of support by co-workers or leaders,
  3. Leaders/Superior behavior with him,
  4. Irresponsible Management (If we talk about It or another small service sector Irresponsible HR )
  5. Ineffective Supervision
  6. Restrictive norms of the informal group
  7. Outdated Technology & Methods

3.Low morale-High productivity

In a short period, it may be possible that with low morale Employee's productivity seems high but it is for a temporary or short span of time. Low Morale can not result in high productivity for a long time. this situation occurs when

  1. Fear of losing a job,
  2. Less availability of alternatives
  3. Strict Supervision, Rules & Regulations
  4. Punishment
  5. Policies and strategies focus on high productivity only.

4. Low morale-Low productivity

This situation occurs when the organizational & individual goals are not satisfied & other factors like

  1. Lack of motivation
  2. Unclear Job role
  3. Lack of harmonious Superior-Subordinate relationship

These all factors result in frustration, tension and grievances develop against managers which reflect low productivity. To pen down, morale is the paramount factor that gives a direct impact on productivity, Productivity impact on profitability, profitability impact on organizational growth. If the Morale is high then it will be possible to gain more fruits in the future but if it's low then it's Red Signal for any organization even the productivity is high but it will be for a short period of time only

I am not going to end the topic of Morale but will continue in the next blog with

  1. Factor determining morale
  2. Significance of high morale
  3. Impact of low morale
  4. Measurement of morale

To know about these please read my upcoming blogs of Human Resource…..

August 25, 20203 minutesMariyam BematMariyam Bemat
Software Testing Technology

Software testing is a process of checking and validating the functionality of an application to determine if it meets specified requirements. It is about finding application faults and verifying where the application is operating according to the end-user needs.

Important Software Testing Techniques:-

  • Boundary Value Analysis (BVA)
  • Equivalence Class Partitioning
  • Decision Table based testing.
  • State Transition
  • Error Guessing
  • Boundary Value Analysis (BVA)
  1. The marginal cost assessment is based entirely on trying the boundaries between partitions. It includes maximum, minimum, internal, or external barriers, typical values, and error values. It is generally seen that numerous errors occur at the obstacles of the defined input values as opposed to the center.

  2. It is also known as BVA and offers a selection of test entities that train limit values. This black container test method improves equivalence partitioning. This software program trying one approach is based on the principle that if a machine works well for these exact values, it will paint error-free for all values that are between the two limits.

Let's see one example:

Input condition is valid between 1 and 10 Boundary values 0,1,2 and 9,10,11

Equivalence Class Partitioning

The equal class phase lets you divide a hard and fast check state into separate sections which are taken into consideration identical. The equal class division software program test technique breaks the input area of a program into a class of information, so a test case has to be designed.

Let’s see one example:

Input conditions are valid between

1 to 10 and 20 to 30

Hence, there are five equivalence classes

--- to 0 (invalid)

1 to 10 (valid)

11 to 19 (invalid)

20 to 30 (valid)

31 to --- (invalid)

You select values from each class, i.e.,

-2, 3, 15, 25, 45

Decision Table Based Testing

The decision table is known as the cause and effect table. This testing technique is suitable for input features that have a logical relationship between inputs. In this technique, combinations of inputs are processed. In order to identify the test case with the decision table, it is necessary to consider the terms, actions, and procedures. Conditions are taken as input and actions as output.

Testing Using The Decision Table In The Login Form




CASE 1: Email And Password Wrong: Error Message Displayed.

CASE 2: Email True And Password Wrong, Error Message Displayed.

CASE 3: Email Wrong And Password True, Error Message Displayed.

CASE 4: Email And Password True, Redirect to Home screen

State Transition Testing Technique

In-State Transition technique changes in input conditions change the state of the Application Under Test (AUT). This testing technique allows the tester to test the behavior of an AUT. The tester can perform this action by entering various input conditions in a sequence. In-State transition technique, the testing team provides positive as well as negative input test values for evaluating the system behavior.

Presently We Make A Diagram For Forgot Password/OTP Proces



  1. First Enter the Right Number In This Text Box and Click RESET PASSWORD Button. One OTP Comes On Mobile Number.
  2. To reset the secret word you should experience the "OTP'' framework. The first run-through the client enters is "OTP '', they will be permitted to go to the secret phrase change page.
  3. In the event that the client enters mistaken "OTP '' unexpectedly and second, the framework will request the third time "OTP'' is entered.
  4. In the event that "OTP'' is valid, it will be permitted to go to the secret phrase change page, in any case, if the OTP is off base the third time, an Error Message Displayed Like "Your OTP has expired!!".

State Transition Table


| [B1] Start | B5 | B2

| [B2] First attempt | B5 | B3

| [B3] Second attempt | B5 | B4

| [B4] third attempt | B5 | B4

| [B5] Access granted | - | -

| [B6] Account blocked | - | -

Error Guessing Technique

Error guessing is a software testing technique based on guessing the error that can appear in the code. The technique relies heavily on experience, with the test analysts using their experience to guess the problematic part of the test application. Therefore, test analysts need to be competent and experienced in order to better guess errors. The technique counts a list of possible errors or error-prone situations. Then the tester writes a test case to uncover these errors. To design test cases based on this software testing technique, the analyst can use the experience to identify the conditions.

This technique can be used at any level of testing and for testing the common mistakes like:

  • Divide by zero
  • Inserting blanks in text fields
  • Pressing the enter button without entering values
  • Uploading files that exceed the maximum limits
  • Exception null pointer.
  • Invalid parameters

Let’s see one example:

Suppose there is a requirement that the phone number be numeric and not less than 10 characters. And the software application has a phone number.

The following are the error estimation techniques:

  1. What will be the result if the cellphone number is left blank?
  2. What is the result if a character other than a digit is entered?
  3. What is the result if fewer than 10 digits are entered?
August 22, 20204 minutesBhumi KhimaniBhumi Khimani